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Cigar City Or Black Ale

Brewer: Cigar City Brewing (Monster Beverage Corp)
Style: IPA - Black / Brown / Cascadian Dark
Alcohol Content: 11.2%
Seasonal: No

High gravity black ale brewed with Ty Ty honey, copious amounts of hops and aged on toasted Spanish Cedar. Part 2 of a 4 beer collaboration between Cigar City, Hill Farmstead, and Grassroots. A note from Joey Redner: "The beers are basically black IPA’s brewed with lots of Citra, Mt. Rainier and Simcoe along with Ty Ty honey from North Florida aged on medium toast Spanish Cedar. There are different hop additions in the Hill Farmstead/Grassroots version (Or) and the 2-row base malt in the CCB version (Either) is replaced with Pilsner malt in the Vermont/Denmark version (Or). There are also some process differences which is one of the purposes of a collaboration; allowing breweries to learn from each other. The goal was to make two beers that were alike, but slightly different due to preferences in regional approach and access to ingredients. The four beers in this collaborative series will be named: Either, Or, Neither and Nor. Either and Or will release first and the other two will follow. Both Either and Or were brewed at CCB, but Neither and Nor will be brewed as single batches in both Vermont and Denmark.

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