Brauerei Drei Kronen Scheßlitz Reviews

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer 1837 Dunkel
(Draught at Zum Franziskaner, Stockholm, 23 Feb 2024) Reddish brown colour with frothy, tan head. Malty nose with bread, toast, orange peel and hay. Malty taste with notes of toast, bread, orange peel, grass and a mild herbal bitterness. Medium body, with a touch of sweetness. Tasty and well balanced. Quite nice.
Friday, May 24, 2024

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer 1837 Dunkel
Gravity pour at Zumen. Clear amber with off-white head. Grainy, some caramel, malt, grass, bread. Okay.
Sunday, March 10, 2024

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Kronabier
Die zauberhafte Farbe liegt irgendwo zwischen Dunkelgold, Bernstein und Orange, die Trübung ist lediglich angedeutet. Dem Glas entsteigt ein dezenter brotig-hefiger Duft, eine feine Waldhonignote ist gleichfalls zu vernehmen. Der Körper weist einen karamelligen Malzgeschmack auf und wirkt nicht sonderlich schwer, die Hopfenaromen sind leider nur beiläufig erkennbar. Die Rezenz ist nicht sehr ausgeprägt und nur mit einem leichten Prickeln verbunden, im Hinblick auf die Süffigkeit ist es angenehm erfrischend und äußerst lauffähig. Im Abgang schlägt eine nur leichte, aber recht angenehme Herbe zu Buche. Unterm Strich handelt es sich um ein liebliches, wunderbar malziges und süffiges Kellerbier, eine geschmackliche Explosion sollte man allerdings nicht erwarten.
Thursday, February 9, 2023

Drei Kronen Hell
In einem klaren Altgold steht das Drei Kronen Hell mitsamt knapper, zügig schwindender Schaumkrone im Glas. Der recht intensive Duft zaubert Rübensirup, Gerste und etwas Honig aus dem Hut. Der etwas zu rezente Antrunk präsentiert sich kernig gerstig-malzig mit ein wenig Honig. Neben einer dezenten Toastmalzigkeit kommen Brotkruste und eine karamellige Grundsüße zum Vorschein. Nach dem Entbinden der Kohlensäure wirkt es im Mund schön weich und stellt einen vollmundigen Körper zur Schau. Eine dezente feinkräuterige Hopfenherbe läutet den Abtrunk ein. Beim Drei Kronen Hell werde ich definitiv eher an ein Fränkisches Vollbier als an ein klassisches Helles erinnert. Ein malzbetontes Bier mit mehr Tiefgang als viele seiner Art, dabei sehr süffig. Schmeckt und läuft!
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Weihnachtsbier
Bottled. Ambery brown colour with a mediumsized off-white foamy head, which leaves some lace. Aroma is lemon, some floral and mild toasted and biscuity malts to it. Flavour is sweet malts with some floral, wooden and mildly grassy tones.
Sunday, January 15, 2023

Drei Kronen Märzen
Ein zauberhaftes, geradezu leuchtendes Altgold und eine schöne cremige Schaumkrone, welcher sich recht wacker hält, steigern die Vorfreude auf das Märzen von Drei Kronen aus Scheßlitz. Die Nase macht aromatisches toastiges Malz aus, welches sich in einer feinen rosinigen Süße und in etwas Waldhonig ausdrückt. Hingegen fällt die dezente herbale Hopfung etwas spärlich aus. Betont karamellmalzig erfolgt der mildrezente Einstieg, welcher zudem leicht nussig und mit einer zarten Honignote aufwartet. Dies alles ist hübsch unterlegt mit einer kernigen Gerstigkeit, welche einen schönen Gegenpart zum Karamellmalz aufbaut. Beim heutigen Testkändidaten handelt es sich um ein sehr aromatisches, rundes Märzen mit schönem Tiefgang, bei dem lediglich der Hopfen etwas zu kurz kommt.
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Drei Kronen Hell
"Drei Kronen Hell", Flasche von Hopfen & Malz im Wedding. - Helles Goldbraun, leicht trüb; feiner Schaum. - In der Nase leicht karamelliges helles Malz, Butter, Orangenschale und mild-aromatische fränkisch-hopfenwürzige Hopfung. - Antrunk schön "griffig" hellmalzig und zart toastig mit feiner Karamelsüße, zartem Süßsauer, etwas Mandarine und mild-delikater Hopfung mit Orangenschale. Milder rezent, vollmundig. Im Abgang feine orangenfruchtige und hopfenwürzige Herbe. - Sehr schönes Frankenlager, etwas dunkler und weit aromatischer als ein gewöhnliches Helles. (17.7.2022.)
Sunday, July 17, 2022

