Brewed by Cantillon
Style: Lambic - Flavored
Brussels, Belgium


on tap

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RATINGS: 1029   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.14/5   EST. CALORIES: 150   ABV: 5%
Fresh sour cherries (krieken) in two year old Lambiek. We use approximately 300 gr cherries for 1 liter Kriek. The second fermentation in the bottle is obtained through addition of a liqueur, made with beer and saccharose.
(Translated from the bottle by Martinus)

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stevoj (16456) - Boise, Idaho, USA - NOV 19, 2023
UPDATED: NOV 19, 2023 750ml bottle at share. Cranberry pour, wispy off-white head. Tart cherry aroma. Taste starts with a big pucker, lots of sour cherries, fruity, wine-like. So rich, so full. Definitely worthy of it's high rating. Honored to get to finally try this.

Hopverdju (5810) - BELGIUM - SEP 24, 2023
UPDATED: SEP 24, 2023 75cl fles. donkerrood bier met licht roze schuim. Geur: krieken, kersen, wat rode bessen, ietwat brett. Smaak: licht zuur, kersen, hout, hint van amandel, klein zoetje, wat rode vruchten confituur. Fijne sprankeling. Afdronk: droog, hout.

pictoman (7674) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - SEP 4, 2023
UPDATED: SEP 4, 2023 Poured from 750mL bottle (2017 vintage; bottled 23 September 2019). Ruby red with small pinkish white head. Intense cherry with a very mild tartness. Very nice.

beerplace (9167) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - SEP 4, 2023
UPDATED: SEP 4, 2023 750ml (thx, Kate to keep it for 2.5 years for me in your ceallar!) shared with Ryan. Packaged on 23-Sep-2019, 2017 label. Appearance: hazy purple with a rose head. Aroma: smells very nice, dark cherries, cherry stones, some sweetness. Taste: along the same lines, deep flavour, low acidity, nice cherries, some funk. Overall: very nice.

100Beier (573) - Aarhus, DENMARK - AUG 12, 2022
UPDATED: AUG 12, 2022 [Bruxelles, Brasserie Cantillon] [Vintage 2019] Aroma: Marzipan, dark cherries, funky, nutty, cherry candy, vanilla, red berries, oak, lactic and slightly peppery Appearance: Clear dark ruby red with a small mostly lasting pink head Taste: Mildly sweet and moderately acidic, dark cherries, sour cherries, funky, almonds, nutty, oak, lactic, mild vinegar and red berries Mouthfeel: Smooth oily texture with mild carbonation Overall: Daamn this is absolutely worth the hype! Absolutely astonishing appearance, nose and complexity on the palate 🍾🤩

olberic (1047) - Trying to read Alengrins reviews, - AUG 12, 2022
UPDATED: AUG 12, 2022 Vintage 2019 Aroma is so sweet and complex. Almonds, marzipan, sour cherries, dark cherries, raspberry, peppery, funky, nuts, dark red berries, oak Beautiful dark red colour with small pink head Taste is medium acidic and mildly sweet. cherry candy, dark cherries, funky, almonds, nuts, red berries, oak, vinegar Low carbonation with smooth mouthfeel Amazing beer. Complexity is super high, and acid packs a punch Tasted at cantillon museum brussels

DraftPours23 (3087) - FRANCE - AUG 9, 2022
UPDATED: AUG 9, 2022 Robe rouge assez sombre, mousse rosée. Nez différent de la kriek classique, avec des pointes plus fermentaires, même si on sent très bien le fruit. En bouche, de la cerise, très profonde, acidité bien maîtrisée, texture beaucoup plus lisse qu'attendu.

tomekk1978 (2882) - Z±bki, POLAND - FEB 11, 2022
UPDATED: FEB 11, 2022 Aromat wiśniowy, kwaskowy, dziki, skórzany. Barwa czerwona, zmętniona. Piana różowa, drobno pęcherzykowa, umiarkowanej wielkości i podobnie trwała. Smak jeszcze lepszy bardziej wiśniowy, pestkowy, lekko ciastkowy. Bardzo dobry. Tutaj nieco mniej kwaskowości, ale piwo przez to chyba zyskuje. Bardzo dobry kriek.

vcsa (431) - - JAN 28, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 28, 2022 Appearance: Pours hazy ruby. Lingering creamy pink head, no lacing. 外观:宝石红色,朦胧。持久而细腻的粉色气泡,无挂杯。 4/5 Aroma: Raspberry, strawberry, sour cherry, lemon, vinegar, barnyard funk, clove, orange peel, wood and leather. 气味:树莓、草莓、酸樱桃、柠檬、香醋、马厩味、丁香、陈皮和皮革。 9/10 Ta Juicy tart red forest fruits and citric fruits with vinegar, wood and sweet spices. Moderate sweetness with slight edgy acidity. Juicy tart fruity vinegary spicy finish, with sweet aftertaste. 味道:酸爽多汁的红色浆果和柠檬类水果,伴随着香醋、木质调和甜香料。适中的甜度 Light bodied, slight oily texture with subtle woody tannin, soft carbonated. 口感:酒体轻盈,质地略油润,伴随着微妙的木质单宁感,杀口感轻柔。 4/5 Obviously the spices comes with used Bordeaux barrels, while 300g/l of Morello cherry provide juicy and concentrate fruits. Quite vinous. Slight edgy acidity implies that it will take a few more years to reach fully mature and enjoy. 用过波尔多葡萄酒桶带来了明显的香料味,同时300g/l的莫雷洛樱桃带来多汁和集中的果味 14 September 2020

thejackpacker (3025) - East Sussex, ENGLAND - JAN 28, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 28, 2022 Bottle at the brewery, Brussels. 2018 edition. deep glögg like aroma, with notes of wine and some sweet haribo cherries. A lovely deep red colour. A mature cherry flavour with that Cantillon sherbet fizz. Felt very mature and all round fabulous.

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