Brewed by Brasserie Dieu du Ciel!
Style: IIPA DIPA - Imperial / Double IPA
Saint-Jérôme, Canada
Serve in Shaker, Snifter


on tap


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RATINGS: 291   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.66/5   SEASONAL: Winter   IBU: 90   EST. CALORIES: 270   ABV: 9%
This beer style was created in the late 1990’s by some breweries on the west coast of the United States, and most notably by Rogue. It’s an extreme version of the American IPA. It’s a beer with strong amber hues and dominating hop flavours and tastes. It is however well balanced through the presence of a combination of malts. This beer is usually dry hopped, a tradition that is adhered to by Dieu du Ciel!. The bouquet of the beer consists of floral hops. In the mouth, the bitterness is quite strong, without being extreme, and the alcohol makes its presence known, without being domineering. The aftertaste is dry and less syrupy than a barley wine. Thus, it is a very complex and bitter beer, but always well balanced.

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LouisP (1020) - Montréal, Quebec, CANADA - NOV 20, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 20, 2021 Une bière blonde plutôt claire avec une grosse carbonatation. Au nez, plutôt maltée, avec des teintes alcoolisées et terreuses, ainsi que de notes caramélisées. En bouche, une bonne amertume, avec des touches d'agrumes plutôt en retrait. On trouve également une bonne dose d'alcool en bouche, pour finalement avoir une bière avec toute une certaine profondeur en bouche. Au final, un peu dans la moyenne.

cmacklin (4265) - Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA - SEP 10, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 10, 2021 473ml can. Pours a hazy gold-orange with a medium, foamy, long lasting, off-white head that leaves soapy curtains of lace. Sweet fruity aroma of bready wheat malt, caramel, grapefruit, pineapple and floral hops. Sweet fruity flavour of bready wheat malt, candi sugar, caramel, apricot, grapefruit rind, pineapple, earthy yeast, grass, piney hops and a bit of alcohol heat in a dry, bitter finish. Medium to full body with a sticky, smooth, pillowy soft, oily texture and average carbonation. Almost too sweet, but well balanced.

FatPhil (26237) - Tallinn, ESTONIA - JUL 20, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 20, 2021 473ml can (Lauvas Alus webshop, Riga) (6:3:7:4:14=3.4) Pale orange, misty, hazy towards the bottom, large frothy head. Plenty of traditional caramelly malts and fruity hops in the aroma, but the lower pour is very much like perfumed soap. Caramelly malty taste, some at lightness detectable, even in the clearer glass. Cloudier glass mixes the bitterness in with that more. Really almondy finish, nutty and woody. Resiny bitter throb. Alcohol masked sufficiently. Pretty good one. Could have done without the haze, that improved it not one whit.

rumore (4511) - Rimini, ITALY - JUL 16, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 16, 2021 473ml can from Abeervinum, Rimini, Italy. Pours partially hazy, blonde, with moderate very fine white foam. Aroma is Body is fairly thick, sticky, with average carbonation. Taste is a very nice mix of honey, citrus and herbaceous. Final is nice and delicate with moderate persistent bitterness.

Lore (6867) - Budapest, HUNGARY - JUN 5, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 5, 2021 hazy pale yellow colour, moderate sized, off-white head, which lasts for quite a few minutes; aroma of orange peel oils, grapefruit, pine resiny, some peachy and grape peel notes; taste is dominated by hoppy bitterness with the same notes as can be felt in the aroma, as well as some biscuits; good IIPA

KansaiBeerLvrs (8492) - Kyoto, JAPAN - AUG 26, 2018
Dieu du Ciel Chaman Imperial Pale Ale 9% Thickly opaque gold with a big stone fruit aroma with some boozy malt notes. Fairly full bodied, smooth but with some of that high-ABV heat. The taste is stone fruits (plums/peaches) and rich maltiness, cream soda and then some light booziness. It’s alright. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

MatChar (192) - Quebec, CANADA - MAR 23, 2018
UPDATED: MAR 23, 2018 Bottle (13-01-18). Appearance: cloudy darkish orangey, medium white foam with medium retention and medium carbonation. Smell: nice juicy malts and floral and tea-like hops. Taste: matches smell, medium to high bitterness, low to medium sugar, great feel and texture, medium to high drinkability for style. Overall: nicely executed unique style, great balanced between juicy malt base and aromatic hops.

AleRider78 (2785) - Winchester, Ontario, CANADA - JUN 28, 2017
Pours a good size frothy head and dissipates to a thin coating. Good lacing. Has a slightly hazy coppery appearance. Aromas of grains, malts, resin hops and citrus hops. Flavours of citrus hops, malts, breads, a bit of yeast, nuts and notes of toffee. Fairly good balance of hops and malts. Alcohol is just barely noticeable in smell and taste. Goes down pretty easy though for 9%abv. Slick and slightly warming mouthfeel. Average carbonation. Really nice balance of bitterness and sweetness. Another pretty good DdC brew with great bottle labels!

Ljus (872) - Quebec, CANADA - JUL 26, 2016
Apparence : Dorée aux reflets jaunes, claire, effervescence et vitesse des bulles moyennes, très mince col blanc sans réelle dentelle. Nez : Céréales, pêche, résine, pamplemousse, zeste d’orange, très léger alcool. Intensité moyenne à plutôt élevée, soit correcte pour une DIPA. Goût : Mi-sucrée sous forme de caramel, résine, pamplemousse, très léger alcool. Sensation : Effervescence moyenne-faible, petite chaleur de l’alcool, piquant sur la langue et au plais, finale assez longue balancée entre le côté malté (plus sucré) et houblonné (amer). Corps moyen à mince. Bref : Très bonne bière qui se laisse boire facilement. C’est une bière très équilibrée entre le malt et les houblons… certainement trop d’ailleurs pour un amateur de DIPA. On ne tombe par contre pas du côté des Barleywines américains où le malt est plus présent, tout comme l’alcool.

Bierdimpfe (640) - Quebec, CANADA - APR 21, 2016
Hazy dark gold color with strong activity. Weak white half a finger head, lasting around 5 minutes, with strong legs. Faint aromas of sweet tropical fruits and bitter floral hops. Flavors of pineapple, orange, piney, lemon, caramel, floral and herbal spices. Slightly fruity sweet with some citrus sharpness and bitter grassy hoppy feel. Slick medium body with prickly carbonation. Strong and long finish, ending with an highly spicy astringent orange peels and clove like tongue coat feel. Overall a good craft with decent flavors and OK freshness. Slightly unbalanced being overly spicy and a little vinous and boozy.

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