Spencer Brewery Reviews

Spencer Trappist Imperial Stout
$NZ 15 for 330 ml bottle from Beer Cellars (NZ) online : Exceedingly dark brown beer ( not quite black ) , intensely opaque , generous tan coloured head ... molasses , old raisins aroma ... choccy-mocha taste , thin mouthfeel , richly flavoured , nice sipping , a very approachable imperial stout : Nice !
Saturday, June 8, 2024

Spencer Trappist Imperial Stout

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Spencer Monks' Reserve Ale
330ml bottle @Abbazia delle Tre Fontane (Rome). Bruna, intensa, schiuma ecrù media, discretamente persistente. Al naso note di caramello, liquirizia, frutta rossa matura sotto spirito, datteri, fichi secchi. In bocca è abboccata all'attacco, caramello, leggero tostato, chiusura amara a bilanciare, leggera acidità. Corpo pieno, carbonazione medio-leggera. Notevole!
Sunday, April 14, 2024

Spencer India Pale Ale

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Spencer Trappist Ale

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Spencer Fruit Series: Peach Saison
12oz bottle from Toby. Cloudy golden pour, small bubbly white head. Aroma is peaches with notes of acetone. More peaches in the taste, ripe stone fruit, sour, funk. Still had a bit of that nail polish edge.
Sunday, February 11, 2024

Spencer Trappist Imperial Stout
Bottle pours out black topped with a small tan head. Nose is nice ash chocolate roast malts. Taste is more of the nice roast malts rich ash and some chocolate.
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Spencer Feierabendbier
Bottle pours out crisp clean golden topped with a white head. Nose is nice light bread malts some dusty wheat. Taste is more of the nice light dusty malts wheat some touch of grass.
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Spencer Monks' India Pale Ale
16oz can pours out golden topped with a white head. Nose is citrus some soap floral notes and grain. Taste is more of the nice floral notes grass citrus hops and a bread cereal grain.
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Spencer Fruit Series: Peach Saison
Bottle pours out golden topped with a white head. Nose is over ripe peach notes some sour tartness. Nose is nice over ripe peach some light tartness and a great funk.
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Spencer Monks' Reserve Ale

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Spencer Monks' Reserve Ale
Fles 33cl thuis. THT29-9-2019. Pruim, chocolade, caramel, zoeten, rozijn, maltig, dried fruits, bruine suiker, licht vineus, licht koolzuur, licht boozy. (19-1-2024).
Friday, January 19, 2024

Spencer Monks' Reserve Ale
355ml bottle. Dark amber with small head. Flavours are plummy, earthy, toasty. Medium sweet and warming. Good.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Spencer Trappist Holiday Ale
330ml bottle pours out amber color topped with a fizzy head. Nose is nice Christmas spices and some belg yeast. Taste is more of the nice sweet malts great spice blend and a yeast touch.
Monday, December 25, 2023

Spencer Trappist Holiday Ale
Bottle from Toby. Dark, opaque pour small bubbly head Aroma is malty, sweet, nutty. Taste is brown bread, sweet, nutmeg, malty, savory.
Monday, December 25, 2023

Spencer Monks' Reserve Ale
Mahogany dress, nice foam low during. Rich aromas of roasted malt, fruity of prune and raisin, caramel-licorice, coffee and spices. Taste is fat, the body dense and caramelized. Opulent beer with dry fruits, prune and raisin, spices, nutmeg-cinnamon. confectionery, caramelized apple and suger coated in alcohol. Superb development in the mouth. Alas, farewel Spencer, your beers were too good for your country of canned beer drinkers.
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Spencer Trappist Imperial Stout - Oak Barrel-Aged (11.3%)
Botella de 33 cl. Fecha de consumo preferente 14/01/24. Color negro con buena carbonatación y un dedo de espuma. Aroma a café, chocolate, madera, vainilla, bourbon. Sabor a café, pasas, ciruelas, chocolate, vainilla, bourbon. Cuerpo medio, algo dulce, alcohol bien oculto, deliciosa, muy buena.
Friday, September 1, 2023

Spencer Monks' Reserve Ale
Dark brown, almost black, colour with a large creamy head. Aroma: prunes, fermented plums, raisins, roasted malt, some caramel and toffee, hint of alcohol, some brown sugar. Cherry. Taste: dried red fruits, plums, prunes, raisins. Some fermented fruits. Warming alcohol in the palate. Full body. Some roasted malt. Deep matured flavour, well paired with a slightly fresher aroma. Bitter yet sweet. Well balanced. Best that I've had in a while.
Saturday, August 5, 2023

