Fruits to Use (in Funky [multigrainedSaisons!)?

Reads 2142 • Replies 14 • Started Sunday, December 18, 2016 12:52:36 PM CT

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beers 1226 º places 112 º 12:52 Sun 12/18/2016

Kind of a tie-in to my latest homebrew post. Was wondering what fruits would best go with a multigrain saison.
Apricots in the secondary? Peaches? Definitely wanted to go with the drupe route (peach/nectarine/damson).

It will feature a white wheat/flaked wheat combo (making up 21.68%, adding them together) and 9.09% spelt malt.

Cereal mash may be useful now that I’ve upgraded my wheat bill.

beers 1226 º places 112 º 12:56 Sun 12/18/2016

spices may be cool.


i generally hate spices. yuk

places 1 º 13:15 Sun 12/18/2016

Is the cereal mash required? I’ve never done one, thought I read somewhere wheat is ok at normal mash temps, maybe I’m off.

I’ve had good results with fresh peaches and apricots before, also raspberry and strawberry, but those I pressed before adding.

beers 1226 º places 112 º 14:51 Sun 12/18/2016

Originally posted by DA
Is the cereal mash required? I’ve never done one, thought I read somewhere wheat is ok at normal mash temps, maybe I’m off.

I’ve had good results with fresh peaches and apricots before, also raspberry and strawberry, but those I pressed before adding.

Yeah, the cereal mash is generally reserved for when the wheat is at 25% and exceeds 25%. So I may not need to do one after all, but it still is something I’ll keep in keep in mind. I just don’t want it to clog anything up; definitely want will bookmark the idea, even if I won’t necessarily use it.

Peaches and apricots are the way to go. What is the percentages of either that you’ve used?
I’d have peaches on a much larger percentage than the apricots, because even in smaller doses peaches deliver a great profile. A large apricot profile has always tasted weird to me.
Perhaps 65%/35% (Peaches/apricots)?


places 1 º 18:47 Sun 12/18/2016

I don’t have my notes, but I think I did about 3 lbs of peaches in 5g. I came out very fruit forward, but the fruit was really fresh and almost overripe.

beers 14983 º places 219 º 19:09 Sun 12/18/2016


beers 1226 º places 112 º 19:15 Sun 12/18/2016

Originally posted by blipp
Oh, yeah. Good one!

beers 1226 º places 112 º 19:18 Sun 12/18/2016

Originally posted by DA
I don’t have my notes, but I think I did about 3 lbs of peaches in 5g. I came out very fruit forward, but the fruit was really fresh and almost overripe.
I definitely don’t want the peaches, if I use any, to "very" fruit forward. Dominating fruitiness is not my intention here. Perhaps by breaking your measurement in half (1.5 lbs) it might cut down on the fruitiness and hopefully more tart-sweetness will shine through.

But I will also be pitching two yeasts. If I didn’t mention that already, I am now.
A Farmhouse blend for primary - brett b (most likely) for secondary.

beers 2287 º places 71 º 19:45 Sun 12/18/2016
beers 1226 º places 112 º 20:07 Sun 12/18/2016
places 1 º 23:05 Sun 12/18/2016

Yah, I guess my point was with fresh fruit the quality and ripeness really matter, I definitely prefer more subtle fruit character. Unless your using a packaged purée it’s hard to know the results, maybe start with 1.5 lbs, but could be too subtle if the fruit isn’t ripe.

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