Has the Bermondsey Run lost its luster

Reads 7196 • Replies 76 • Started Sunday, April 12, 2015 4:56:31 AM CT

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beers 26105 º places 2113 º 06:39 Sun 4/12/2015

Originally posted by RichTheVillan
Originally posted by Theydon_Bois
Originally posted by RichTheVillan
I went last Saturday early and the place was full of ratebeerians.

I blame the Ratebeerians - fucken tickers!

I want fucken hen parties

I think that they were just confused. They were all glammed up, very odd in the factory units, queuing for the loo for half an hour. There was a lot of water pressure at the head of those lines.

beers 6 º places 2 º 07:03 Sun 4/12/2015

Are there any proper pubs along the way? I could see going past all the breweries to observe the bearded sailors & hens between a couple of pubs with boring brown bitter.

beers 4668 º places 360 º 13:57 Sun 4/12/2015

I visited briefly before Chrimbo, en route to Upton Park. I got the 7.15 train from Brum, had a kip at Tate Modern, then visited Kernel, BBNo and Anspach only. A quick in and out, then onwards. I had an absolutely lovely time. Not a relaxing mini-sesh, but thoroughly enjoyable. Bethnel Green, after the footy, was even better.

beers 25367 º places 68 º 14:04 Sun 4/12/2015

Having visited Bermondsey and it’s breweries yesterday as well as many times before, my observations were that there were fewer new beers being released. 1 in Kernel for me, none in BBNos. 2 in Southwark, 2 in Anspach and Hobday, 1 in Partizan and 3 in Fourpure (only cos I haven’t been in months). I remember about a year ago walking out of Partizan with 10 just from one place. Leighton and Colin had very few new beers if it hadn’t been for Timo’s haul of Finnish goodies.
Secondly that yes you have to go early. Kernel more or less for the first hour, then BBNo. at 10 and the others as soon after 11 as possible.
The Bottle Shop advertise as opening at 10 but rarely do in my recent experience. I like these guys, but seriously open when you say you will.
As for it being popular, well yes. Something that is good gets a quick reputation. Will it continue in the format we know? Maybe not if the crowds get bigger. These are breweries and not pubs.
Will I still go for the beer and ability to hit 7 breweries in such a short period of time? Yes I will. Is this the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning? Quite possibly. Will I stop asking myself questions? Never.

beers 9241 º places 28 º 15:23 Sun 4/12/2015

Is this the end of Zombie Shakespeare??

beers 25367 º places 68 º 15:33 Sun 4/12/2015

Originally posted by Erlangernick
Are there any proper pubs along the way? I could see going past all the breweries to observe the bearded sailors & hens between a couple of pubs with boring brown bitter.

Nope, it’s breweries or nothing. Bermondsey is not known for it’s pubs otherwise on the beer geek circuit.

I can certainly see a future where several of the places won’t open on a Saturday, or if they do, it’ll be off sales only. Do they need the hassle??

beers 33728 º places 1204 º 15:52 Sun 4/12/2015

Originally posted by harrisoni
Originally posted by Erlangernick
Are there any proper pubs along the way? I could see going past all the breweries to observe the bearded sailors & hens between a couple of pubs with boring brown bitter.

Nope, it’s breweries or nothing. Bermondsey is not known for it’s pubs otherwise on the beer geek circuit.

I can certainly see a future where several of the places won’t open on a Saturday, or if they do, it’ll be off sales only. Do they need the hassle??

Ian’s lying, probably because he doesn’t want the pubs to become overrun like the breweries.

There are at least three pubs along the course of the Bermondsey breweries:

One near Anspach & Hobday (I can’t remember the name). It’s easy enough to find, though.

Then there’s the Blue Anchor - between The Kernel and Partizan, this is a classic British pub that offers a small but well selected range of macro lagers. This place is favored by Millwall supporters, who on game days get feisty if they can’t drink locally produced IPA, which is why I wouldn’t be surprised if the pub has at least one permanent Kernel keg line.

Lastly, there’s the renowned Ancient Foresters - just because the toilets in this pub are strictly for customers doesn’t mean it’s not a fine pub in its own right. As the closest watering hole to Partizan, this is where the brewery staff likes to relax after a long day in the brewhouse. I think Andy has been schmoozing with the management at the Foresters and there will be a Partizan saison on tap regularly starting this summer, with the option of switching over to export stout when the weather turns again.

Anyone visiting the Bermondsey breweries should carve out some time to visit these pubs. You really can’t fully enjoy the Bermondsey experience without mixing with the locals a bit.

beers 40587 º places 1239 º 15:59 Sun 4/12/2015

Leighton is bang on the money with the pub gen and before you ask, here’s a shitter (customers only) pic from the Ancient Foresters.

beers 26105 º places 2113 º 16:14 Sun 4/12/2015


beers 3663 º places 307 º 17:29 Sun 4/12/2015

It’s definitely lost a bit of it’s artisan feel.

My moans are now:
- crowds of hipsters. Daniel Radcliffe was in Kernel a couple of weeks back. Rammed out.
- quality is down due to weaker start ups.
- The Bottle Shop no longer have a beer list so very time I go there I have no idea what they have and no-one there seems to know either, other than the beers at the front, which have become sparse.

But get down there earlier and you can avoid the crowds. I’ve yet to see any of the so called pissed up idiots. It’s a very hipster crowd these days.