Spencer Winter Warmer
rating #10,100! s: honey malt caramelised sugars a: brown no head t: sweet honey flowers p: light peat earthy malt pitted fruits o: balanced clean sweet 16 ounce can Total Wine: Alexandria (Potomac Yard), Virginia 29-November-2021 US$4,99 canned: 20-October-2021 sampled: 13-July-2023
Friday, July 14, 2023

Spencer Trappist Imperial Stout
33 cl bottle @ home. Pours black with a tan head. Aroma and flavour are roasted malt, bitter chocolate, and Belgian yeast - with a bitter finish.
Sunday, May 14, 2023

Spencer Trappist Ale
Wygląd: złociste lekko zmetnione. Piana średnio obfita biała. Aromat: suszone owoce, gruszka, trochę przypraw. Sporo nut cukrowych, cukierkowych i trochę palonego cukru. Smak: pełna średnia, słodowe, balans zdecydowanie w stronę słodowa, goryczka bardzo niska. W smaku więcej fenoli (goździk, gałka) niż estrów. Może być. Szału nie ma.
Saturday, May 13, 2023

Spencer Trappist Ale

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Spencer Monks' Reserve Ale

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Spencer Trappist Imperial Stout
Coffe and caramel. Can't believe I found this on tap almost a year after they went out of business. Really delightful and smooth.
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Spencer Monks' Reserve Ale

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Spencer Trappist Ale
Servida en tulipa, color dorado cobrizo, turbia, espuma blanca compacta de mediana retención. Aroma delicioso a levadura belga, pan blanco, cereales, malta, especias, cáscara de plátano, naranja, mandarina, muy complejo y agradable aroma, rico en matices. En boca entra suave, es redonda, equilibrada, algo astringente, floral, notas de malta, cereales, frutas con hueso (albaricoque, melocoton...), platano...En definitiva, otra delicia trapense. Estupenda
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Spencer Trappist Imperial Stout
Poured oily and opaque black, short brown head quickly in ring. Aromas of coffee-cocoa, dry fruits, black cherry, prune. Notes of vanilla and caramel-molasses. Taste is intense and powerful, roasted coffee-cocoa, with caramel-licorice, toast, vanilla, dry fruits date-raisin-hazelnut, with black cherry and prune. The flavors are well supported by an alcohol without excess and a certain dryness mixed with roast. A masterpiece.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Spencer Trappist Ale
Clove spice and fruit golden good carbonation bitter finish good beer
Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Spencer Trappist Imperial Stout
"Spencer Trappist Imperial Stout", Fläschchen von Getränke Dietrich, Helmbrechts. - Pechschwarz, undurchsichtig, kurzlebiger brauner Schaum. - In der Nase gedämpftes, sehr schweres Röstmalz mit Mokka, Bitterkakao, Asche; verhaltene Karamelsüße, Vanillezucker, Rumrosinen und feine, leise fruchtig-hopfenwürzige Hopfung. - Antrunk satt, tief und schwer röstmalzig mit intensiver kaffeesaurer Bittere, die in wuchtige Röstmalzbittere ausläuft. Milder rezent, schwer; nahezu perfekt kaschierter Alkohol. Im Abgang feine Waldbeere und solide krautige Hopfenherbe. - Malzschweres, wuchtig röstmalzig-kaffeebetontes und gediegen fruchtig-hopfenherb abgerundetes Stout, sehr geschmacksintensiv aber vielleicht ohne den letzten Schliff. (25.2.2023.)
Saturday, February 25, 2023

Spencer Trappist Ale
Bottle from Dranken Vandewoude, Veurne, Belgium. A golden/orange coloured pour with a thin white head on top. Sweet, malty, yeasty, fruity, spice taste/aroma. Not overly complex but it's fine.
Sunday, February 19, 2023

Spencer Trappist Imperial Stout
Pours as if it were nitrogenized with large bubbles. Color is an opaque dark brown with a tan head that laces. Nose is chocolate and ground coffee. Taste screams dark chocolate with dark coffee. Body is full with excellent mouthfeel. Bitterness is minimal. Sad they no longer brew. One bottle left with one holiday ale. 11.2 oz bottle
Saturday, February 18, 2023

