Belgian Beer Café goes US !

Reads 2546 • Replies 14 • Started Wednesday, May 19, 2010 1:14:25 AM CT

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beers 52 º places 4 º 01:14 Wed 5/19/2010

A small note:
the Belgian Beer Café concept will officially start in the United States on 22 May next at the NRA (National Restaurant Show), Chicago. (

the complete list of all worldwide Belgian Beer Cafes can be consulted over here (excel file attached):

That’s great news !


beers 3488 º places 111 º 03:49 Wed 5/19/2010

I recommend referring to it as The National Restaurant Show instead of NRA.

beers 536 º places 12 º 04:04 Wed 5/19/2010

I hope it’s better than the ones we’ve got in Australia. All five taps are InBev to start with.

beers 52 º places 4 º 00:13 Fri 5/21/2010

Originally posted by Mjollnir
I hope it’s better than the ones we’ve got in Australia. All five taps are InBev to start with.

or maybe they will follow the concept of the one in Latvia with 45 Belgian beers on the menu
The new one in Shangai looks promising

In Chinese

In English


beers 573 º places 43 º 02:10 Fri 5/21/2010

There are 2 Belgium Beer Cafe in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, and a third one to open soon, and another Belgium cafe to open there also.
Singapore will have a Delirium Cafe to open soon.

beers 8459 º places 409 º 02:23 Fri 5/21/2010

We have lots of Belgian beer bars in Tokyo. I can’t count how many Delirium or Belgian Beer Cafes, but enough. They are all OK, but honestly I can’t get that excited about them. They certainly have a chain restaurant type feel. The beer is always OK, but those places would never get rare beers or something from the smaller breweries. Good concept for cities that don’t have Belgian Beer bars and good for getting people interested in Belgian beer, but these places are not for beer geeks.

beers 52 º places 4 º 03:02 Fri 5/21/2010

Originally posted by TimE
The beer is always OK, but those places would never get rare beers or something from the smaller breweries. Good concept for cities that don’t have Belgian Beer bars and good for getting people interested in Belgian beer, but these places are not for beer geeks.

At the Shanghai 2010 World Exposition, more than 20 Belgian beers from 10 different brewers are served at the Belgian Beer Café (BBC). The Café will also promote the rich Belgian cuisine in an authentic Belgian pub setting. The 20 beers will be supplied by 10 different brewers: AB InBev, Bosteels, Chimay, De Halve Maan, Silly, Duvel Moortgat, Huyghe, Saint-Feuillin, Van Honsebrouck, and Verhaeghe.
Smaller breweries are definitely present.
And also the availability of the majority of Trappist beers at many Belgian beer cafes.
I visited the one in Latvia (Bon Vivant)a month back.
I had some Rochefort 10’s.

Without this bar, there would be ZERO Belgian beer in Latvia !


beers 52 º places 4 º 03:16 Fri 5/21/2010

Originally posted by eManu
Singapore will have a Delirium Cafe to open soon.

That’s good news
This would make it already the second Belgian beer bar in Singapore

Here’s the first one:
Brussels Sprouts
120 Belgian beers
80 Mohammed sultan road, Singapore 239013



beers 573 º places 43 º 03:25 Fri 5/21/2010

eManu 298:32 I love the idea to see Belgian beer bars opeining in place with names like "Mohammed sultan road" when in Belgium there are Mosques opeining here and there, and now Beer places opeining where Mosques used to be. In Kuala Lumpur, I know a few good (for Malaysian standards) beer places next to Mosques.

Shut, dont tell anyone but I am about to open a Belgian beer place in Kuala Lumpur that will sell only non-inbv.

beers 31468 º places 1140 º 03:27 Fri 5/21/2010

Originally posted by Trappistenbier
At the Shanghai 2010 World Exposition, more than 20 Belgian beers from 10 different brewers are served at the Belgian Beer Café (BBC). The Café will also promote the rich Belgian cuisine in an authentic Belgian pub setting. The 20 beers will be supplied by 10 different brewers: AB InBev, Bosteels, Chimay, De Halve Maan, Silly, Duvel Moortgat, Huyghe, Saint-Feuillin, Van Honsebrouck, and Verhaeghe.

People who use Ratebeer to find their beer would end up in Shanghai at Kaiba, which has far more than 20 Belgian beers from more than 10 brewers and DOES have Trappist ale in the proper glassware. Oh - and will still be open next year.

Using some other site to find the best beer is like admitting you want to fail. Fail on, suckers!

beers 98 º places 1 º 04:09 Fri 5/21/2010

Originally posted by Trappistenbier
Originally posted by eManu
Singapore will have a Delirium Cafe to open soon.

That’s good news
This would make it already the second Belgian beer bar in Singapore

Here’s the first one:
Brussels Sprouts
120 Belgian beers
80 Mohammed sultan road, Singapore 239013



Didn’t you started to rant here lately about the pricing tag of Belgian beers? Chimay Bleue @ €12.5/15.6$, you have to be kidding me.
You have to be kidding me.