Brasserie Artisanale de Rulles Reviews

La Rulles Blonde
Nice classic. A bit more hazy and tastes like it than I would like for perfection in this style. Delerium brussels
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

La Rulles Epeautre
Amber with a frothy, white head. Subdued peppery, herbal aroma with touches of sweetened dough and fruit candy. Taste is mildly bitter with dry finish that’s both slightly peppery and slightly fruity. Body to the light side of medium, moderate carbonation, quite watery texture. Pleasant easy-going sipper that doesn’t, in the end, leave much of an impression.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

La Rulles Blonde
On tap at Moeder Lambic Fontainas. Cloudy golden with medium white head. Malty, sweetish, some fruity notes, bit yeasty and spicy. Medium bodied.
Monday, May 6, 2024

La Rulles Triple
On tap @Moeder Lambic Original, Bruselas. 04/04/2024. Color amarillo oscuro corona de espuma blanca aromas y sabores levadura, malta,cuerpo medio.
Saturday, May 4, 2024

La Rulles Estivale

Saturday, May 4, 2024

La Rulles La Grande 10

Friday, March 15, 2024

La Rulles La Grande 10
bottiglia 33 cl, schiuma bianco sporco pannosa persistente, color giallo oro torbido con lieviti in sospensione, al naso lieviti belgi spezie frutta gialla marmellata di pesche leggera scorza d’arancia, in bocca è speziata marmellata di pesche arancia candita miele note erbacee, corpo rotondo, carbonazione moderata, astringente, alcool ben in evidenza, attacco dolce con un amaro accentuato lungo nel finale. Impegnativa da bere con calma. c. Cantina della birra 01.03.24
Friday, March 1, 2024

La Rulles Houblon Sauvage
On tap. Pours a clear amber with light head. Aromas of lemon wax, fruity esters and soft wheat. Flavors follow same with lots of additional black pepper that really seems to work for this relatively low ABV beer. Neat.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

La Rulles Cuvée Meilleurs Voeux
Aus der Flasche (Vintage 2014) im 2023-11 getrunken. Dieses dunkle Weihnachtsbier im belgischen Stil kommt klassisch malzig daher. Über die lange Flaschenlagerung hat sich die Süße deutlich abgebaut, aber es sind keine weitere komplexe Aromen entstanden wie andere ähnliche Biere diese Stiles es können. Der Körper ist eher leicht für diesen Stil und einfach zu genießen. Ein schönes Bier!
Sunday, February 18, 2024

La Rulles Epeautre
Bottle. Gold with a cm of dense white head. Aroma of yeasty dough, herbal lemon and orange. So it tastes with a fine fairly bitter and rather brackeny & spicy finish.
Sunday, January 21, 2024

La Rulles Holy Hop Circus
One of the younger additions to the Rulles portfolio, a light and hoppy quencher, something this brewery should excel at. Frothy, egg-white, thick and stable, membrane-lacing head on a misty apricot-golden blonde robe. Aroma of fresh lemonbalm, white bread crust, freshly cut grass, young wormwood leaf, green apple peel, pear blossom, raw turnip, freshly grated raw potato, dandelion, clove, chalk, radish. Dryish onset, hard pear and green banana, touch Granny Smith perhaps, fizzy carb with minerally effects, supple body - feeling less thin than expected at this ABV. Bread-crusty, grainy pale malts with phenolic touches of clove and nutmeg on top - until the 'holy' hops take over, adding a long, drying, leafy and earthy bitterness with elements of lemon pith, wormwood, white pepper and sedge. In spite of the earthy element and the spicy phenols, the whole remains crisp and quenching. Very summery, grassy and floral Belgian blonde, typical for Rulles' output in several ways, convincing enough to maintain that this brewery is notably accomplished in traditional Belgian ales, as true connoisseurs have known for years.
Wednesday, January 3, 2024

La Rulles Triple
75cl bottle from Drinks Vanuxeem, Ploegsteert, Belgium. Pours a hazy golden colour with a large thick foamy white head. Aromas of yellow fruits, bananas and pears with a little bit of floral and herbal notes. Taste has more of the same notes with some added peppery spice and some earthy hop on the dry finish. Medium body with average carbonation and slightly oily mouthfeel. Good Triple.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

La Rulles Brune
Bottle, 750 ml, shared with others. Brown with medium off white head. Malty, caramel, some dried fruits, bread, watery. Sweetish.
Monday, November 6, 2023

La Rulles 23ème
Brassigaume 2023. Clear golden yellow beer with a white head. Aroma of pale malt, some grains, stone fruits. Taste of tart stone fruits, apricot, yeast, pale malt, light body.
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

La Rulles Blonde

Saturday, September 16, 2023

La Rulles La Grande 10

Friday, September 15, 2023

La Rulles Estivale
Has the super dry super phenolic sharpness. Very well made for that. But just person preference a little rounder and sweeter. Still great beer. Delerium brussels
Sunday, September 10, 2023

