Former hardcore-now casual rater
Co-host of BrewStyles podcast
BJCP Certified March 2017
Ratebeerians I have met:
AmERICanbrew, angrypirate06, Assurbanipaul, ballewblake, BarZigKin, Bhops, BlackSwan, bleeng, blutt59, BMan1113VR, Boomer0813, bostondoug1981, bu11zeye, chef201atc,
cwsample, Dixonian, drowland, dukefan, dyetube, ericandersnavy, exiled, Fratto, ilovedarkbeer, importer, jkwalking05, JJFoodie, KAggie97, kevin, LONESTAR, lordplayer, Lumpy, MaltOMeal, mar, Mora2000, Nellie, peter, pikapp327, RollinHard, Swalden28, TChrome, thirdeye11, travita, Walt, WeeHeavySD, Zdk9, Zinister.
Last seen Apr 20 2024
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Former hardcore-now casual rater
Co-host of BrewStyles podcast
BJCP Certified March 2017
Ratebeerians I have met:
AmERICanbrew, angrypirate06, Assurbanipaul, ballewblake, BarZigKin, Bhops, BlackSwan, bleeng, blutt59, BMan1113VR, Boomer0813, bostondoug1981, bu11zeye, chef201atc,
cwsample, Dixonian, drowland, dukefan, dyetube, ericandersnavy, exiled, Fratto, ilovedarkbeer, importer, jkwalking05, JJFoodie, KAggie97, kevin, LONESTAR, lordplayer, Lumpy, MaltOMeal, mar,...
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