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RATINGS: 3969   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.06/5   EST. CALORIES: 276   ABV: 9.2%
The lower gravity cousin to Rochefort 10. Nicknamed "Spéciale" (’The Special’), this beer is the most recent production. The Rochefort 8 has a more tawny colour and a more pronounced aroma, with an even richer fruitiness (a slight undertone of fig?) and a little more spiced dryness, like that of a cake, which gives a balanced finish to the final notes.

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unclefrito62 (2933) - Stow, Ohio, USA - JUL 17, 2024
UPDATED: JUL 17, 2024 11.2 bottle at The Winking Lizard in Copley, Ohio. Light aroma of yeast. Clear brown in color and very foamy when poured. Light taste of yeast and candy sugar. Smooth as silk. High octane at 9.2 percent alcohol. Alcohol is well hidden. Malt aftertaste. Lovely beer! Cheers!

moleha4 (654) - Greater London, ENGLAND - JUN 11, 2024
UPDATED: JUN 11, 2024 Bottle from House of Trembling Madness. Appearance is clear chestnut brown with a lasting white head of about 2 cms. Aroma of dried fruit, raisins, prunes. Mouthfeel is on the full side of medium. Taste is slightly sweet, boozy, raisins, prunes.

mr_fabi_134 (402) - - MAR 25, 2024
UPDATED: MAR 25, 2024 Flasche.braune farbe mit beiger schaumkrone,medium bitter,leichte caramellaromen,hopfig,malzig,angenhm zu trinken.SEHR GUT

Salian (2421) - Sale, Cheshire, ENGLAND - JAN 23, 2024
UPDATED: JAN 23, 2024 Boozy, heady aroma, fruit, molasses, hints of tobacco. Full flavoured, fig and raisins, lovely boozy finish.

dandeman (2358) - Gatineau, Quebec, CANADA - DEC 31, 2023
UPDATED: DEC 31, 2023 Amalgame de fruits noirs relevant des notes de pruneaux, de raisins secs, dattes ainsi que de la mélasse du chocolat et des accents de sucre de canne dans un olfactif où le malt et les esters dominent. Le liquide est brun moyen, voilé, avec des reflets orangés. La mousse de taille moyenne persiste quand même assez. Ce qui frappe à l’entrée de bouche c’est sa carbonatation extrêmement piquante. Les accents de caramel, mélasse, pruneaux, figues, clou de girofle, poivre et un léger boisé en font une bière d’une complexité remarquable. La carbonatation juste et efficace empêche de ressentir ce produit trop sirupeux. Comme tout ce que produit cette brasserie, cet opus est sans contredit un chef-d'œuvre de brassage. O:9.2 V:3.9 G:9.25 C:4.25 G:16.9 T:43.5

ManVsBeer (19842) - Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, ENGLAND - DEC 14, 2023
UPDATED: DEC 14, 2023 Bottle from Cheers Liquor Store, Todmorden. Amber-brown with a thin head. Hiding its strength well it has a richness about it, low in fruitiness, some booziness in aroma and aftertaste. Not overly flavoursome.

blackbock (238) - Shoalhaven NSW, AUSTRALIA - JUL 24, 2023
UPDATED: JUL 24, 2023 (Bottle) Poured a tawny dark copper. Thick foamy head, slight lacing. Strong aroma of belgian fruity yeast and candy sugar. First taste is rich and creamy, plum pudding and more candy sugar. Then the alcohol presence makes itself felt, warming and heavy. Bitterness is just evident. This beer is good but not great.

pindolaire (708) - SPAIN - JUN 30, 2023
UPDATED: JUN 30, 2023 Servida y gozada en cáliz. Color marrón, atractiva y cremosa corona de espuma beige claro. Aroma a levadura, malta tostada, ciruelas, pasas, dátiles, plátano, especias, nueces, fruta madura, notas de vainilla, licor...En boca es intensa, compleja, cuerpo completo, de textura sedosa, casi oleosa, notas de pan negro, frutos secos, fruta madura (peras, higos..), vainilla, plátano maduro, especias...Cerveza profunda de trago corto que te acerca un poquito a los cielos, una oda al buen hacer de los hermanos trapenses. De culto e imprescindible.

avantdagare (611) - Malmö, Sweden, SWEDEN - JUN 28, 2023
UPDATED: JUN 28, 2023 2 finger beige head, brown-red body. Nose: Roasted malts, banana, coffee, dark bread, clove, yeast, raisins, syrup and brown sugar. Taste: Chocolate, nuts, raisins, malt, dark bread, syrup, yeast, pumpernickel, spicy notes, coffee, liquorice, cloves and banan. Semi-long, semi-bitter ending.

flelau (454) - Kastrup, DENMARK - MAY 4, 2023
UPDATED: MAY 4, 2023 Let mørk med let mørk skum, der hænger ned af glasset. Duft af nødder, banan og karamel. Smag af nødder, banan, lakrids og kaffe. Gid fylde.

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