RATINGS: 168   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.25/5   EST. CALORIES: 165   ABV: 5.5%
Unfiltered traditional German weiss beer. Malty wheat bouquet brimming with clove and apple aromas. Wheat and barley balanced by imported German Tettnanger hops. The finish is smooth and refreshing.

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mansquito (17046) - Nueva York, New York, USA - SEP 5, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 5, 2021 Draught at Franklin Social: pours barely hazy gold. Aroma is some spice and banana, but also sort of like a golden ale with more hops. Taste is sweet, light hops, mild hefe taste.

alexsdad06 (17991) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - JAN 9, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 9, 2021 This is a backlog rating from 2007 from a bottle via trade, from notes. When I had this beer it was average to below average for the style and not something I wanted to have again or I just didn't get back to my notes because of my technology at the time, work and/or family. Words to describe this beer are pale wheat malts, banana, cloves, citrus, mild floral.

DrNosha (8582) - Württemberg, GERMANY - MAY 20, 2018
vom Fass im Top Hops New York. Trüb gelb, dünner Schaum. Dezent herb hefiger Duft. Der Antrunk ist echt mal was anderes für Ein Weizen. Kräftig Haselnüsse, Rinde, reife Hefe. Recht trocken. Finde ich garnicht so schlecht.

gripweed57 (7567) - Hamilton Square, New Jersey, USA - NOV 3, 2017
12 ounce bottle. Hazy, yellow gold color. Thick, dense, rocky white head. Sweet wheat malt aroma. Notes of clove and banana. Flavor follows nose. Smooth, creamy mouthfeel. Fruit malt notes. Tart yeasty finish.

Bitterbill (3241) - Casper, Wyoming, USA - OCT 24, 2017
From Apr 2007 It pours from 12oz bottle(best by Aug 2007) a cloudy straw colour with a very small head of foam that dissipates completely after a very short time with no lacing. The smell has a wheat nose with some citrus and spice. The taste on first sip has a nice burst of banana and clove followed by wheat and yeast. Another sip and there's some tartness, no actually, a lot of tartness...very lemony. That's something that would work quite well in the hot summer days of Casper, no doubt. The mouthfeel is good for the style, the carbonation is light. and the finish ends up with the banana that I noted on the first sip. Solid. Good. Tasty. Bottom line: This would be a good thirst quecher for the summer season and I thank jwc215 for including this one in our trade!

Patrickctenchi (7260) - Cox’s Knob, columbus, Indiana, USA - APR 16, 2017
Bottle: Hazy yellow with a small white head. Banana, Juicy-Fruit Gum, wheat aroma. Yeast, banana, wheat malt, clove taste. Very solid.

shrubber85 (15125) - Greenville, Indiana, USA - MAR 31, 2017
Bottle. Sour milk, orange/banana, clove, wheat malt, and straw aroma. Hazy golden yellow with moderate white head. Moderately sweet banana, orange, wheat malt, and moderately bitter clove/light hay flavor. Very good - another winner from High Point.

weihenweizen (7008) - Charleston, West Virginia, USA - FEB 2, 2017
Refrigerated 12 oz. brown bottle best by June 2017 from mikeq215 poured into a weizen glass. Cloudy with small white head. Aroma is yeasty, medium body, medium carbonation, and some small-bubble lacing. Taste is yeasty and some clove.

Scotty001 (573) - Portlethen, SCOTLAND - NOV 20, 2016
Poured hazy and yellowish with a nice tight head. Standard weissbier aroma of clove and citrus fruit. Filling mouthfeel and flavour of citrus and a dry aftertaste.

Dacrza (1662) - Great Meadows, New Jersey, USA - JUL 19, 2015
Date: July 19, 2015... Glassware: Weihenstephan wheat... Occasion: recovering from the nine family party with a Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf viewing... Appearance: Begins with a two-finger white head that thins swiftly; an opaque, hazy yellow body that erupts in effervescence; zero tracings in the glass.... Aroma: lemon, clove and a bit of pepper make for an inviting profile; light malts suggest a balanced blond... Palate: smooth, medium-bodied, and with a bit of fizziness...drinkable and sessionable, but not nuanced or textured... Taste: clove, pepper, and malts are a flavorful treat, with a medium-bodied impact and indeed a balanced wheat; the apple/banana arrives at the end of the sip.... Overall: a refreshing, substantial hefeweizen that kept me quenched during a HOT summer afternoon....

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