Unibroue Irrésistible Noire



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RATINGS: 92   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.25/5   EST. CALORIES: 225   ABV: 7.5%
(Brewed for the "Metro" supermarket chain); In an abbey great and towery, lived brothers talented in brewery. Ale this heavenly, alas!, led to drinkery...and now its rediscovery! Can you resist temptation?

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Viper666.Qc (10517) - Richelieu, Quebec, CANADA - FEB 11, 2013
Bouteille 341ml. De couleur brune foncée et voilée. Nez de levures fruitées (raisins, petits fruits foncés, notes de prunes) aux notes épicées (poivre, traces de clou de girofle), léger de chocolat et de caramel avec des notes de grains rôtis, de houblon herbeux et d’alcool. Moyennement ronde en bouche avec un pétillement moyen ainsi qu’une texture légèrement crémeuse. Goût de levure fruitées (figues, raisins, prunes, pommes) aux notes épicées (poivre doux, traces de clou de girofle) lors de l’entrée en bouche suivi rapidement d’un goût malté légèrement sucré (mélasse, notes de chocolat) puis en finale l’on retrouve un léger goût d’alcool avec des notes amères de houblon herbeux. Post-goût légèrement amer de rôti doux, de chocolat avec des notes d’alcool et de levures fruitées.

Metalchopz (7160) - Cantley, Quebec, CANADA - APR 10, 2012
Originally rated February 2005. This beer was exclusively sold through a chain of stores called Metro, a famous Quebec grocerie chain. It poured a dark brown opaque colour with a thick and creamy head. Retention was medium and the lacing was low. Aromas were of spices and so was the taste, with hints of nuts. Very smooth and dry aftertaste. Not the best Unibroue product, but a descent brew that goes down very easy.

sebletitje (11868) - Bruxelles, BELGIUM - JUN 11, 2009
33cl bottle. pours dark brown, off white head quickly becoming flat. Aroma, darf fruits, strong malt/caramel nose, some roast and forward notes of licorice. Taste, malty, caramel are just strong and very enjoyable, dark fruits, raisins/prune, candi sugar light chocolate and just prominent licorice/réglisse mouthfeel. Interesting and complex.

oh6gdx (45119) - Vasa, FINLAND - APR 21, 2009
Bottled (from lahoublonnaire.be). Very dark brown colour with minor head. Aroma is raisins, some mild alcohol, spices, yeast, dark berries and licorice. Flavour is caramel malts, dark berries, some slight oak barrel, mild licorice and some slight alcohol. Gets better the warmer it gets. At room temperature very pleasant.

grandgenie (260) - val-des-monts, Quebec, CANADA - JAN 11, 2009
Dégusté avec french tickler le 18 mars 2007. Drank in a tulip. Poor is dark brown with red highlights and a beige frothy head. Aromas of blackberries, lactose, very yeasty, wine barrels, cherries.... This one smells and tastes like a baby Trois-Pistoles. Very light and creamy mouthfeel, very similar to its blond cousin. Lightly carbonated. You can feel the alcohol at first then towards the end a less obvious sweet and bitter aftertaste.

Rockinout (966) - Kent, Ohio, USA - OCT 15, 2008
Aged for about a year. Very deep brown in color, different dark fruits going on like plum, prune, and raisin with fig and nut. Somewhat spicy very smooth finish. Thanks to Boutip for a trade long ago.

Cletus (6349) - Connecticut, USA - OCT 12, 2008
Pours brown with a thin tan head. Smells fruity with some oaky hints. Weird. Tastes of brown sugar, molasses, plums.

MrManning (2009) - Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA - JAN 12, 2008
Bottle-Pours deep chestnut brown with a frothy beige head. Nice retention here. Lots of dark fruit and spices in the nose, some candied sugar, earthy malts. Pretty sweet dark fruit flavours (plum, black cherry), nice hoppy taste mixed with spices and floral notes. Sweet and creamy in the finish. Good.

Glouglouburp (6103) - Montreal, Quebec, CANADA - NOV 9, 2007
In short: A dry yeasty dark Belgian Ale. Ok.
How: Bottle, 6 months to 1 year old. Drank some 6 months ago (backlog)
The look: Dark brown body with a initially big beige head that quickly recedes to a thing layer of foam.
In long: The beer felt rather dry without being roasted. Dry toasted raisins and other dark fruits. Some spicy notes. Moderately sweet. Too much carbonation. Really not much to say about this one. Not bad at all but for a Unibroue Belgian Ale this is so-so. Irresistible? Yeah sure, my cousin Louis calls himself that too. And you know, it’s a good thing he has a functional right hand otherwise…

rodenbach99 (4842) - Longueuil, Quebec, CANADA - OCT 8, 2007
341 ml, achetée chez Metro il y quelques années, bonne bière d’abbaye (en style) brune, dommage qu’elle soit disparue,aucune bière la remplace chez Unibroue.

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