Brewing with Nutmeg

Reads 10873 • Replies 5 • Started Friday, November 6, 2009 8:04:18 AM CT

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beers 1017 º places 89 º 08:04 Fri 11/6/2009

I found a recipe for a Winter Spice Ale that I plan on brewing this weekend. The recipe calls for 2 whole nutmegs. When I picked up my ingredients at the home brew store I was told that this was way too much and I should use about 1/4 teaspoon freshly grated. This is for a 5 gallon batch.

Anyone have any advice for me? Should I just throw it in whole or grate it, and how much should I use?

beers 1050 º places 128 º 08:23 Fri 11/6/2009

1/4 teaspoon is plenty

beers 2 º 08:26 Fri 11/6/2009

Originally posted by crizay
1/4 teaspoon is plenty

You can use up to 1/2, but I wouldn’t recommend any more than that.

Also, make sure to grate it. Throwing a whole nutmeg in your pot will do little to nothing.

beers 1017 º places 89 º 08:47 Fri 11/6/2009

Thanks, I’ll definitely bring it down to about 1/4 teaspoon.

Although, how would that measurement change if I were to use the dried ground nutmeg in my spice cabinet as opposed to grating it fresh? Any difference?

09:07 Fri 11/6/2009

Although, how would that measurement change if I were to use the dried ground nutmeg in my spice cabinet as opposed to grating it fresh? Any difference?

Though I’m not very experienced with brewing, I’m with cooking. Choose the fresh one for many reasons. After a month in the cabinet, any ground spice loses most of it’s smell...That’s why you should always by whole ones ;)

10:22 Fri 11/13/2009

If you use nutmeg spice from the kitchen add in grown mace also. It is grown out casing of nutmeg, works well.

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