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Tieton Yakima Valley Dry-Hopped Cider

Brewer: Tieton Cider Works
Style: Apple Cider - Hopped / Malted / Graf
Alcohol Content: 6.9%
Seasonal: No

Nestled at tbe base of the Cascade mountain range is one of the most fertile and productive growing regions in the world -- the Yakima Valley. This valley grows fifty percent of the apples in the United States and seventy percent of the hops. Tieton Cider Works Yakima Valley Dry-Hopped Cider is a tribute to the part of the world that we call home. Our fresh pressed juice comes from apples grown in the Pacific Northwest. We created a unique method of dry-hopping that juice with our custom blend of three hops. Pair this cider with chilis and salsa, sweet or spicy flavors inspired from all parts of the globe, or simply a ripe Brie.

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