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Columbus Brewing Ales For ALS

Brewer: Columbus Brewing Company
Style: IPA
Alcohol Content: 7.5%
Seasonal: Special

Columbus Brewing Co is one of a select number of breweries in the US invited to participate in Ales for ALS campaign. These beers all feature a unique and propietary hop blend from Loftus Ranches and Hopunion featuring Citra, Mosaic, Equinox, plus experimental varieties HBC291, HBC336, and HBC344. A portion of the sales will be donated to ALS TDI, the world’s leader in ALS research. Ales for ALS is an IPA clocking in at 7.5% ABV and 85 IBU. Its flavor and aroma are explosive, featuring notes of fresh tropical fruit (mango, papaya), pine, and citrus (tangerine, lemon?). While the flavor and aroma profile bears a striking resemblance to another famous IPA from Columbus Brewing Co, we can promise this is a unique blend of hops only being used by 69 breweries in 22 states….all for a great cause.

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