RateBeer Investment Announcement!

Reads 45019 • Replies 87 • Started Friday, June 2, 2017 4:06:00 PM CT

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beers 10981 º places 349 º 13:55 Thu 6/8/2017

Originally posted by merc7186
Originally posted by cgarvieuk
Originally posted by merc7186
I would like AB Inbev to compensate me for all of my content that I have provided to them

Thats not how it works mate. you make data publicly available, its available

...then what percentage of my membership am I being reimbursed for then? It’s seems like all of my content (that I paid for) is now their property.

Nope. It’s as much yours as it has ever been. Go ahead and delete every rating you e ever done, nobody will stop you! Did you think that RateBeer would give a fuck about WHO looks at your (and my, and everyone’s) ratings? ABI has been able to look at all of your ratings since day 1. The only difference now, presumably, is that they have more efficient access than before.

beers 37950 º places 460 º 14:06 Thu 6/8/2017

Originally posted by merc7186
Originally posted by cgarvieuk
Originally posted by merc7186
I would like AB Inbev to compensate me for all of my content that I have provided to them

Thats not how it works mate. you make data publicly available, its available

...then what percentage of my membership am I being reimbursed for then? It’s seems like all of my content (that I paid for) is now their property.


you paid premium to stop adds. Which has happend, for Stats? which you still have
Whats the point?

beers 10562 º places 353 º 14:38 Thu 6/8/2017

Originally posted by Clownoisseur
As I continue to gather my thoughts, here is a link to the ZX Ventures home page....the "Intelligence" and "Access" blurbs have me thinking the most: https://zx-ventures.com/

"Underpinning everything we do is data. In order to create the future we need to understand what has (and hasn’t worked) in the past. We are hopelessly dedicated to mining insights and innovation using the latest technology and trends available. The more we know about our consumers and products, the better chance we have of anticipating their needs in the future."

"Despite being a nimble global start-up, we have access to the resources, logistics, distribution, media, business intelligence and technology of the fifth-largest consumer packaged goods company in the world with a formidable presence on every inhabitable continent. This allows us unparalleled access to the research, technology, manpower, and distribution networks to test and validate our hypotheses with speed and voracity. We also partner with the best start-ups, thinkers, designers, engineers, and technologists and work together to launch small ideas in very big ways."

So are they finally going to make a good IPA or does all of this still point them in the direction of hopless pale lagers

beers 6316 º places 16 º 15:22 Thu 6/8/2017
beers 10562 º places 353 º 17:37 Thu 6/8/2017

Originally posted by thedm
OK, which of you sabotaged the truck?

That’s my commute home.

beers 2883 º places 348 º 20:55 Thu 6/8/2017

I’m with MERC. I have added my last beer and place rating. I am super happy I let premium lasp.

Originally posted by UDBeernut
I’m with MERC. I have added my last beer and place rating. I am super happy I let premium lasp.

You have at least put something into Ratebeer and therefore will be missed.

beers 708 º places 17 º 22:44 Thu 6/8/2017

Originally posted by DuffMan
Originally posted by merc7186
Originally posted by cgarvieuk
Originally posted by merc7186
I would like AB Inbev to compensate me for all of my content that I have provided to them

Thats not how it works mate. you make data publicly available, its available

...then what percentage of my membership am I being reimbursed for then? It’s seems like all of my content (that I paid for) is now their property.

Nope. It’s as much yours as it has ever been. Go ahead and delete every rating you e ever done, nobody will stop you! Did you think that RateBeer would give a fuck about WHO looks at your (and my, and everyone’s) ratings? ABI has been able to look at all of your ratings since day 1. The only difference now, presumably, is that they have more efficient access than before.

I love you, man. You know this. But you are wearing some VERY rose-tinted glasses right now, and are brow-beating the realists for being realistic. You don’t know what ABI’s interests are more than anyone here (except the guy who signed the contract). I find skepticism when faced with the unknown a far more sound position than one of blind faith. Don’t fault people for being reasonable, just because you are trusting of the situation without any sort of evidence to support this trust.

beers 10981 º places 349 º 01:26 Fri 6/9/2017

Originally posted by sethdude
Originally posted by DuffMan
Originally posted by merc7186
Originally posted by cgarvieuk
Originally posted by merc7186
I would like AB Inbev to compensate me for all of my content that I have provided to them

Thats not how it works mate. you make data publicly available, its available

...then what percentage of my membership am I being reimbursed for then? It’s seems like all of my content (that I paid for) is now their property.