La Rulles Blonde
Pas fou fou un peu amer
Friday, September 8, 2023

La Rulles Epeautre

Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Etruscan
La Rulles Epeautre
White weak full lasting head. Light amber colour. Aroma is malty with cereal, biscuits and fruity (plume) notes. Flavor is moderately hoppy with light grainy and fruity (pear) tones, ending in a balanced finish. Medium bodied.
Tuesday, August 8, 2023

La Rulles La Rulles 23 ème

Friday, August 4, 2023

La Rulles Pils
Robe orangée trouble, mousse 1cm, carbo ok, nez riche et agréable, herbacé et une pointe d'agrumes. Attaque amère avec du pain frais, du malt. Ensemble fruité, complexe, amertume présente mais modérée, aromatique et très fraiche. Très bon !
Thursday, August 3, 2023

La Rulles Epeautre
Si cette Rulles ira très bien pour se désaltérer en été, je la trouve bien quelconque avec une corpulence limitée. Quant à l'épeautre, heureusement que cela est indiqué sur l'étiquette car à la dégustation, cela n'est pas flagrant. Pour la brasserie La Rulles, je m'attendais à mieux tout de même. En verre nous sommes sur un blond limpide avec une effervescence moyennement soutenue et une mousse blanche disparate. Le nez est relativement classique sur le pain, les céréales, le miel et une touche de caramel. En bouche, nous sommes sur des arômes simples qui restent ceux du nez. L'intensité n'est pas si mauvaise que cela mais ils manquent très nettement de tension. L'arrière bouche présente une légère acidité. La corpulence est limitée comme la longueur. Le final de son côté est sur des arômes relativement neutres. Rafraichissant.
Sunday, July 30, 2023

La Rulles Epeautre
Light yeast and orange peel aroma. Opaque bronze colour with small white head. Flavours of biscuit, orange peel and yeast. Medium body. Dry and slightly bitter finish.
Thursday, July 27, 2023

La Rulles Blonde

Sunday, July 23, 2023

La Rulles Epeautre

Saturday, July 15, 2023

La Rulles Triple

Sunday, July 9, 2023

La Rulles Estivale
Second attempt at this brewer, second disappointment, strong rye grain taste, still refreshing in some ways.
Monday, June 26, 2023

La Rulles Blonde

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

La Rulles Blonde
Gold with a frothy, white head that lingers. Aroma has a bit of lemon zest, but also trends floral. Taste is moderate bitter. Touch of bubblegum at end. Medium-bodied, very smooth. Nice!
Saturday, June 3, 2023

La Rulles La Grande 10
Orange with a frothy, white head that lingers. Aroma promises orange peel and spice with just touches of candy and dankness. Taste is bitter the whole way through. Medium-bodied, moderate carbonation, quite dry at the end. The alcohol remains perfectly hidden. Pleasant.
Friday, June 2, 2023

La Rulles Blonde
Bottle from Drinks Vanuxeem, Ploegsteert, Belgium. Pours a hazy light golden colour with a large thick foamy white head. Aromas of bananas, cloves, peppery spice and a hint of floral and herbal. Taste is similar with more bananas, cloves, peppery spice, floral and herbal notes with light grassy hops on the finish. Hoppier than other Belgian Blonde’s . Aldo a touch of sweetness but well balanced. Medium body and light fizzy mouthfeel. Very good crisp and refreshing Blonde.
Monday, May 29, 2023

La Rulles Blonde
Wygląd: piana bardzo obfita, bialutka drobna, trwała, lekko oblepia skali. Piwo ciemnozlote, mętne z drobinkami drożdży. Aromat: słodowe na pierwszym planie, głównie w postaci maslanych herbatników, do tego trochę przypraw i ziół, sporo takich słodkawym nut tu jest których nie potrafie do kocna określić, nie są ani owocowe, ani cukrowe / landrynkowe. Generalnie pachnie przyjemnie. Smak: pełnia średnia, słodowe na pierwszym planie, troche nut pieczonego ciasta, trochę słodkich dojrzałych owocow, do tego trochę przypraw, przełamane goryczka ziołowa. Całkiem przyjemne.
Saturday, May 27, 2023

La Rulles La Grande 10
Bière orangée voilée à pétillement actif et courte mousse vite en nappage. Arômes complexes, malt et caramel, miel, épices, fruits, agrumes et fleurs. Le goût est corsé, puissant, malt rôti, caramel-miel, fruité orange-abricot, avec levure et ses épices, des fruits secs et confits, notes vanillées. Bière onctueuse avec un alcool chaleureux et un amer présent d'agrumes pour un final sec.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023

La Rulles Estivale
Kolor złoty, klarowny. Piana biała wysoka, z niesamowicie zwartą, "sztywną" budową. Leniwie się redukuje, pozostawiajac po sobie spienione wysepki na szkle. Aromat silnie słodowy, przyprawowy z lekką drożdżowością, w tle bardzo delikatne i "krotkie" akcenty owocowe. Smak zdecydowanie wytrawny. Goryczka ma charakter ziołowy, jest wyraźna, wysoka i długa. Wysycenie średnie w górę. Ciało pełne. Tekstura płynu gładka, miękka. Posmak długi, goryczkowy, ziołowy.
Saturday, May 13, 2023

