RATINGS: 265   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.08/5   SEASONAL: Summer   IBU: 27   EST. CALORIES: 147   ABV: 4.9%
Brewed in the style of Dortmund, Germany, this golden lager has a delicate caramel malt character, balanced by a light body and mild German noble hops, creating a crisp, refreshing finish.
2014 vintage: 5.1% abv

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weihenweizen (7016) - Charleston, West Virginia, USA - JAN 10, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 10, 2020 Refrigerated 12 oz. aluminum can poured into a cup. Clear golden with medium white head. Aroma is floral hops, light body, medium carbonation, and little lacing. Taste is floral hops and malt.

Menorman714 (33) - Gambrills, Maryland, USA - MAY 29, 2017
Nicely tart after first taste. Oddly bitter but still refreshing. Overall satisfactory but not terribly interesting. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

hayduke (6098) - Ferndale, California, USA - SEP 16, 2016
Sampled at GABF 2015. In the tasting glass was gold with a white head. Nose of light caramel malts with some floral hops Light to medium body and a smooth mouth feel. Flavor is light malts with floral hops. Finish is a bit earthy. Drinks fine.

PanMarek (502) - Pennsylvania, USA - JUL 23, 2016
Cereal malt nose with a little hoppy pine. Cloudy reddish golden with thick, white foam. More bitterness in the taste, but the malt dominates with a slightly crisp finish. Light / medium body with moderate fizz.

TH28 (557) - - JUL 9, 2016
12oz can. 8/13/16 best by date. Appearance: Light golden, crystal clear, with small whit head that dissipates quickly. Aroma: Bready, light caramel maltiness, with a touch of floral hops. Taste: Light bready maltiness with the slightest touch of caramel and a moderately strong herbal hop bitterness. Also has some light diacetyl reminiscent of a Czech pils. Mouthfeel: Medium body for style, with a moderately high, crisp carbonation. Finish: Some lingering buttery diacetyl, and a touch of herbal hops. Overall: A crisp, well balanced, refreshing take on a Dormunder. Diacetyl is probably a bit too strong for the style

trapped (7555) - New York, TURKEY - JUN 6, 2016
Draught @ Albion. Clear rich yellow with medium sized creamy off-white head, faint malt aroma, medium carbonation, sweetish malt taste, smooth and crisp body, medium malty finish. Quite nice for the genre.

kaser (6484) - Chicago, Illinois, USA - OCT 10, 2015
Golden pour with white head. Wheat and cereal aroma. Light, grainy and poundable. Good shit

AbbeyRoade (977) - Missouri, USA - SEP 15, 2015
Pretty good balance of crisp cereal lager flavors and caramel malts. Refreshing and easily sessionable. Light body. Hops are mild and add a good equilibrating kick.

justsayswell (294) - Kansas City, Kansas, USA - SEP 13, 2015
Clear and very pale gold pour. Rocky head that diminishes slowly. Nose is grainy, faint floral and grassy hops. Bit of corn. Light to medium body. Creamy, malty, slightly sweet. Grassy hops. Creamed corn. Finishes slightly sweet and slightly medicinal. Not great.

chinchill (6216) - South Carolina, USA - AUG 13, 2015
Poured from a 12 oz. can into a Fat Cat pint glass. BB date on the bottom of the can of Sept. 2015. Appearance: Pours clear straw-golden color with lots of rising carbonation bubbles. Well proportioned frothy head has good retention and leaves a decent lacing. Smell: Bready with earthy and herbal hop notes. Taste: Lightly sweet malt base with notes of citrus and earthy hops. Mouthfeel: Light-medium bodied with a moderate amount of carbonation. Crisp with some dryness in the finish. Overall: Not bad but not worth seeking out.

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