RateBeer Summer Gathering 2015 Thread

Reads 21509 • Replies 282 • Started Monday, April 20, 2015 11:11:28 AM CT

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beers 13324 º places 399 º 18:52 Wed 6/17/2015

So tomorrow we will go to Upright, Widmer for dinner and Ecliptic with lots of other possible journeys afterwords. For those of you not having been to PDX, I assure you that you have not seen this many beer places in such proximity.
Upright has just released a new barrel aged barley wine that should be amazing.
Anyone with questions can call or text me at 412 728 0543
Luke and Todd would be helpful as well.
Overall, it will be a typically awesome Summer PDX day with sun, low humidity and warmth but not too hot.

beers 2662 º places 111 º 20:36 Wed 6/17/2015

You can get ahold of me as well. PM me for my number.

beers 5089 º places 296 º 20:47 Wed 6/17/2015


Seattle crew is coming correct (but later on Thursday). Hoping for after party activities.

beers 2662 º places 111 º 20:50 Wed 6/17/2015

Is anyone interested in walking from the Jupiter to Upright? I would be willing to lead the party on foot; leave around 4:15 if anyone prefers to hoof it.

beers 6098 º places 23 º 20:52 Wed 6/17/2015

Beer is loaded in the car and I am ready to roll early in the morning. Picking up Dave (Strykzone) at the airport in the afternoon. I assume we meet in the lobby of the Jupiter at 4:30 pm

beers 5089 º places 296 º 21:10 Wed 6/17/2015

Originally posted by Sarlacc83
Is anyone interested in walking from the Jupiter to Upright? I would be willing to lead the party on foot; leave around 4:15 if anyone prefers to hoof it.

to be clear, that is you in the avatar pic?

beers 10981 º places 349 º 21:40 Wed 6/17/2015

Anybody want to meet in the Jupitor lobby to share a few beers and meet each other beforehand, say 2:30 or 3:00?

beers 2662 º places 111 º 22:14 Wed 6/17/2015

Originally posted by beastiefan2k
Originally posted by Sarlacc83
Is anyone interested in walking from the Jupiter to Upright? I would be willing to lead the party on foot; leave around 4:15 if anyone prefers to hoof it.

to be clear, that is you in the avatar pic?

Are you going to be disappointed if it’s not?

(For realz; I’ve been waffling over whether you’re joking or not. Mostly because I think you are, but if you aren’t, and I quote the character, then I look like a jerk. Either way, you’re going to be disappointed.)

@Duff. I am game to meet early. PM’d you.

beers 11433 º places 967 º 23:22 Wed 6/17/2015

I should be at the hotel by then, I’ll come down if I’m there.

beers 6 º places 2 º 23:31 Wed 6/17/2015

Quick summary of what’s up on Sunday, please?