La Rulles Triple
opalescent orange colour, huge, creamy ecru-ish white head; aroma of lemon zesty, hay, floral, some (unripe) fruity, earthy and some yeasty notes; taste has similar notes to the aroma with quite intensive (medicinal-)hoppy and orange peel oily bitterness; good tripel
Monday, May 8, 2023

La Rulles Estivale

Friday, April 7, 2023

La Rulles Pils
Robe blonde pale, limpide, mousse blanche crémeuse et abondante de bonne tenue. Nez céréales, foin, herbes, poivre. La bouche est assez amère et sèche, base maltée discrète, houblons herbeux, notes de miel, poivre. Bonne carbo, corps léger, longueur moyenne, belle amertume. Une bonne pils amère et bien houblonnée.
Friday, March 17, 2023

La Rulles Brune
750cl bottle from Drinks Vanuxeem, Ploegsteert, Belgium. Pours a very dark brown with a reddish hue and a large thick foamy beige head. Aromas of dry dark fruits, chocolate, caramel and brown bread. Taste has more chocolate and caramel, toasty brown bread, light roasted malts, some nuts and more dry dark fruits. Thin to medium body with fairly low carbonation. Very decent Dubbel and up there with the best i have tried.
Sunday, March 12, 2023

La Rulles Triple

Friday, March 3, 2023

La Rulles Houblon Sauvage
Had about 250ml at a beer tasting session at a local Belgium beer bar in England. This beer is amazing. Like no other beer I’ve tried before. I need to find a supply of this asap
Saturday, February 25, 2023

La Rulles Pils

Friday, February 17, 2023

La Rulles Triple

Friday, February 17, 2023

La Rulles Blonde
Backlog July 2015. Slightly dim orange, golden body under a big, creamy, lacing white head. Nice fruity, spicy, almost farmhouse type aroma. Taste is sweet malt, refreshing fruit, pleasant spicy. Medium body with pleasant aftertaste. A really nice blond the way this slightly boring style might be nice and refreshing. Typical Belgium style and almost like a crossover with saison, but still a real blonde.
Monday, February 6, 2023

La Rulles La Grande 10
Pours beautifully: thick, white head, golden orange color, quite hazy. Intruiging aromas: strong hoppiness, very yeasty, almost smells lactic? Reminds me of the smell of milk products, yoghurt, sour milk. Some fruitiness as well, cloudberries. The hop is strong in this one, with medium-high bitterness. Carbonation is so-so. Not very interesting flavor-wise. Full-bodied, strong alcohol presence, but not very complex. Too heavy to drink on its own, goes well with meat and hearty dishes.
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

La Rulles Pils Impériale
(Bottle) Golden colour with lasting, white head. Malty, hoppy nose with bread, grass, hay and fresh herbal hops. Malty, hoppy taste with notes of bread, cereal, grass, hay, citrus, and a balanced floral/herbal bitterness in the finish. Medium body, with a touch of sweetness. Tasty, harmonious and well made pils with a rich, fresh hop presence. Very nice.
Saturday, January 14, 2023

La Rulles Houblon Sauvage
Copenhagen 17/12 2022. 75 cl bottle from Kihoskh, Sønder Boulevard, Kbh. V. Drawing of a happy peasant trying to extract some hop-essence into a glass on the label. Pours unclear yellow with a big, fluffy white head. Stable. Settles as Thin uneven layer of foam stretching to cover the surface of the beer. Crawling up the sides of the glass. Substantial lacing. Aroma is medium intense with a sweet, fruity, malty odor mingling with a bit of citrus fruit, yeast and fresh grass. Sweet pale malts, lime, unripe tart gooseberries and light touch of damp cellar. Light carbonation. Slightly thick, oily, soft, lightly tingling texture. Flavor is fairly intense with a medium strong sweetness followed by a slightly stronger tart bitterness. Aftertaste is bitter with a tart and sour streak. Lingers for a while. Finish is rather dry. A nice and quite light Belgian but not without an insistent intensity.
Saturday, December 17, 2022

La Rulles Triple

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

La Rulles Cuvée Meilleurs Voeux
Hazy copper, tall tan head. Arom of yeast, pepper, ripe red fruits. Taste is fruity and malty, a little sweet, but spicy and complex. Hint of tobacco, marsipan and barrel.
Friday, November 25, 2022

La Rulles Cuvée Meilleurs Voeux
Bottle. Color: Slightly hazy orange-brown amber, yellow-ish off-white head. Aroma: Malty, caramel. Taste: Malty, caramel, hints of roasted nuts, almond. Light bitter and bit citrusy hoppy background. Medium body, just below average carbonation. Moderate sweet and moderate bitter. Lightly creamy. Lightly spicy. Dry-ish and bittery caramel malt finish. Nice typical Belgian Ale.
Tuesday, November 22, 2022