Chorlton Cum Hardy Beer Guide: Your Chorlton Cum Hardy guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

Latest reviews from Chorlton Cum Hardy

“Located a few addresses north of the Wetherspoon in Chorlton, this is the post Marble incarnation of their former Beer House here, but basically it's the same place under new ownership. They've also kept a selection of regulars from Marble on its cask pumps but guests exist, and there's plenty of guest keg ales here too. The bar remains towards the rear on the right with seating at the front and down the left hand side of the microbar.“
ManVsBeer 578 days ago
60 /100 526-528 WILBRAHAM RD
“A short walk west at the busy road junction in Chorlton, this Holt's pub with a range of cask and keg from the brewer is in an imposing large red brick building with a very pleasant and varied front terrace area. Inside it's now mostly open plan around a central to the building bar with plenty of space and sports on its televisions with an appealing traditional-modern decor.“
ManVsBeer 579 days ago
70 /100 518 WILBRAHAM ROAD
“A couple of minutes walk west of the busy main traffic junction in the commercial heart of Chorlton. This is a two-roomed open plan micropub with the attractive tiled bar against the right wall of the front one. There's small tables running along its other wall as it's not a wide place, and some bigger ones close to the glass front windows and in the smaller back area. Ale choices are naturally dominated by Fell Brewery given this is their concern but are backed up by some worthwhile guests too. There's also a fridge just behind the bar extending its range. There's plenty of room between the venue and the main road so a front patio area also exists, although not really in use during my December visit.“
ManVsBeer 919 days ago
“Visit Januar 2013.“
fonefan 1228 days ago
66 /100 533 WILBRAHAM ROAD
“Opposite the Chorlton Tram Stop, this shop unit bar conversion has a mix of modern and traditional on the inside, could be used as a pub or a cafe-bar and has a decent number of cask pumps with local microbrewery options readily available. My visit was before Wander Beyond became associated with the venue but there beers should feature here. There's also a covered patio area too, albeit looking out into a busy road and supermarket on the other side of it.“
ManVsBeer 1494 days ago
“The sister bar to the bigger and more well known Marble Arch pub on Rochdale Road. Oddly enough this pub is now totally independent and no longer has any connections to the former, as the barman pointed out. Interesting beer range, a couple of Marble beers and a few guests from far and wide. Really can't fault this place, a must do if you find yourself in Chorlton.“
Beermenace 1787 days ago
70 /100 370 BARLOW MOOR ROAD
“Shop unit pub in the middle of a long row of bars, restaurants and eateries, all with their own covered front terrace areas. The inside of this one is relatively small with the bar against the left wall sporting a mix of craft cask and keg. It has a heavily wooden design, darkly lit and attractive enough.“
ManVsBeer 1838 days ago
“Large freestanding traditional pub, (although quite modern with its fixtures and fittings in this respect) in the attractive village area of Chorlton. Has a central bar and lots of different spaces to sit in on three sides of this. The bar mostly serves Holts ales with a Bootleg option the only new beer for me on my visit. Has a garden area too and serves food.“
ManVsBeer 1848 days ago
58 /100 575 BARLOW MOOR ROAD
“Modern shop unit conversion into something that looks a bit like a wine bar, but there's plenty of cask and keg on the service area on the left wall after you enter, albeit some very familiar options. They do have their own cask ale here, but have so far failed to nail down who brews it - they couldn't tell me beyond it was made in Bury. Has some outdoor space out front.“
ManVsBeer 1848 days ago
66 /100
Beagle (Bar)
“Chorlton Cafe-bar with quite a few traditional pub fixtures and fittings once your beyond the conservatory extension that exists out front. This doesn't quite take up all the space to the road and some outdoor space does exist. Craft cask and keg are both represented here, along with some other familiar names.“
ManVsBeer 1848 days ago
“Quite vibrant on a Boxing Day evening with a mostly twenty to thirty something clientele in this middle shop unit bar conversion in a fairly affluent part of Manchester. There's a decent sized terrace area out front which you'll walk through to get into the bar, and there's more seats to traverse once in with the bar on the right side in the middle ground of this long but thin space. Here a row of half dozen cask pumps including seasonals and specials is complimented by keg options with some strong stuff on my visit. Sadly there's not a thirds option for the heavy stuff, which put me off given I was driving, but if not this is a fine place for a session and a fine suburban bar for crafted beers. This place was listed as a Thwaites going concern on RB when I visited it, but there's nothing to indicate in its cafe style decor or its beers that this brewer is involved here.“
