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Uinta Cutthroat Pale Ale

Brewer: Uinta Brewing Company (US Beverage (USB))
Style: Pale Ale - American (APA)
Alcohol Content: 4%
Seasonal: No

The Cutthroat Trout is the state fish of Utah and believed to be named after Cutthroat Pale Ale, Utah’s most popular craft brewed beer. (Ok, it is the other way around.) Uinta’s flagship beer, Cutthroat Pale Ale is a traditional Northwest American Style Pale Ale. The Cutthroat trout is a species of freshwater fish native to western North America, and more specifically to the Great Basin and Rocky Mountain regions. The Bonneville Cutthroat trout is a subspecies, native to Utah and named after Lake Bonneville, a prehistoric pluvial lake that covered much of present day Utah. The Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake are two remnants of Lake Bonneville. Today, Cutthroat trout is the game fish of the west and Cutthroat Pale Ale the catch of the day!

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