Weizenbock recipe recommendations

Reads 2753 • Replies 11 • Started Tuesday, May 16, 2006 5:06:12 PM CT

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beers 4105 º places 109 º 17:06 Tue 5/16/2006

I want to brew a Weizenbock next week and want to look at some really good recipes to use to help me formulate my recipe. Anyone know of any award winner or just really good weizenbocks that they know the recipe for?


beers 445 º places 17 º 18:41 Tue 5/16/2006

2 posted here. You looking for AG, partial, extract, dump and stir?

beers 5 º 18:47 Tue 5/16/2006
beers 4105 º places 109 º 19:45 Tue 5/16/2006

Originally posted by the_lutheran
2 posted here. You looking for AG, partial, extract, dump and stir?

All-grain. I’ve got a 50-lb sack of wheat malt I need to start using up. My edition won’t be fully to style as I’ll be using Maris Otter malt (got a 50-lb sack of that as well), but I figure It’ll make for an interesting version.


beers 2145 º places 34 º 09:39 Wed 5/17/2006

Originally posted by aracauna
All-grain. I’ve got a 50-lb sack of wheat malt I need to start using up. My edition won’t be fully to style as I’ll be using Maris Otter malt (got a 50-lb sack of that as well), but I figure It’ll make for an interesting version.


I’ve brewed three or four weizenbocks in little over a year, I think the keys are using good yeast and using a long, caramelizing boil.

If you’re using White Labs I’d recommend the Hefeweizen IV strain over WLP300. WLP300 has dissapointed me the two times I’ve used it, but perhaps I fermented too cool to get excellent ester production. If you haven’t bought the yeast yet, I’d advise using Wyeast3068, it’s quite nice.

As for the boil, two hours should be the minimum, and this beer greatly benefits from a decoction mash as well. Although using the Marris Otter should help boost your maltiness to begin with.

Personally I don’t like using chocolate or melanoidin malt because those are the types of flavors I want created by the decoction. Chocolate and caramel wheat can add some nice flavors, but I wouldn’t use more then 4oz of either. Again, I like simple grain bills used to produce comlpex beers.

I wouldn’t worry about ’being to style’, as I’ve brewed WB’s with Marris Otter and they were quite delicious. High fermentation temperatures are also needed to get the level of fruitiness in Aventinus, and by high I mean close to 80F.

Good Luck!

beers 1004 º places 41 º 17:47 Wed 5/17/2006

Here’s one that I just tapped. Really nice.

9 lbs. Wheat Malt
4 lbs. Munich
3 lbs. Pils (MO will be just fine. Maybe better)
4 oz. Special B
8 oz. honey malt
3 oz. Chocolate Wheat
1 lb. Rice Hulls

I just did a single infusion at 151 and it turned out great but if you feel up to it, try a decoction. They can be fun and challenging!

150 min. boil all pellet hops

2 oz. Spalter (6.2%) 90 min.
1.25 oz. Hersbrucker 15 min.
1 tablet Servomyces

O.G. 1.084
F.G. 1.022

The only yeast I ever have and ever will use in a weizen is the Weihenstephen yeast. It is awesome. I would definitely use a yeast cake if you can.

beers 4105 º places 109 º 21:55 Thu 5/18/2006

Originally posted by erway
I just did a single infusion at 151 and it turned out great but if you feel up to it, try a decoction. They can be fun and challenging!

Don’t think my plastic cooler mash tun is up for a decoction mash. I know they’re supposed to be the best for wheat beers, but I’ll deal. I like your recipe though.


beers 1004 º places 41 º 16:13 Fri 5/19/2006

Originally posted by aracauna
Originally posted by erway
I just did a single infusion at 151 and it turned out great but if you feel up to it, try a decoction. They can be fun and challenging!

Don’t think my plastic cooler mash tun is up for a decoction mash. I know they’re supposed to be the best for wheat beers, but I’ll deal. I like your recipe though.


I think you must be thinking of a step infusion not a decoction. Decoction is one in which you start at ussually 95 and add boiling water to get to 124. Then step it through 145, 158, and 168 by decocting (removing and boiling) 1/3rd of the thickest part of the mash each time. (All temps are ~~~ and some will dispute exact temps. This is just what I have done, and it has worked very well.)

...but like I said, the single infusion will be just fine. I’ll actually see just how fine this weekend when I get my results from the Enchanted Brewing Challenge. Wish me luck!

beers 4105 º places 109 º 16:23 Fri 5/19/2006

Originally posted by erway
...but like I said, the single infusion will be just fine. I’ll actually see just how fine this weekend when I get my results from the Enchanted Brewing Challenge. Wish me luck!

I don’t think I’m up to any new fancy mashing techniques even if my equipment is up to it. Thanks for the clarification.


What’s the consensus on fermentation temps for a weizenbock? I see warmer (near 80 degrees) listed in this thread, but I’ve also heard people say 60-65 degrees.

I could do either or anywhere in between, I just don’t want to get this part wrong!

beers 1004 º places 41 º 14:10 Fri 5/26/2006

Originally posted by StewardofGondor
What’s the consensus on fermentation temps for a weizenbock? I see warmer (near 80 degrees) listed in this thread, but I’ve also heard people say 60-65 degrees.

I could do either or anywhere in between, I just don’t want to get this part wrong!

I really like a good amount of clove and banana, almost to the point of rotting banana so I ferment it at 70 but if you want to win competitions, then keep it around 67. 80 is MUCH too high.

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