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Rauchbier Hell
50cl fles. Licht amberkleurig bier met witte schuimkraag. Geur: Rokerig, Filet d'Anvers, mout, wat karamel. Smaak: zoetig, karamel, rook, vlezig, klein bittertje. Medium koolzuurprikkel. Afdronk: rokerig. Vlot drinkbaar.
Saturday, August 29, 2020


Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Kronabier

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Weißbier
Clear dark golden. Large white lasting head. More barley than hefe feel to it. Well balanced but uninteresting.
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Bock
On tap at Craft Corner Luxemburg. A clear dark golden beer with a off white head. Aroma of strong grainy malt, toasted malt, mild sweet fruits. Taste of mild sourish red fruits, toasted malt, caramel.
Friday, January 17, 2020

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Rauchbock
Pale orange and hazy. Frothy head. Hoppy smell, but the smoked note is predominant. Taste of liquid smoked pork. I like smoked pork.
Monday, August 12, 2019

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer 1837 Dunkel
Aroma; malt fruit leaves grass grain mash nut. Look; brown dark amber body, fawn fluffy head. Taste; nutty malt, caramel, straw, attic, fruit, chocolate and a note of sweet butterscotch. Feel; good body, easygoing. Overall; classic quality. [50cl btl import]
Monday, March 25, 2019

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Doppelbock
Tasting paddle, Craft Corner, Luxembourg. Pours a blood orange amber with a white head. Aroma: citrus, wheat, mild grain notes. Taste: orange peel, orange, lemon, wheat, grain, mild caramel. Weird flavour balance. Medium bodied. Odd beer.
Sunday, December 16, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Rauchbier Hell
Clear golden colour, white head. Malty, light smoky aroma, caramel, smoked caramel. Sweet malty flavour. Light smoky finish. (from 50cL bottle @ home)
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Franken Pale Ale
(bottle, 75cl) Hazy, amber colour with a beige and thick foamy head. Distinctively nutty and mildly toasted malty aroma with notes of biscuits, caramel, as well as a woody and slightly herbal-spicy hoppy touch. Moderately bitter and delicately sweet flavour, medium bodied with a well-matured carbonation. Quite dry and mildly toasted malty base with nutty and bready notes, caramel and a woody hoppy touch from behind; dry and lingering nutty malty finish with woody and subtle citric hops at the very end. Very good. 26.III.14
Friday, August 31, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Franken Brown Ale
(bottle, 75cl) Cloudy, dark amber colour with a slightly beige medium-sized foamy head. Slightly dusty and toasted malty aroma with hints of caramel and subtle fruity notes. Sweet and mildly bitter flavour, medium to light bodied with a soft carbonation. Moderately toasty malty base with notes of caramel, traces of cacao powder and subtle fruity notes, as well as yeasty and mildly hoppy spice in the background; sweet-bitter, mildly toasty and slightly spicy hoppy finish. 22.IV.15
Friday, August 31, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer 1837 Dunkel
(draught) deep amber colour with a frothy off-white head. aroma of tobacco and earth, slightly yeasty, with a hint of candle wax and butterscotch. flavour is more butterscotch and grainy malts, with lots of yeast and some bran flakes in the finish. full-bodied with soft carbonation.
Saturday, August 25, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Kronabier
