RateBeer Investment Announcement!

Reads 45022 • Replies 87 • Started Friday, June 2, 2017 4:06:00 PM CT

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beers 708 º places 17 º 08:27 Tue 6/6/2017

Originally posted by Ibrew2or3
Originally posted by sethdude
It matters because I need to know how much of my Premium membership money is going to an entity that will use such profit to destroy our brewery. If it’s a measly 10%, I may be able to live with myself. If it’s 48%, no way am I re-upping.

ABI just lobbied our State legislature into passing a cooler leasing bill that allows them to control which beers are sold cold, and which are sold warm. Cold beer outsells warm beer 2 to 1. I need to know how much money I’m giving ABI, which allows them said power to bribe their way to an unfair playing field.

ABI has been and will continue to do shit like this regardless of what’s happening here.

And where is it in Joe’s post that tells us any money paid to ratebeer goes to ABI?

Nowhere. Which is exactly why I would like more information regarding the deal.

beers 1 º places 7 º 09:02 Tue 6/6/2017

Originally posted by AdamChandler
Originally posted by medhurstandsons
What % is their minority share?

At least upload an avatar before you pretend to give a shit about RateBeer. Welcome new user!

I’ve seen a ton of these new people join recently with no identifying details and just stirring up shit. Go back to TalkBeer.

Ok, not a new user, same question; what % does abinbev own?
There are so many nefarious things they have done with lobbying and attacking smaller breweries.

beers 2753 º places 122 º 09:48 Tue 6/6/2017

Originally posted by Ibrew2or3
Originally posted by sethdude
It matters because I need to know how much of my Premium membership money is going to an entity that will use such profit to destroy our brewery. If it’s a measly 10%, I may be able to live with myself. If it’s 48%, no way am I re-upping.

ABI just lobbied our State legislature into passing a cooler leasing bill that allows them to control which beers are sold cold, and which are sold warm. Cold beer outsells warm beer 2 to 1. I need to know how much money I’m giving ABI, which allows them said power to bribe their way to an unfair playing field.

ABI has been and will continue to do shit like this regardless of what’s happening here.

And where is it in Joe’s post that tells us any money paid to ratebeer goes to ABI?

That’s how minority interest accounting works. AB’s pro-rata share of RateBeer’s profits roll up.

beers 10562 º places 353 º 10:58 Tue 6/6/2017

Originally posted by ilovedarkbeer
Originally posted by Ibrew2or3
Originally posted by sethdude
It matters because I need to know how much of my Premium membership money is going to an entity that will use such profit to destroy our brewery. If it’s a measly 10%, I may be able to live with myself. If it’s 48%, no way am I re-upping.

ABI just lobbied our State legislature into passing a cooler leasing bill that allows them to control which beers are sold cold, and which are sold warm. Cold beer outsells warm beer 2 to 1. I need to know how much money I’m giving ABI, which allows them said power to bribe their way to an unfair playing field.

ABI has been and will continue to do shit like this regardless of what’s happening here.

And where is it in Joe’s post that tells us any money paid to ratebeer goes to ABI?

That’s how minority interest accounting works. AB’s pro-rata share of RateBeer’s profits roll up.

I didn’t see that stated anywhere.

You know that’s how the details of this particular investment works?

21:35 Tue 6/6/2017

Originally posted by AdamChandler
Originally posted by medhurstandsons
What % is their minority share?

At least upload an avatar before you pretend to give a shit about RateBeer. Welcome new user!

I’ve seen a ton of these new people join recently with no identifying details and just stirring up shit. Go back to TalkBeer.

I feel so welcome. It’s a simple question. Back under your rock.

beers 6124 º places 278 º 21:47 Tue 6/6/2017

Originally posted by medhurstandsons
Originally posted by AdamChandler
Originally posted by medhurstandsons
What % is their minority share?

At least upload an avatar before you pretend to give a shit about RateBeer. Welcome new user!

I’ve seen a ton of these new people join recently with no identifying details and just stirring up shit. Go back to TalkBeer.

I feel so welcome. It’s a simple question. Back under your rock.

At least you finally added some personal details to your profile. Thanks for that. I hope you’ll stick around once the news-cycle has moved on to whatever new beer style is hot right now.

beers 5369 º places 54 º 22:12 Tue 6/6/2017

Originally posted by medhurstandsons
I feel so welcome. It’s a simple question. Back under your rock.

I don’t think you know who you’re talking to, sun.

beers 5136 º places 238 º 22:25 Tue 6/6/2017

Question is: Did AB give Joe a % share in Budweiser’s profits?

beers 14 º 23:51 Tue 6/6/2017

Originally posted by DuffMan
It doesn’t matter at all, because they aren’t allowed to do anything besides jerk off to the database.

I’d wager that ratebeers database is one of the main reasons AIB was interested in the deal. If data was the only thing that they cared for interacting with the Ratebeer API would have sufficed. Its an information and data driven market today. I’m sure AIB got what they’ve bargained for.

beers 2496 º places 54 º 00:05 Wed 6/7/2017