Spencer Trappist Ale

Friday, February 17, 2023

Spencer Monks' Reserve Ale
(bottle 0,33l from beershop.cz online shop) Overall: Very nice. Dried fruity, strong, spicy. Aroma: Prunes, dried fruits, sweet, light spicy, later alcohol, some roasty/woody/smoke notes. Appearance: Dark brown color. Medium, pale brown head. Taste: Medium sweet, prunes, dried fruits, alcohol, spicy, caramel, later some dark malts, chocolate. Palate: Full body. Spicy, warm finish.
Monday, February 13, 2023

Spencer Monks' Reserve Ale

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Spencer Monks' Reserve Ale
Bottle thanks to wombat23. Brown with a creamy, beige head. Full-bodied, rich and chewy. Aroma a mix of brown sugar and spice with an underlying dankness. Initial taste is mildly sweet, full of toffee and prunes. Dry and sweeter yet at the finish, which is thick and malty and full of prunes and roasted brown sugar. There’s enough roasted bitterness underneath though to keep an overall good balance. A good one. Too bad about the brewery. :(
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Spencer Monks' Reserve Ale
Bottle at home, by the fire, 5th February 23. Pours a chestnut brown, a lacing of head. Aroma is nutty, caramel, malts. Taste is sweet, complex, yeast, dark fruits, caramel, malts, bitter and sweet: authentic to the style and very good
Sunday, February 5, 2023

Spencer Trappist Imperial Stout

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Spencer Trappist Imperial Stout
330ml bottle bought from Beers of Europe about a year ago. The brewery sadly has done in that time. The beer is dark brown and opaque with a small layer of tan head. Molasses, salted caramel, fudge, yeast extract in the aroma. Sweet taste, lots more molasses, a little bit peppery with considerable hop bitterness in the finish. Medium to thick body, oily, soft to medium carbonation. A real treat.
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Spencer India Pale Ale
Ein kräftiges, fein trübes Altgold empfängt mich, die sehenswerte Schaumkrone fällt wolkig und sahnig aus, hält allerdings nicht sonderlich lang. Der Duft hält dunklen Honig und Karamell bereit, der für IPAs so typische ätherische Hopfen wird durch helle Traube und Ananas versinnbildlicht. Ein süßlicher Antrunk erwartet mich und leitet ohne jegliche Hürden in den zwar schweren, aber auch lieblichen, blumig-aromatischen Körper über. Die milde Rezenz lässt dieses füllige IPA aus Massachusetts außerordentlich leichtläufig erscheinen. Eine gut eingebundene Fruchtigkeit aus Zitrone und etwas Mango erleichtert den Genuss. Die erwartete kratzige Bittere im Abgang fällt moderat aus, eine runde Hopfenherbe à la Pampelmuse ist dennoch zu verzeichnen. Ein angenehm zu trinkendes IPA, welches nicht so knallig überhopft wie viele seiner Kollegen ausfällt.
Friday, January 20, 2023

Spencer Trappist Holiday Ale
On tap at CAH. Poured a reddish / mahogany color with a medium sized head. I'm not too crazy about spiced beers, but this was more on the subtle side with dark fruits, caramel, and some toastiness.
Saturday, January 7, 2023

Spencer Monks' Reserve Ale
Nice dense head of light brown bubbles that sticks around for quite a while. Rich aroma with chocolate malt, plums, raisins, earthly grains, light vegetal notes of boiled potatoes. Color is a dark mahagony brown. Medium bodied, with a slightly dry and chalky palate. Lots of dry roasted grains, caramel malts, dark fruit (figs and dates) and toasted bread. Lively in the mouth with a noticeable alcohol presence and warming. Soft malty palate. Finishes with lingering syrupy malts and more earthy flavors. A decent quad.
Thursday, December 29, 2022

Spencer Monks' India Pale Ale
Citrus pine aroma in a golden amber pour. Hop forward balance with a funky fruit body and clean bitter finish. Sad knowing my first beer from Spencer will likely be my last. Cheers anyway.
Monday, December 26, 2022

Spencer Trappist Ale
Das Spencer Trappist Ale vor mir stammt aus der letzten Charge der Trappistenbrauerei, die nach dem Weggang des letzten Mönchs die Pforten schließt. Schade um die einzige Trappistenbrauerei außerhalb Europas. Das Bier ist in eine Vichy Flasche abgefüllt, Beim Öffnen der Flasche ergießt sich der halbe Inhalt über meine Theke, was auf einen Braufehler bei der Reifung schließen läßt. Bye Bye. 05-2022
Monday, December 12, 2022

