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Confluence Eastside Attitude

Brewer: Confluence Brewing Company
Style: Amber Lager - International / Vienna
Alcohol Content: 5.9%
Seasonal: Winter

The east side of Des Moines is a community within a community. Historically an area of blue-collar workers who developed a strong sense of community, “east side pride” has long been part of the metro Des Moines lexicon. Eastsiders are also famous to be among the first to offer friends and neighbors a hand in time of need. We’ve brought this east side attitude to a distinctive beer that features three base malts — including Munich and six specialty/caramel malts for a robust malty flavor. Then we added some German hops for balance and a little subtle extra east side attitude (spiciness). Like its namesake, East Side Attitude is hard-working, unpretentious, neighborly and always eager to add spice to a celebration among friends.

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