Rogue Skullsplitter



on tap


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RATINGS: 109   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.61/5   EST. CALORIES: 270   ABV: 9%
Skullsplitter is an off-the-charts giant of a beer that is a towering product of John Maier’s fertile beermagination. Amarillo dry hops give a tangerine-citrus nose that is enveloped by a burnt toffee aroma. AN inky palate with roast and caramel notes teases before the attacking, intense bitterness. Let this one warm in your glass before sipping.

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nybol (4359) - DENMARK - JUL 13, 2017
Den har en stor frugtsmag, er lette sprittet, man skal ikke have mange, men en skal man have.

MadIndian (2743) - Levittown, Pennsylvania, USA - DEC 27, 2011
Beer sampled on Rogue night. Typical black pour that goes with the schwarzbier territory. A nice sweet malt, roast, toffee and smoke aroma. Flavor is burnt, roasted and caramel malt, and bitter chocolate. Good!

ThaJuggernaut (309) - Washington, USA - FEB 1, 2011
Had this one on tap at pints and quarts in lacy. Has a fruity hint to it. But is an adventure when I drink it. Nice solid head. With almost a coffee nutty like taste. Great overall beer

Cletus (6349) - Connecticut, USA - JUN 24, 2009
Pours dark brown with a thin light tan head. Smells of sweet malt, some fruit, chocolate. Tastes chocolatey and fruity with a hint of spininess on the finish.

Schultsc (572) - San Diego, California, USA - FEB 1, 2009
Draught. Deep brown-black with a medium-fine light brown head. Some berry fruit fermentation characteristics in the aroma with some roasted malt and American hops. Some mild grain astringency in the flavor along with some mild roasted grain elements. The body is fairly light without much depth.

Lubiere (22898) - Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA - DEC 8, 2008
Rogue Black Brutal Bitter. A deep dark clear brown ale with a thin light moka head. A good floral hops, lots of C-hops, light chocolate notes. In mouth, a rather nice floral hops bitterness, faint chocolate, overall a nice nutty IPA. At Tap and Mallet, August 15 2008.

santos999 (318) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - NOV 21, 2008
Dark brown body with ruby hues and a thick off white head. Hoppy IPA aroma with pine and citrus. Bitter resiny hop taste with some slight caramel malt in the back. Interesting, kinda fun, but I never would’ve guess it was a schwarz. Figured it was another "Dark IPA."

gunhaver (1030) - Tampa, Florida, USA - SEP 10, 2008
2004 bottle, at BA Throwdown #2. Dark reddish brown pour, creamy head and lacing. Some hoppy notes in the nose, caramel, vanilla, some subdued oak as well. Spicy beginning to the flavors, some distant hops, caramel, roasted finish. Smooth, easy to drink, has some age. Interesting but good.

Sammy (19216) - Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - AUG 19, 2008
A really good bitterness, enjoyed on-tap yesterday at the Tap and Mallet. Perhaps the way it was served, was getting only a modest roast and citrus hop. Dark ruby colour, lots of creative lace on my glass.Very fresh, was getting chocolate malt and coffee.Drinkable but more of a sipper than an IPA. Cross betwee IPA and a shwartzbeer, with good citrus.

Angeloregon (2055) - Portland, Oregon, USA - AUG 2, 2008
On tap at Green Dragon in Portland--Poured a dark brown-black body with a wispy white head. Citrus malty hoppy nose. Grassy, crisp, delicious.

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