(draught) clear amber colour with a frothy off-white head. aroma of cornflakes and herbal hops, slightly grassy, with a hint of tobacco and yeast. flavour is mostly grainy malts and raisins, slightly toasty, with a touch of floral hops in the semi-minerally finish. medium-bodied with average carbonation.
Saturday, August 25, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer 1837 Dunkel
Tap. Clear amber color with creamy off-white head. Aroma is sweet malts, caramel, juicy fruits, nutty. Taste is a bit cream, caramel, butter. Oily mouthfeel with medium carbonation. Quite musty.
Friday, August 24, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Kronabier
Tap. Clear amber-golden color with creamy white head. Aroma is juicy fruits, rustic, earthy. Taste is juicy fruits, cereal, floral, light caramel. Oily mouthfeel with natural carbonation. Quite nice!
Friday, August 24, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Kronabier
Clear golden with a large white head. Aroma had breadish and malty notes. Over the palate came light caramel, bread and malty notes. Finished dry with low bitterness.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Zwickelbier
Clear golden with a large white head. Aroma had hints of grassy hops and bread. Over the palate came floral hops and malty notes. Finished dry and bitter. Ok drinkability.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Roggn
resin, floral, grass, caramel, bread, hay, cereal, coffee, nuts, toast, roasty, earthy, cloudy, sparkling, amber, orange, red, brown, medium sweetness, heavy cloying sweetness, medium bitterness, lightly bitter, lightly sour, medium sourness,
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Kronabier
resin, floral, grass, spruce, citrus, herbs, caramel, bread, dough, clear, hazy, cloudy, sparkling, pale, golden, amber, orange, rocky head, frothy, minimal head, white foam, light sweetness, medium sweetness, lightly bitter, medium bitterness, lightly sour, medium sourness,
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Kronabier
21-04-18 // tap at Klingelbeutel Mainz. Clear golden. White head. Smooth muffy grainy. Minimal sweet cara. Low bitterness. Good.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Roggn
Bottle with expiry date 30.04.2018. Amber colour, cloudy, frothy head. Aroma is banana, spices. After a while green apple becomes evident, the beer smells like a cider! Lightly sour, lightly sweet. Rather poor.
Thursday, April 19, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Roggn
Aroma is bit tarty with some notes of rye maltiness, bread, banana and some kind of grain which is really dominant. Hazy amber-ish in the glass with a rocky head. Taste is tartish with some kind of breadcrust, a lot of grainy bites, banana cake, rye fullness with bit (as I said) grainy harshy finish. Very nice interpretation.
Saturday, April 7, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Weizenbock
0.5 l bottle from '', best before March 2018. Hazy, golden amber with a medium large, fluffy, quickly diminishing, white head. Sweetish, a little sourish, quite yeasty-spicy and slightly fruity aroma of pear, banana, clove and some honeydew. Moderately sweet, slightly sourish-funky, quite fruity and moderately yeasty-spicy taste of banana, pear, clove, honeydew and some citrus, followed by a short, moderately bitter, slightly tart, quite dry finish. Medium body, quite effervescent mouthfeel, fizzy carbonation. Slightly infected I guess, not bad but not a genuine Weizenbock as such.
Friday, February 23, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Bock
Malts, honey, bread, some hay in nose. Pours dark golden with white head. Taste is sweet with honey, malts and bread. Very low bitter finish, soft carbonation, well hidden ABV. Overall very malty, insipid.
Monday, January 22, 2018