Spencer India Pale Ale
Das Spencer IPA vor mir stammt aus der letzten Charge der Trappistenbrauerei, die nach dem Weggang des letzten Mönchs die Pforten schließt. Schade um die einzige Trappistenbrauerei außerhalb Europas. Das Bier ist in eine Vichy Flasche abgefüllt, Im Blas ist es bernsteinfarben trüb mit einer schnell zusammenfallenden, mittelporigen Krone. Der Geruch ist dominiert von Malznoten, die ich beim Quadrupel der Brauerei beschrieben habe. Der Hopfen mit Grapefruit und Kräutern ist präsent, spielt aber eine Nebenrolle. Karamell und Maronen führen beim Antrunk, der wenig rezent ist. Da hätte etwas von der Kohlensäure rein gehört, die im Blonde zu viel war. Die 7,2% Alkohol sind gut verbaut und auch beim Abgang nicht störend. Hier sind dann hauptsächlich Kräuter und Grapefruit tonangebend. Den kirchlichen Ansatz kann ich nicht ganz glauben, wenn auf der Flasche "Pair with family and friends" steht. Ich hätte es nicht IPA sondern "gehopftes Abteibier" genannt. 05-2022
Monday, December 12, 2022

Spencer Trappist Ale
Ambrata con riflessi arancio, versa due dita di schiuma compatta. Aroma di lievito belga, frutti chiari e spezie. In bocca sentori di frutti chiari, crosta di pane, spezie e lievito seguiti da un retrogusto speziato.
Sunday, November 20, 2022

Spencer Trappist Imperial Stout
330ml Bottle from Rehills, Newcastle. Black with a huge dark tan rocky head of foam. It has a very rich chocolate and coffee flavour with vanilla, oak and liquorice notes in the smooth chocolate and vanilla finish. Excellent!
Sunday, November 20, 2022

Spencer Trappist Imperial Stout
Davvero pochissimo da dire, semplicemente spaziale. Aspetto classico, naso infinito tra cui cioccolato, tabacco e frutta sotto spirito. In bocca poi è rotonda e parecchio goduriosa.
Monday, November 7, 2022

Spencer Monks' Reserve Ale
0,33L bottle. Appearance: Pours a deep bronze to mahogany colour with a medium frothy, cream tan head that has rather good retention with lively carbonation and some sediment floating around the glass. Aroma: Smells of caramelised and toasted malt, sweet caramel, brown sugar, sweet date, raisin and plum plus strong Belgian ale yeast esters. As well as some reminiscent of molasses and even sweet port wine. Taste: Medium sweetness of caramel, brown sugar, molasses, dark fruits and plums with some mild honey then some Belgian ale yeast ester flavours and subtle herbal hop bitterness join in. Palate: Full body with a creamy mouthfeel. Aftertaste has strong sweet wine, plums, raisins and dark fruits with some slight alcohol warmth. Medium carbonation. Overall: What a huge shame that this Trappist monastery is no longer brewing anymore. The beer world has truly lost a treasure brewery as it is quite rare to find Belgian Trappist style beer being brewed in the US. Glad to have the chance of drinking it one last time. A very quality quadruple with complex flavours of rich and prominent dark fruits, fruit esters and sweet wine characters.
Sunday, November 6, 2022

TEO 11
Spencer Trappist Ale

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Spencer India Pale Ale
"Spencer India Pale Ale", 355-ml-Fläschchen (MHD: 22.10.22) von Hopfen & Malz im Wedding. - Goldbraun, trüb; üppiger und dauerhafter Schaum. - In der Nase kräftige aber gediegene, trocken zitrusfruchtige Hopfung mit deutlicher Altersnote aber gerade deswegen reizvoll. - Antrunk füllig weich und knackig hopfenbitter mit "alten" Hopfenaromen von kerniger Zitrusfrucht, Zitronenöl, Bitterorange. Schwerer Malzkörper mit tiefer Süße, Honig. Milder rezent, vollmundig, tief. Im Abgang satte zitrusfruchtig-harzige Hopfenbittere. - Außerordentlich gediegenes, satt malztiefes und wuchtig hopfenbitteres IPA, dem leichte Altersspuren zusätzlichen Reiz verleihen; trotz intensiver Hopfung rund und reich. Vielleicht bedurfte es der langen Lagerung, um sein ganzes Potential zu entfalten. (15.10.2022.)
Saturday, October 15, 2022