Nope. It’s as much yours as it has ever been. Go ahead and delete every rating you e ever done, nobody will stop you! Did you think that RateBeer would give a fuck about WHO looks at your (and my, and everyone’s) ratings? ABI has been able to look at all of your ratings since day 1. The only difference now, presumably, is that they have more efficient access than before.

I love you, man. You know this. But you are wearing some VERY rose-tinted glasses right now, and are brow-beating the realists for being realistic. You don’t know what ABI’s interests are more than anyone here (except the guy who signed the contract). I find skepticism when faced with the unknown a far more sound position than one of blind faith. Don’t fault people for being reasonable, just because you are trusting of the situation without any sort of evidence to support this trust.

I think it’s important to clarify that I won’t fault you at all if you choose to leave on your own terms. But when you say stupid shit (like wanting to be paid by ABI for past ratings, or wanting RB to stop listing certain beers who wish to dissociate themselves from RB, etc) then I will brow beat. And it’s even more important to clarify that I’m not wearing rose coloured glasses; I’m disappointed over this development and trepedacious of what it may bring for this website, because like everyone here, I am fully aware of what ABInBev is. But here is the most important part of why I stand where I do: I may not trust ABI, but I do trust JoeT. Secondly, I truly do not believe that this partnership spells doom for craft beer! Mainly because, as I’ve said in other threads, I believe craft beer is stronger than anyone here is giving it credit.

Seth, I understand that you are fighting a local battle with ABI, and I would also be super pissed and motivated to fight if that kind of shit happened where I live. But I can tell you as a brewery owner who is very concerned about how and where my beer is stored and sold, that I would not abandon Ratebeer if I were fighting ABI about ownership of cooler space. Why? Because the affinity and love I have for RateBeer, and the value I place on all that I have taken from here FAR outweigh the vague unease I have over this new partnership. It absolutely is not blind trust, as you suggested, but I will admit there is emotion behind my choosing to stay (just as there is in your choosing to go). Finally, I honestly can’t see how access to our data will cause harm to the industry when I see the industry in such excellent health and prosperity, and we as a nerd-collective are such a tiny tiny demographic in a vast ocean of consumers. So it is with cautious and hopeful anticipation that RateBeer can continue to be a source for unbiased promotion, education, and passion for craft beer despite the silent and lurking presence of a data-mining ABI research affiliate. I may change my mind on this as time moves forward, but for now I just don’t see enough reason to jump ship. In a year, that may change as I grow to understand the true impact of ABI’s presence. But who knows, ABI may have lost interest in us nerds by then as well, when they realize that we are a useless demographic. It could happen...

beers 37950 º places 460 º 01:36 Fri 6/9/2017

Originally posted by DuffMan
Originally posted by sethdude
I love you, man. You know this. But you are wearing some VERY rose-tinted glasses right now, and are brow-beating the realists for being realistic. You don’t know what ABI’s interests are more than anyone here (except the guy who signed the contract). I find skepticism when faced with the unknown a far more sound position than one of blind faith. Don’t fault people for being reasonable, just because you are trusting of the situation without any sort of evidence to support this trust.

But I can tell you as a brewery owner who is very concerned about how and where my beer is stored and sold, that I would not abandon Ratebeer if I were fighting ABI about ownership of cooler space. Why? Because the affinity and love I have for RateBeer, and the value I place on all that I have taken from here FAR outweigh the vague unease I have over this new partnership

All i would say, is Dont pay premium , dont rate, if you are concered about InBevs use, but stay for the community, stick arround the forums. Do you think InBev can get nythign usefull out of the Forums, as i find that hightly doubtful.

but RB has an AWSOME community lets try not destroy it.
Saying that i will not hold anything against anyone who decides they need to make a clean break