RateBeer Summer Gathering 2015 Thread

Reads 21259 • Replies 282 • Started Monday, April 20, 2015 11:11:28 AM CT

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beers 33915 º places 4596 º 19:07 Mon 6/15/2015

Ferris is bringing a magnum of a berliner weisse, I love it!

00:38 Tue 6/16/2015

I have a few more slots open in my shipper. Does anyone have a preference between like older Bruery beers like some Partridge or BA 2 Turtle Doves or some recent Veritas or Duck Duck or something?

beers 2 º places 7 º 00:46 Tue 6/16/2015

Those all sound good to me Jacob. No strong preference. You are bringing some really nice beers. Stoked to try them.

beers 5012 º places 294 º 01:07 Tue 6/16/2015

Originally posted by vacax
some recent Veritas or Duck Duck or something?

beers 23108 º places 1878 º 01:23 Tue 6/16/2015

Anyone coming in early? I will be around on Wednesday.

beers 10981 º places 349 º 10:30 Tue 6/16/2015

I arrive Wed evening, with bottles chilled and ready.

beers 21480 º places 1691 º 10:33 Tue 6/16/2015

I’ve got a similar question to Jake’s.

There are a few empty slots in my bottle shipper. Anyone have any requests for some So Cal (or particularly Orange County) breweries they’d like to try? I’ll be hitting a few places this afternoon/evening.

beers 2662 º places 111 º 10:52 Tue 6/16/2015

Originally posted by vacax
I have a few more slots open in my shipper. Does anyone have a preference between like older Bruery beers like some Partridge or BA 2 Turtle Doves or some recent Veritas or Duck Duck or something?

If you bring BA 2 Turtle Doves, I will bring BA 4 Calling Birds.

If you want to bring Patridge, I can bring the 2 3 and 4 (maybe 5 if I have it). Or if we want to do the series and you don’t have space I also have a Patridge

11:29 Tue 6/16/2015

Originally posted by Sarlacc83
Originally posted by vacax
I have a few more slots open in my shipper. Does anyone have a preference between like older Bruery beers like some Partridge or BA 2 Turtle Doves or some recent Veritas or Duck Duck or something?

If you bring BA 2 Turtle Doves, I will bring BA 4 Calling Birds.

If you want to bring Patridge, I can bring the 2 3 and 4 (maybe 5 if I have it). Or if we want to do the series and you don’t have space I also have a Patridge

I wouldn’t worry about trying to do those as series since they’re all different beers anyway.

beers 1 º places 7 º 11:36 Tue 6/16/2015

For those with empty slots in your bottle shipper, dont forget New Avenues;)