Lutherstadt Wittenberg Beer Guide: Your Lutherstadt Wittenberg guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

Latest reviews from Lutherstadt Wittenberg

70 /100 MARKT 6
“Visited on 30th Jan 2020. Set back in a courtyard behind a hotel close to the town square is this place. Lovely trad looking venue. Wood labelling, coppers, smart decor. You know the drill!. Service friendly. 4 beers on tap. 3 regular plus seasonal. Only advertised as 0.5l. Beer quality ok. Prices decent. Nice place.“
WingmanWillis 1640 days ago
66 /100 MARKT 6
“First time I'm in the area and this seemed like the best place for authentic German food and beer. The Lager and Pils are both spot on, and the Schweinhaxe is exceptional. Definitely a place to stop in at when you're in the town of Wittenberg.“
glennmastrange 2314 days ago
64 /100 MARKT 6
“Centrally located in the old building with fantastic inner-yard, this is a very cool place to go. You get 4 of their beers on tap and good food in very nice setting (inner yard).“
Sokolov 2921 days ago
66 /100 MARKT 6
“Located in the Old Town Square in the very heart of the charming Wittenberg, the brewpub is probably the only interesting place to enjoy beer in town (I have had a look at a few others but they did not seem half as charming.) The hotel-cum-restaurant-cum-brewpub has two open storeys, with copper fermenting kegs placed in the middle. Wooden benches, chaira, and tables are placed between ubiquitous Luther statues. The staff are friendly and helpful, and the food is very decent. Good German portions to offset the possible abuse of the rather decent beer. Not exactly cheap but not expensive, either. Will come back again on another possible visit to Lutherstadt :-)“
Bamsen78 3757 days ago
66 /100 MARKT 6
“4 beers on tap when I visited : Dunkles (unfiltered, light brown), Original (unfiltered pils), Rohrenpils (filtered) and Weizen (hefe-). Set in an old building with it’s courtyard, where there are tables and chairs so you can drink in or outside, just off Markt platz in the centre of the old town. Much closer to Altstadt station than Haupbahnhof.“
b727trijet 4347 days ago
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