Crooked Stave Vieille Artisanal (Cranberry & Spice)

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RATINGS: 215   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.67/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 126   ABV: 4.2%
Vieille Saison with hibiscus, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cranberries.

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cobaink2 (1438) - seattle, Washington, USA - SEP 22, 2017
12 oz bottle date lad holiday 2014 so roughly about 3 years old. Really quite nice with deep fresh cranberry and lemon and cantaloupe. Really quite refreshing. Just tast enough.

DroolYeast (2623) - DENMARK - AUG 10, 2017
Bottle shared. Aroma of cranberry, cinnamon, lactic acid, some hibiscus, acetic acid, vanilla. Orange red with white head. Taste is moderate sour, dry and cranberry. Light body, dry feel and red fruity finish.

Klimaet (3744) - Aarhus N, DENMARK - AUG 10, 2017
Bottle shared. Pours hazy bordeaux with a small white fizzy head. Aromas of cranberries, cinnamon, esters, lactose, hibiscus. Taste has cranberries, hibiscus, lactic tartness, light vinegar, classic lemony notes coming through from the base saison. Pretty nice!

ALIBALI (4265) - Kiel, GERMANY - AUG 6, 2017
UPDATED: AUG 7, 2017 Fantastisch softes "SourAleLike" Saison. Schon der Anblick ist edel. Holzig amberfarbend und ein Hauch Schaum, der wie sich später herausstellt, für das elegante Prickeln am Gaumen zuständig ist. Aber der Reihe nach. Der Duft des Sudes begeistert durch dominanten Brettdampf, einer folgenden Fruchtigkeit und einem Hauch Tabak, der wohl von der Spiceung ins Spiel gebracht wird. Klasse!!! Sanft geht’s weiter. Ein dezent säuerlicher Überwurf hält eine deliziös angedeutete Toffee??Süße, eine feine Oakyness und den unaufdringlichen DrySchluß fest zusammen!! Wow!!! Und dann kehrt der Funk zurü jedem Mal ausatmen beglückt er den geneigten WildBeerLover!! Weltklasse!! 375ml Flasche von BEYOND BEER!! Vintage 2014!! 11Euro!?

GarrettB (2459) - San Diego, California, USA - JUL 14, 2017
December 30th, 2014 - The last Crooked Stave on the menu tonight is the Vieille with Cranberry and Spice, and a flavor that promises to be nice. Out of the glass the beer pours a heavy, maroon red, round and opaque like a billiard ball. From this I catch a very heavy herbal aroma, bulging with anise and a moderate dose of licorice and cranberry, though beyond that the scent is a little tricky to glean. The taste is much tangier than the nose hints, introducing cranberry and sour apple, with a long, echoing aftertaste. There’s a shadow of yeast and rosemary too, which I enjoy, and give the brew some multidimensionality. It’s calmer and less acerbic than the other Crooked Stave beers, but finds refinement in its relative calm.

luttonm (7592) - Seattle, Washington, USA - JAN 17, 2017
Bottle in Seattle. Rainy night tasting. Thanks Andrew. Thin white foam, hazy rose-hibiscus lemonade body. Interesting funk and hibiscus nose. Thin fuzz, oaky funk. Intriguing soft fruits, cranberry and peppery spice. Pretty nice. Red grapefruit impression, with smooth vanilla oak.

SinH4 (15470) - Garching bei München, GERMANY - JAN 17, 2017
Bottle, thanks andrewje41! Hazy pinkish color with small white head. Aroma is cranberries, candy funk, some spice. Taste is cranberries, some spices again. Medium carbonation, rather light mouthfeel. Not bad, a bit too light and too candy-funky maybe.

Korcz (3388) - Warsaw, POLAND - JAN 15, 2017
Backlog, ocena przepisana z untappd, w ramach uzupełniania profilu na ratebeer.

Svartvit (1871) - Den Haag, NETHERLANDS - DEC 27, 2016
2014 Bottle at home. Pours a lovely red/amber with a small white head. Aroma has cranberry, lemon peel, funk, hibiscus, brett, oak, cinnamon, floral notes, caramel, a bit of a lactic touch. Age has mellowed this out beautifully. Spices could have been more pronounced and I also was expecting more of a sour finish and funk from CS but this is lovely. Medium sweet, light sour with a dry finish. Medium body, low carbonation. It’s drinking amazing.

Alengrin (11051) - Gent, BELGIUM - DEC 11, 2016
New generation farmhouse ale by this eminent producer of such beers, barrel aged and with added cranberries, cinnamon, hibiscus and nutmeg. Vintage bottle of almost exactly two years old. Irregularly structured, moussy, bubbly, off-white head quickly reduced to a firm rim around the edge and some thin, small patches of foam in the middle, over a misty, amberish orange beer with bright salmon pinkish hue. Strong, spicy bouquet of indeed a lot of hibiscus and nutmeg but well matched against each other, cranberry sauce, red raspberries, stale sweat, fruit yoghurt, soap, vanilla, rhubarb, tulips, orchids, old sherry, cinnamon rolls, blood orange, old Camembert cheese, green tomato, some wet wood but subtly so, lime juice, watermelon, barnyard, goat cheese, chalk, dry rosé wine. Crisp, lively onset, lots of berry-like tartness, even puckering lemony acidity drying the rest of the palate, cranberries apparent but also redcurrant, crabapple and raw rhubarb, with a sweetish core; softer, yoghurty lactic tartness ensues, over a bready, bit soapy and lightly grainy middle phase, leading towards a dry, lipsmacking sour ending in which the fruit is brought to full glory, alongside a kind of green tomato flavor, something chalky, a hint of wet wood and the expected spiciness, nutmeg and dry cinnamon lingering after swallowing and very floral, spicy-sweet hibiscus rising up retronasally. I don’t usually like overspiced beers but this is a pleasant, enjoyable one, nicely dry and full of red berries, with the nutmeg and hibiscus adding nice detail. The cinnamon could have been more pronounced to my taste, but that is just a matter of choice by the brewer. As for style: apparently a lot of these new farmhouse ale brewers seem to think that saison should be sour, but this is hardly ever the case in traditional examples; this is a modern style sour ale much more than anything else. Interesting beer, like most of Crooked Stave’s creations.

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