Brewed by BrewDog
Style: IPA
Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Serve in Shaker, Tulip


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RATINGS: 2513   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.7/5   IBU: 45   EST. CALORIES: 162   ABV: 5.4%
Bottle, keg and can: Filtered Post Modern Classic 5.4% abv; also sold as 5.6% abv Punk IPA is the beer that kick-started it. This light, golden classic has been subverted with new world hops to create an explosion of flavour. Bursts of caramel and tropical fruit with an all-out riot of grapefruit, pineapple and lychee, precede a spiky bitter finish. This is the beer that started it all - and it’s not done yet... PUNK - Quintessential Empire with an anarchic twist. Malts: Marris Otter Extra Pale. Hops: Chinook, Simcoe, Ahtanum, Nelson Sauvin.

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borderline_alco (445) - Durham, Durham, ENGLAND - JUL 22, 2024
UPDATED: JUL 22, 2024 Light, malty with a fruity and mild pine taste. Slightly yeasty. Quality dipped in 2023, but it's back to what it should be!

sativa. (407) - Dortmund, GERMANY - MAY 2, 2024
UPDATED: MAY 2, 2024 Leicht getrübt und hell im Glas. Feine und stabile Schaumkrone. Exotische Früchte im Geruch. Der Antrunk ist leicht fruchtig und herb, mit Aromen von Mango und Ananas. Bittert nach. Fein carbonisiert

YeastAromas22 (16) - - MAR 31, 2024
UPDATED: JUN 1, 2024 Bought this on sale. Doesn't expire for three months but carbonation seems light. Descriptions here say medium carbonation so I must have gotten a bad batch. Poured into a glass it looks like apple juice or iced tea. Better in the bottle. Flavor still good Edit- tried it again with normal carbonation. Much better

oczek2015 (2015) - Przemysl, POLAND - MAR 30, 2024
UPDATED: MAR 30, 2024 Trochę taka skamielina, pamiętam jak piłem na początku zainteresowania kraftem ale jakoś nie opisałem, na pewno nie było tak wyczuwalnej goryczki jak w tym przypadku, ciężko ocenić czy i jak piwo zmieniło się po latach. Na dzień dzisiejszy nic ciekawego.

Dzony95 (363) - Belgrade, SERBIA - FEB 26, 2024
UPDATED: FEB 26, 2024 0.5 can from a random store in Malta. On the Manoel Island from the can. Nice malty aroma. Great refreshing taste, light, fruity, fresh, bittery. Palate hoppy. Beautiful.

mr_fabi_134 (402) - - JAN 3, 2024
UPDATED: JAN 3, 2024 Dose.goldgelbe farbe mit weisser schaumkrone,leicht bitter,leichte süsse note,malzig,hopfig,steinfrüchte und ananasaromen,sehr gut zu trinken.SEHR GUT

HopsAromas55 (201) - East Sussex, ENGLAND - DEC 23, 2023
UPDATED: DEC 23, 2023 fair bitterness, golden colour white head A - not as much hop aroma as the ingredients would suggest, theres some stone fruit and pine F - reasonable malt backbone, stone fruits mostly from the hops with a grapefuit bitterness and slight earthyness, maybe slightly harsh bitterness at times

Schlenkerla29 (2353) - Sevilla, SPAIN - DEC 23, 2023
UPDATED: DEC 23, 2023 Fein getrübtes Altgold füllt das Glas aus und wird von einer präsentablen sahnigen Schaumkrone gekrönt. Der Nase werden eine knackig-frische, leicht aggressiv anmutende pampelmusige Herbe und Mango über geringem karamelligen Malz geboten. Es eröffnet schlank und lediglich angedeutet karamellmalzig. Eine knackig-frische zitrusfruchtige Hopfenherbe, Pampelmuse und Harz überrollen den zu zaghaften malzigen Unterbau regelrecht und rücken das Punk IPA somit von Beginn an auf ein etwas monotones Gleis. Bei milder Rezenz und angenehmer Hefeweichheit stellt es sich gut trinkbar dar. Dem steht jedoch die im Abgang anzutreffende deutliche harzige Herbe gegenüber, ein sehr langer bitterer Nachtrunk schließt sich an. Ein auffallend einseitiges, knackig gehopftes IPA, das die gängigen Erwartungen erfüllt.

andreasanthios (87) - ITALY - DEC 20, 2023
UPDATED: DEC 20, 2023 American IPA. La schiuma è bianca, compatta, fine, soffice e di buona persistenza. Il colore è giallo dorato brillante e leggermente velato. L'aroma è intenso con note di frutta tropicale, resinose ed agrumate a coprire tutto il resto. In bocca parte col malto, virando poi verso le medesime note tropicali ed agrumate già percepite al naso, accompagnate da un amarore pronunciato che bilancia bene la dolcezza iniziale. Il sorso è rotondo, il corpo medio, la chiusura secca e dissetante; la carbonazione è secondo me adeguata, il retrolfatto è più corto di quanto si possa pensare inizialmente. Nel complesso i suoi punti forti sono il bilanciamento e la freschezza, a scapito della ricercatezza o dell'intensità dei singoli sentori. Molto buona, non eccellente, la berrò ancora.

bth122 (2333) - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - DEC 13, 2023
UPDATED: DEC 13, 2023 Can. Slight haze light golden. Medium head. Nice floral citrus hop aroma. Medium bitter. Some malt backbone. Medium light body. Can says 7.5 alc.

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