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Zwickelbier
(swing top bottle) Hazy, deep golden to amber colour with a thick and off-white foamy head. Bready malty aroma with hints of caramel, toasted cereals, citric notes and a whiff of herbal hops. Moderately sweet and slightly bitter flavour, light to medium bodied with a soft carbonation. Slightly bready malt character with fruity notes and spicy hoppy accents, sweet-bitter, slightly fruity and hop spicy finish. Decent. 20.XII.17
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Weizenbock
"Original Schäazer Weizenbock", Flasche (50 cl) von - Gelbbraun, gut trüb. - In der Nase breite obergärige Weizenbierigkeit mit Noten von Kräuterlikör und Rhabarber. - Antrunk breit weizenmalzig mit spritziger orangenfruchtiger Herbe und dezenter Säure. Milde Weizenmalzsüße, etwas unreife Frucht, auch die unvermeidliche Banane wirkt ein wenig unreif. Stark rezent, für einen Bock etwas dünner fruchtig-säuerlicher Körper. - Nicht so weich und breit wie ich mir einen Weizenbock vorstelle, eher ein spritzig fruchtig-säuerliches Sommerweizen mit etwas zuviel Ethanol. Auf seine Weise sehr gut.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Zwickelbier
bottle, thanks to pivnizub! Golden with a tall head. Malty with a grainy touhc, good resiny-piney hops with a rural yeasty touch.
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Zwickelbier
Schnappfläschla: Deep golden, hazy, bigger and stable and lacy off-white head; rural grainy to malty nose with delicate fruity traces, herbal hoppy backbone; moderate bitter-sweet flavour, almost medium bodied, very soft; lingering bitter-malty finish with a slight fruity acidity (first traces of infection?) Nevertheless, another franconian goody by a reliable Brauerei...
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Rauchbier Hell
On tap at Brauerei Drei Kronen (Schesslitz), Bayern, 5.10.17. As Drei Kronen Rauchbier. Clear-to-hazy gold with a white head. Hunts hickory BBQ sauce and some MSG in the nose, sweet taste, sweet chili sauce, then smoke and hickory. Full body, rather short finish, saucy, fair fizz.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Kronabier
On tap at Brauerei Drei Kronen (Schesslitz), Bayern, 5.10.17. As Drei Kronen Lagerbier. Clear gold with a white head. Malt and sweet aroma with some limestone. Sweetish, grainy malty taste. Dry, medium body, long finish with some fruit and fizzy.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Weizenbock
Aroma; brown caramel, grass, hops, apple, peach, leaves, bread, tart, yeast, coriander, banana note. Look; misty deep golden with off white head. Taste; sweetest brown caramel, coriander, grass, banana, apple, leaves, bread, yeast, tart and a quite fruity finish. Feel; normal body, eager carbonation. Overall; easier as expected, quite good, very typical German sweet bock. [BB30JLY17, btl@Pivoteka H7 Tromsö bymyself 2017SEP17 7473'14]
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Rauchbier Hell
Bottle: Deep golden, thick and lasting creamy off-white head; mild to moderate aroma of sweet pale malt ( some bisquits underneath) with molecular traces of herbal hops and a delicate smoky background; moderate sweet and mildly bitter flavour, light to medium bodied, crunchy MF; lingering and clean sweet malty finish, some herbal hops underneath, smoked wood in the aftertaste. Well crafted and clean Rauchbier of - not important for "craft-beer nerds" - high drinkability! Totally underrated...
Sunday, September 17, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Rauchbier Hell
(bottle) Clear, golden colour with a blond and thick foamy head. Distinctively smoked malty aroma with notes of smoked salmon, accompanied by grainy accents and hints of butter and vanilla. Mildly sweet flavour, light to medium bodied with a moderate carbonation. Smokey and slightly grainy malty taste, delicately fishy with a mildly hoppy touch in the background; sweet and restrained bitter finish with grain and smoke in the aftertaste. Drinkable, not very demanding. 02.IX.17
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Rauchbier Hell
Bottle, courtesy of Koelschtrinker. Pours clear golden. Aroma is light bacon, smoked malts, also pale malts. Body is medium, smoky texture, but not so many smoked flavours. They?re there, but they don?t work together smoothly. Soft carbonation, weakly sweet, rather watery. Shortish palate. Works, but not a beauty.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Roggn
Vollmundiger Antrunk, Zitrusnoten im Körper mit Hefegeschmack, Hopfen im Abgang ist nur leicht zu spüren. Schmeckt wie ein dunkles Hefeweizen, sieht auch so aus!
Monday, May 8, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Kronabier
Malzbetonter Antrunk, gut würziger Körper leicht rezent mit einer feinen Süsse. Ausreichend gehopft im Abgang. Sehr süffiges Lagerbier.
Monday, May 8, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Belgische Dubbel
Tap @ Eckerts bamberg. Pours muddy amber with a white head. Aroma of esters, caramel, slight belgian yeast, nutty, spicey, quite dirty.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Belgische Dubbel
Tap @ Cafe Eckerts, Bamberg. Pours muddy amber with a off white head. Phenolic yeasty nose and flavor. Overripe fruity and quite dirty.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Roggn
Many thanks for this beer to kevnic2008. Piwo ma niemal idealny wyglad, mnostwo osadu metnosci i spora sniezna gesta piana, szkoda ze szybko opada. Zapach kwasu chlebowego, w smaku to zytnio-pszeniczne piwo (nie znam stosunku i udzialu tych slodow) ale jest lekko wodniste, lekko kwaskowe i bardziej chyba zytnie. W kazdym razie w smaku jak pszenno zytni chleb namoczony woda.
Saturday, March 4, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Rauchbier Hell
50cl bottle, thanks to Koelschtrinker. Light amber color and white off-head. Aroma promises more than taste delivers. Smoke and mead in aroma, taste is stale vegetables and mead-like aftertaste.
Saturday, February 18, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Rauchbier Hell
Trockener, wässrig herber Start mit enttäuschend milder Rauchigkeit. Leider im Mittelteil wässrig bleibend, wenig bitter, monoton. 7/5/6/5/8/5
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Rauchbier Hell
50cl bottle. Pours clear deep golden colour with a huge most good lasting off-white head. Aroma of decent smoked malt, sweet malt, honey, some bacon. Taste of grainy malt, dry hops, dry pale malt, more grainy malt, some bacon, smoke, okay!
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Drei Kronen Original Schäazer Premium Pils
Bottle @ home. Clear golden color, medium to full sized white head. Smell and taste malts, hayish, straw, some grains, ok bitterness. Decent pilsener.
Saturday, October 29, 2016