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Siboire / Les Coureurs des Boires Mon Oasis

Brewer: Microbrasserie Siboire
Style: Belgian Ale - Pale / Golden / Single
Alcohol Content: 5.8%
Seasonal: Special

This beer was inspired by the concepts evoked in Saveurs Gastronomiques de la Bière, a two-book boxset written by Martin Thibault and David Lévesque Gendron. It is, like all the beers brewed for this book, not brewed to any specific style, only aiming at specific flavor profiles. This beer was an exploration of the geraniol (floral) molecule in certain hops as well as an attempt to have the driest 100% malt beer possible (90% attenuation was reached). Dominant flavors: Flowers, greenness, citrusy fruitiness, grapes. Main ingredients: Pils malts, Bravo hops, Belgian yeast.

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