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Illawarra Jerome O.G.

Brewer: Illawarra Brewing Company
Style: Sour / Wild Beer
Alcohol Content: 6.5%
Seasonal: Special

You know that feeling when there’s something different about someone but you just can’t quite place it? They’re still familiar, but somehow altogether different. Maybe they’ve just had a haircut or shaved their beard. Or maybe they’ve had a life-changing experience, like being locked up inside a dark place for the past six months. Well, the last of these is exactly the fate that befell Jerome. It all harks back to the 2013 GABS festival when the Illawarra Brewing boys released their oak-aged Shiraz barrel saison, French Kiss. This beer, Jerome, was an original experimental trial batch for that beer. Having since been tortured – sorry, inoculated – with a lambic culture, it’s been sitting, waiting, brooding in one of those old Shiraz barrels for more than half a year. And now it’s been released, in all its mutant Lambic Saison glory. Dark, malty, dry, tart, funky and fascinating, Jerome is just the sort of wild companion you’d want on these warm summer days.

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