Happy 4th of July!

Reads 1753 • Replies 22 • Started Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:31:50 AM CT

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beers 12205 º places 372 º 05:31 Wed 7/4/2012

I remember reading a thread last week that pointed out America’s relatively new, unrefined beer culture, and underscored Belgium’s rich history. And there was some truth to that. But know this: without us, the world would be drinking German Pilsners all the time (which is how I can rationalize squeezing this under the Beer Talk forum), and would be marching to the beat of a different drummer (quite literally).

Here’s to the free world and a never-ending thirst for freedom and democracy!

And Happy 4th of July!

beers 1698 º places 38 º 05:48 Wed 7/4/2012

'Merica, FUCK YEAH!

beers 11069 º places 430 º 05:54 Wed 7/4/2012


beers 593 º places 34 º 07:57 Wed 7/4/2012

Happy 4th of July to all my fellow Americans, especially those that serve or served our country!

beers 11919 º places 307 º 08:00 Wed 7/4/2012

It’s a happy day in the good ol’ U S of A!!!

beers 3746 º places 344 º 11:28 Wed 7/4/2012

I think I am going to have some Berryessa Common Sense, or Anchor Steam if I can’t find the prior. Both American brewers, and the first American-style of beer. Cheers.

beers 2178 º places 25 º 12:45 Wed 7/4/2012

Troegs Sunshine Pils, Victory Summer Love, and AleSmith YuleSmith (Summer). Sunshine, heat, swimming pool, steaks, and fireworks. Perfect.

beers 872 º places 31 º 15:36 Wed 7/4/2012

Originally posted by whaleman
Troegs Sunshine Pils, Victory Summer Love, and AleSmith YuleSmith (Summer). Sunshine, heat, swimming pool, steaks, and fireworks. Perfect.

Plus 1, Dave.

beers 2883 º places 348 º 15:52 Wed 7/4/2012

its so sexy to be livin in America.

beers 10001 º places 672 º 15:58 Wed 7/4/2012

Watching the fireworks in downtown DC.

Terrorists your game is through. Now you have to answer to-
Merica. Fuck Yeah.

beers 2883 º places 348 º 15:58 Wed 7/4/2012

Death to British Imperialism!!! Lets pour some Fuller’s ESB into the sea.