ManVsBeer 2023 days ago
64 /100
Brewski (Bar)
“Opposite the Sainsbury's next to the tram stop, this modern bar which serves food is not high end but pleasant enough. Beyond its wooden patio entrance which probably gets very busy in the summer months, the venue is split into two distinct sections with the bar on the left and the majority of the seating to the right after you enter. It's a keg based venue in terms of the beers available with a fair number from the US available on tap and in bottle, with some seldom seen options on show.“
ManVsBeer 2051 days ago
60 /100
Tiny's Tipple (Beer Store)
“Mostly a wine shop in a standard small shop unit in the middle of a row of several just west of the main traffice light road junction, all very laid out in an attractive display. There's a few bottled beers here though, a lot are well known European brews, but some from local microbreweries are sold here too as well as some from the leading ones that have gained national prominence.“
ManVsBeer 2052 days ago
“Not far from the tram station this is one of several worthy bars on the same side of the street. Like the others it occupies a shop unit space that faces out onto the main road, and includes its own fenced outdoor area, albeit a small one. The interior of the almost square space is simple but comfortable with a row of diner like tables agains one of the side walls, and the bar against the other. Here there’s a row of rotating cask ales that carries a changing selection from regional microbreweries and beyond. This is backed up by keg and bottle choices that are equally worthwhile. They produce their own beers for this bar but I did not see any on my visit.“
ManVsBeer 3065 days ago
74 /100 115-117 MANCHESTER RD
“A few doors up the road from Pi, this is a fairly large and modern looking bar, also created out of a shop unit like the other worthwhile beer places nearby. This one has the greatest selection of rotating cask ales in the area alongside keg and bottle options, so there’s no shortage of choice here. The atmosphere is good too and it’s quite a relaxing place in the daytime, with a nice crowd in the evening. It’s not the most spectacular of decoration, but it’s comfortable and appealing enough with some sofas complimenting the cafe-bar tables and chairs. They’ve made a good effort with the pleasant front terrace, which is partly enclosed giving it some protection from the passing traffic and pedestrians on the main road.“
ManVsBeer 3065 days ago
80 /100
Dulcimer (Bar)
“Twin floored shop unit conversion with a predominantly wooden design. A good job has been made of it and it’s a cafe-bar that edges closer to the latter of the two. Five hand pumps at the bar in the middle of the left hand wall will probably include one of their own beers - I think the person there told me they were brewed at Outstanding in Bury. There’s an excellent bottle choice here too. At peak times the upstairs might be a little more convivial a place to drink. This is one of a glut of bars on the main road running west of the Chorlton tram stop“
ManVsBeer 3070 days ago
88 /100
Dulcimer (Bar)
“My favourite bar in Chorlton, always got an excellent selection of beers and spirits.... I particuarly like that they brew their own beer!“
MikeB9791 3291 days ago
88 /100
Dulcimer (Bar)
“Ace little bar in the middle of Chorlton - it has a seriously awesome selection of beers (certainly hard to go wrong with any of the bottles or guest draught) and seem very well kept. The staff are really knowledgeable, the decor is wicked (check out those Polish/Czech movie posters) and there’s always at least a couple of wicked live acts on a week. The only downside is that the food menu is a bit limited and that it does get really busy later on in the weekend, but those are minor concerns!“
Toole 3299 days ago
92 /100
Dulcimer (Bar)
“every time I´m here there is something to wet my whistle with! I heard they brew their own on ocaission though I haven´t been lucky enough to sample yet :( Loads of bottled beers as well though“
maxmadlips 3325 days ago
90 /100
Dulcimer (Bar)
“The best bar in Chorlton in my opinion. Great selection of beers, constantly changing. The beer garden has a great atmosphere, come rain or shine its a nice place to sit and sup a beer or two. I have seen some good bands upstairs in the bar and the djs get everyone dancing at the weekends. Some friendly knowledgeable staff too. Great little spot.“
Ste01 3326 days ago
90 /100
Dulcimer (Bar)
“A cracking little place in the centre of Choltron, The Dulcimers always has some fantastic beers to choose from. Some of the staff are even responsible for some of the brews on offer. Top boozin!“
Ari0 3345 days ago
90 /100
Dulcimer (Bar)
“A seriously good bar. The bottle selection is of the highest quality. There’s 10 keg lines, two of which rotate and 5 cask lines. Not beer related, but the back bar is one of the best in manchester. Definitely worth checking out.“
