I’m starting the think the best brewery in the world is actually Sierra Nevada

Reads 6645 • Replies 79 • Started Sunday, August 24, 2014 12:23:30 AM CT

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beers 2254 º places 53 º 13:49 Tue 8/26/2014

Originally posted by fly
If you have an opinion, you will die.

If you do not have an opinion, you will die also. No human lives forever.

beers 2900 º places 125 º 14:01 Tue 8/26/2014

And nod to the simple... the best breweries right now are those doing dry aromatic non-bitter hoppy pale ales right. the world can add a thousand more of these.

beers 12253 º places 373 º 14:19 Tue 8/26/2014

Originally posted by joet
And nod to the simple... the best breweries right now are those doing dry aromatic non-bitter hoppy pale ales right. the world can add a thousand more of these.


IPAs the same way. Tired Hands comes to mind, but there are others; that’s just one of my personal favorites.

beers 1108 º places 14 º 14:32 Tue 8/26/2014

Originally posted by fly
I think people should probably not be allowed to have opinions.

After having too many online debates recently, even having a post on another site deleted, I’m also tired of opinions. Let’s not have any more of them.


beers 21480 º places 1691 º 16:08 Tue 8/26/2014

Originally posted by tennisjoel
Originally posted by fly
I think people should probably not be allowed to have opinions.

Who are you, the opinion nazi?

Admin Gestapo?

beers 422 º places 22 º 16:15 Tue 8/26/2014

Originally posted by joet
I’m not sure why this thread is upsetting but it is.

I like Sierra, but best in the world? I feel like you’re talking about a whole different league in a whole different sport.

Who in their right mind would not give up riches to live in a cabin atop Hill Farmstead, Kernel, Cellarmaker, Dupont, Tired Hands, Adairius, Hair Of The Dog, Russian River or thirty other breweries before even considering most of the breweries mentioned in this thread?

If I drink Sierra, I wouldn’t be offended by anything, but given a choice between Sierra and the many great California breweries sitting in my fridge, I must say, I have precious few options when it comes to "repeat beers" in my tasting schedule.

I might not have a Sierra Nevada beer for six months or longer.

Availability dude. You gotta look at the whole picture. On the east coast I can get none of those beers.

beers 669 º places 13 º 18:28 Wed 8/27/2014

I am of the opinion (yes, I do have one) that I can’t call Sierra Nevada the "best" brewery, I can probably call it my favorite, considering: 1) availability 2) quality of style releases 3) price. It used to be Stone (i know, stone me) but I’ve had more duds from Stone in the past 2 years while I haven’t had a dud from SN.
My wife doesn’t know how to buy beer for me except for a few guidelines, and one is she can buy anything from SN (and Firestone) and I won’t complain because at least she thought to buy beer for me.

beers 11919 º places 307 º 01:50 Thu 8/28/2014

My wife and I visited the place ten years ago and really enjoyed ourselves. There really aren’t any SN beers that suck. I’m not big on IPAs and they brew a ton of them, but they are all solid, as are all their non-IPA beers.

No way is SN my favorite brewery, but I certainly can’t argue against the place. They’ve been around a looong time and know how to do things right.

beers 2248 º places 11 º 07:30 Thu 8/28/2014

Sierra Nevada also put out a fucking top 25 in style Pilsener this year, available on draft, and there was not a single peep about it anywhere. I had it the other day and it is damn good. Sierra Nevada owns bones.