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Brooklyn Smoked Porter

Brewer: Brooklyn Brewery
Style: Porter - Smoked
Alcohol Content: 5.5%
Seasonal: No

Brooklyn Smoked Porter was inspired by the famous smoked beers of Bamberg, Germany. Up into the 1750’s many beers had smoky flavors because the malts were dried over wood fires. As smokeless indirect malt drying became standard, the smoke flavors disappeared from most beers, but in Bamberg the tradition has continued until this day. Brooklyn Smoked Porter is brewed from imported smoked malt from Bamberg, cured over beechwood fires. The campfire flavors enhance the chocolate and coffee flavors from the other dark malts, creating a complex earthy flavor that has been largely lost for more than 200 years. It’s a great accompaniment to meat dishes, especially steaks, pork chops and barbecue.

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