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"This is a great moment, when you see, however distant, the goal of your wandering. The thing which has been living in your imagination suddenly becomes a part of the tangible world." - Freya Stark, The Valleys of the Assassins
"...the melons in Akhsi are excellent. One type, called mirtimuri, is not known anywhere else in the world. The melons of Bukhara are famous, too, but when I took Samarqand, I had melons brought from Akhsi and Bukhara and had them cut open in a gathering; the one from Akhsi was incomparable" - Babur, the Baburnama
"...consumers face a choice between drinks that come from nowhere, taste of nothing much, and have a logo for a name; and drinks that come from somewhere, have complex aromas and flavours, and may have a name that�s hard to pronounce...they are grown...they arise from their own terroir." - Michael Jackson, Malt Whisky Companion
Last seen Sep 9 2024
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"This is a great moment, when you see, however distant, the goal of your wandering. The thing which has been living in your imagination suddenly becomes a part of the tangible world." - Freya Stark, The Valleys of the Assassins
"...the melons in Akhsi are excellent. One type, called mirtimuri, is not known anywhere else in the world. The melons of Bukhara are famous, too, but when I took Samarqand, I...
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