Brewed by Abdij St. Sixtus - Westvleteren
Style: Quadrupel / Abt
Westvleteren, Belgium


on tap

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RATINGS: 3701   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.42/5   EST. CALORIES: 306   ABV: 10.2%
Bottle: Unfiltered Bottles are identified by the information on the cap. Westvleteren has the smallest output of the Trappist breweries, with only a small part of their production available outside of Belgium.

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DijkBier (3485) - Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS - JAN 19, 2024
UPDATED: JAN 19, 2024 Well, finally an appropriate moment to enjoy the 'Big Brew'...; serving myself at home with a hardly chilled bottle on a moment I 'earned' it. Clear ruby dark-brown pour with some drifting sediment and with an enormous effervescent beige head, retaining very well. Aroma is first hard to catch through this big head, but later sweet roast malts, caramel, dried fruits. Taste is over medium sweet, caramel, brown/candy sugar, chocolate, bit spicy maybe. Full mouth, good carbo for such a string beer. I don't want to be cheesily stubborn, obstinate or contrarian, but to me this brew is not exceptional or really 'wow', like everyone says. Sure, a very nice quad, tasty, typical Belgian, bit old-school, bit too sweet; but not really rich or complex, not developing in taste, not a surprising aftertaste etc. Simply nice; like other nice brews....

peterpeedepee (2) - - DEC 4, 2023 does not count
UPDATED: DEC 4, 2023 Wonderfull smell, delicious taste. Complex and well balanced. Tried so many other also magnificant quads, but this one is really the best of the best. Bravo!

williamlantz (957) - SWEDEN - NOV 18, 2023
UPDATED: NOV 18, 2023 Bottled June-2022: Dark brown, unclear, colour with a creamy head. Aroma: malt, yeast, brown sugar, hint of caramel, hint of sweet rye, some raisins and dried fruits, hint of smoke. Fairly mild aroma, yet with some complexity. Taste: malt, roasted malt, hint of alcohol, yeast, hint of smoked meat, dried fruits, raisins, hint of figs. Some saltiness. Some roasted bitterness. Fermented flavours, hint of fermented pork. Full body. Very well balanced.

eddie (379) - ITALY - NOV 17, 2023
UPDATED: NOV 17, 2023 Colore marrone intenso e schiuma marroncina fine ma persistente. Il profumo è complesso, caratterizzato da malti tostati che ricordano il caffè, cacao. Anche il gusto è complesso, si mischiano note dolci ad un finale amarognolo: si avvertono note nocciole, noci, caramello, cioccolato. Il corpo è morbido e vellutato, leggermente pastoso.

BarleyTasty62 (891) - - OCT 2, 2023
UPDATED: OCT 2, 2023 Bottle that came with a song and a candle. Darkest brown, slightly cappucino head. Almonds, nuts, peanuts. Taste is lovely sparkly, umami soy, sweet but not sticky, salty. Nice.

TrappistRates36 (1460) - RANGIORA, NEW ZEALAND - SEP 10, 2023
UPDATED: SEP 10, 2023 Historic notes from October 2018 : given 3 bottles from friend in Belgium : €4 at the time , per bottle :( €18 on the black market ) : 3 y.o. aged beer : Deeply opaque , brown colour ... aged raisins aroma ... sweet & bitter , richly dried fruits , chocolatey ... a stunning beer , truly massive : thanks to my American buddy : a treasure to remember .

joseluisramone (207) - - AUG 26, 2023
UPDATED: AUG 26, 2023 Botella de 33 cl. Fecha de consumo preferente 28/03/26. Color marrón oscuro con buena carbonatación y dos dedos de espuma. Aroma a uvas pasas, ciruelas, higos, caramelo, chocolate. Sabor a caramelo, uvas pasas, ciruelas, higos, vainilla, chocolate. Cuerpo medio alto, dulce pero no demasiado, alcohol bien oculto, equilibrada, redonda, deliciosa, gran cerveza, un deber probarla!

FrothyKeep61 (12) - Eindhoven, NETHERLANDS - AUG 25, 2023
UPDATED: AUG 25, 2023 Tick transfered from untappd. Bottle at home, nothing notheworthy. Very carbonated.

Swiezy (303) - POLAND - JUN 4, 2023
UPDATED: JUN 4, 2023 Wygląd: piana beżowa, drobne i średnie pecherzyki, bardzo obfita, redukuje się dość szybko do cienkiej warstwy. Piwo ciemne, brązowe, z lekkimi rubinowych refleksami pod światło. Aromat: jest moc :). Sporo ciemnej skórki od chleba, karmelu, palonego cukru, tytoniu, ale bardziej takiego z którego cygara się skręca - ciemny dobry rum podobnie pachnie np krajem albo santiago, tutaj lekka wanilia również jest obecna. Dużo ciemnych suszonych Owocow tj śliwki, rodzynki, poza tym troche miodu, nut drożdżowych oraz fenoli typowych dla belgijskich piw. Smak: w ustach pełnia średnia, myślałem ze będzie pełniejsze, słodsze, bardziej likierowe i wyklejajace, a jest jednak lżejsze. Początek wytrawny, lekko szczypiący w policzki i język, po przełknięciu bardzo złożone, dużo karmelu, suszonych owocow, pieprzu, palonego cukru, do tego trochę wypieczonego ciasta, jednoczenie jest dużo fenoli i ziół, które pojawiają się natychmiast po przełknięciu co sprawia ze piwo jest wytrawne. Bardzo szlachetny alkohol, przypominający rum, goryczka długa, całkiem intensywna ziołowa, tytoniowa, świetny finisz.

ClarkVV (13834) - Boston, Massachusetts, USA - APR 21, 2023
UPDATED: APR 21, 2023 Bottled 2000, drunk 2004. Dark, clear, reddish tints. Small, creamy, buttered beige head, moderate retention. Low phenol, moderate ester. Raisin, plum, plastery yeast. Hint of caramel-tinged honey like base malt with very delicate, chocolate-like notes lingering alongside lightly spicy phenol (pepper) and dark fruit. Not boozey, clean. Soft, malty, great texture with a contemporary imperial stout-like viscosity. Big esters, dark fruits and sweet caramel-raisin-vanilla. Lovely stuff, with nothing crude not too much sweetness/alcohol. Highly lauded for a reason.

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