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Samuel Adams Octoberfest

Brewer: Boston Beer Company
Style: Märzen / Oktoberfest Bier
Alcohol Content: 5.3%
Seasonal: Autumn

The first thing you notice when pouring a glass of this seasonal beer is the color. Samuel Adams® Octoberfest has a rich, deep golden amber hue which itself is reflective of the season. Samuel Adams® Octoberfest is a malt lover’s dream, masterfully blending together four roasts of barley to create a delicious harmony of sweet flavors including caramel and toffee. The beer is kept from being overly sweet by the elegant bitterness imparted by the German Noble hops. Samuel Adams® Octoberfest provides a wonderful transition from the lighter beers of summer to the winter’s heartier brews.
Beer vintage abv varies from 5.0% to 5.5%

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