stretfordgull 3350 days ago
70 /100 115-117 MANCHESTER RD
“This is probably my favourite spot in Chorlton due to it having the biggest number of taps. 8 cask, 16 keg and also some draught ciders listed seperately. Mostly UK micros across the board but often an interesting German or US beer shows up on keg. Caveat for cask-lovers: I’ve never had an off beer on cask here but nor have I had one that seemed in great form. That said I’ve not had enough cask beer to really judge as I mostly stick to keg. Pleasant, relaxed, friendly ambiance combined with some leather couches and a terraced area out front make this a nice place to spend an afternoon or evening. Food is good quality but a little pricey. Also there’s always a selection of cakes and brownies displayed on the end of bar that are near-impossible to resist. Worth a trip from the city centre if you factor in all the bars close by (Beagle, Marble and Pi amongst them).“
Nocturne 3382 days ago
68 /100
Beagle (Bar)
“The third bar run by the team behind Common and Port Street Beer House in the Northern Quarter. This feels like a combination of the two, or perhaps a more grown-up version of Common. Decor reminds me of Port Street but the food (mostly burgers, burritos, salads) is similar to that found in Common. 10 keg (usually a cider or two in there) and 5 cask. Beer selection is solid, mostly UK micros, and occasionally there is a real gem amongst them. Lots of seating and a big outdoor terrace which is nice in the summer time. By itself this place isn’t worth a trip out from the city centre, however, it forms part of a potentially cracking crawl through Chorlton, with the Font, Pi, Marble Beer House, Strange Brew and a few other spots within spitting distance.“
Nocturne 3382 days ago
68 /100
Carringtons (Beer Store)
“Close to the petrol station on the main road running north-south in Chorlton, this wine and bottle shop is part of a small chain in the area. I was last in here in 2012 and it had many bottles from Germany and Belgium on sale and attractively presented amongst the wines. Most were to the right of the door as you walk in.“
ManVsBeer 3515 days ago
“Visited 26/1-2013. A spacy brewpub, that doesn´t look very much as a traditionel pub, but the people visiting this place makes it a very cosy place to visit. And this seems a place to visit for everybody, young, old, with friends or family, or alone, think you will enjoy it. Besides serving their own beers ( Bootleg ) they have guest beers as well. Think they do food as well, but we didn´t eat, this time - mayby next time :-)“
Brugmansia 3974 days ago
“Visited 26/1-2013, the first stop on this days pubcrawl :-).. The building is very nice, looks as it has been some kind of a sporting place before. A typical JDW deco, but very clean and quiet, mainly visited by retired people ( and us young ones :-) ). Friendly staff and beers served in good condition.“
Brugmansia 3974 days ago
“Nice location, great in the summer outside area. ok selection, quite predictable but something to suit everyone. Not the best in the area nor the worst. Prices are a tad steep.“
hopbomber 4054 days ago
“nice building shame its a wetherspoons, inedible food rubbish beer selection with a clientele of maniacs alcoholics or just plain deadlegs. you’ll lose the will to live if you consume more than 1 drink in there.“
hopbomber 4163 days ago
“This is my local and I feel extremely fortunate. It has a very simple formula, no music or machines, no food apart from snacks, and very well conditioned ales with a reasonable selection of bottles and whiskies. One pump is Thwaites, another is usually Thornbridge, the other four vary and the selection is excellent. The big pull is the beautifully kept real ale.“
Clibit 4170 days ago
“Older Wetherspoon with the staple traditional furnishings associated with the majority of pubs in this chain. This one is situated in a large hall with a high ceiling. The bar at the back stocks two rows of real ales so there is plenty of choice. When there are just a few people in this place can feel impersonal and given this is very much a locals pub that can be quite often.“
ManVsBeer 4188 days ago
“I guess you can call this a brewpub with its location next door to the Bootleg Brewery. Three of their ales were available at our visit in addition to a few guest ales, and a decent list of bottled beers included three from Nøgne Ø. The pub is quite large and has absolutely got a local and family-oriented feel. Nice outdoor seating. Friendly service. I had an excellent made Mushroom Steak Pie in the dining area of the pub. The beer festival, Chorlton Beerfest, held in early July, is in the neighborhood and sponsored by the pub. There’s a metroline from the city centre to Chorlton (visited, 06.07.2012).“
Rune 4391 days ago
“Decent food, decent own brews, 8 cask taps (6 in use when i was there) a few decent keg beers, great puddings , old fashioned wooden floors ... low roofs ... big ... lots of space ... little posher dining area... worth a visit“
cgarvieuk 4448 days ago