Brewed by Brouwerij Lindemans
Style: Lambic - Flavored
Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Belgium


on tap


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RATINGS: 1322   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.43/5   EST. CALORIES: 105   ABV: 3.5%
Lindemans Cassis is a lambic made from local barley, unmalted wheat, and wild yeast. After spontaneous fermentation the lambic is aged in oak. Black currants are added creating a secondary fermentation and yielding an ale of exceptional flavor and complexity.

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phfyysik (3017) - Tartu, ESTONIA - DEC 17, 2023
UPDATED: DEC 17, 2023 Bottle. Pours dark red with medium pink head. Aroma is sour, berries, fruits, black currant, juice, some vinegar, muscat, some herbs. Taste is berries, black currant, sweet, sugar, some fruits, sourness, some vinegar, light jam. Nice beer!

BarleyLiquids69 (896) - - NOV 19, 2023
UPDATED: NOV 19, 2023 Flaske fra Salling i Aarhus. Meget flot lyserødt skum, og flot mørkerød glød. En smule syrlig næse og mørke bær. Let syrlig men stadig sød, god mørk frugt smag.

mr_fabi_134 (402) - - SEP 16, 2023
UPDATED: SEP 16, 2023 rötliche farbe mit hellroter schaumkrone,leichter heidelbeergeschmack, waldfrüchte,leichte sauere bote,süsslich,kräuterlich,hopfig,süss saueres ende,angenehm zu trinken.OK

pleispleis (1602) - Maccagno, ITALY - SEP 16, 2023
UPDATED: SEP 16, 2023 bottiglia 25 cl, schiuma rosa media grana media persistenza, colore rosso rubino limpido, al naso e in bocca yogurt al mirtillo e lievi note legnose, corpo medio, carbonazione moderata, acidula, dolce con amaro assente. Super aromatica. Molto buona. c. Iper Varese 16.09.23

pindolaire (708) - SPAIN - JUN 20, 2023
UPDATED: JUN 20, 2023 Servida en tulipa aflautada, color granate oscuro con espuma rosácea compacta y de buena retención. Aroma a moras y frutos del bosque. En boca tiene un punto ácido importante, así como agridulce, me hace salivar de lo lindo. De momento en la primera cata no termina de fascinarme.

Almogabar (1291) - MARIA DE HUERVA (ZARAGOZA), SPAIN - OCT 26, 2022
UPDATED: OCT 26, 2022 Botella de 33 cl. Color rosado oscuro, casi granate. Fina capa de espuma rosa, ligera retención en vaso. Aromas s frutos del bosque, bayas y cierto fondo a vinagre. En cambio el sabor es dulce al comienzo del trago (moras, bayas), con notas ácidas al final del mismo. Equilibrada, ni muy dulce ni muy ácida... muy rica.

saxdude (28) - - SEP 19, 2022
UPDATED: SEP 19, 2022 Very fruity aroma. Sweet on initial taste, then sour/tart. Lovely purple colour.

Hanoi (1802) - Greater Manchester, ENGLAND - AUG 1, 2022
UPDATED: AUG 1, 2022 Bottle. Nose is Ribena, blackcurrent, slight bret, pastry, hint of cherry. Taste is ribena, candy sugar, wheat, straw, hint of balsamic and raspberry in a sharp and slightly tart finish. The cordial is silly, but I liked it far more than I remember.

MaltoseLees58 (1173) - Szczecin, POLAND - FEB 5, 2022
UPDATED: FEB 5, 2022 w smaku i zapachu owoce, lekko kwaśnie. Ciekawa odmiana ale nie za dużo. Kriek to nie jest.

biir (3836) - Hamburg, Hamburg, GERMANY - JAN 9, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 9, 2022 Bottle from Altes Mädchen, Hamburg - clear purple color, lavender head. Sugar, slightly sour. Wheats, blueberry. Fresh sour finish, very good.

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