I will never again drink a budwieser.

Reads 15504 • Replies 164 • Started Sunday, February 1, 2015 8:03:14 PM CT

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beers 4067 º places 188 º 20:03 Sun 2/1/2015

Yep. I used to actually still drink budwieser when there was nothing better available. But after that commercial, I’ll go dry before I ever consume another bud.

beers 9492 º places 1576 º 20:04 Sun 2/1/2015

What’s the best Pumpkin Peach Ale in the world?

beers 1592 º places 63 º 20:07 Sun 2/1/2015
beers 121 º 20:07 Sun 2/1/2015

I did think they admitted they are not a good beer. Nothing to fuss over or savior. Your typical shitty beer. Not even before that joke of a commercial I vowed that never buy anything InBev.

---Posted via Beer Buddy for iPhone

beers 1704 º places 138 º 20:10 Sun 2/1/2015

I hope it’s tongue-in-the-cheek (being safe here) but I’m sure they are desperate to come up with some sort of anti-craft advertising as their brand has been dented by the surge of sales from craft beer. It reeks of desperate marketing to me.

beers 6773 º places 282 º 20:16 Sun 2/1/2015

That commercial reeks of fear.

beers 5363 º places 205 º 20:17 Sun 2/1/2015

I actually thought it was hilarious. A little bit of humor never hurts and isn’t that what advertising is supposed to to? Attack those that are better than you are in order. Granted it’s Budweiser...but still.

beers 2900 º places 125 º 20:20 Sun 2/1/2015

link to commercial?

beers 244 º 20:22 Sun 2/1/2015

I saw that commercial and immediately booted up my computer to see what everyone was saying about it. I think Budweiser basically just flipped us all off.

What they also did, and I think this is notable from an industry perspective, is use a 30-second ad spot that cost them millions of dollars to purchase, on the highest rated sports telecast, or telecast of any kind, of the year, to directly attack craft beer and craft beer drinkers. You know what they tells me? That they’re scared. They view craft beer as a real threat to their business model and their company.

If they didn’t think it was much of a threat, we would have seen another commercial with dogs and puppies. They wouldn’t give craft beer the credibility of mentioning it if it wasn’t something they thought was an immediate challenge to them. If they thought it was just a niche thing that’d always be a niche thing and would only hit them on the margins at best, they wouldn’t call attention to it and take it on so directly at such great financial expense. That commercial also tells me that they figure 100% of beer drinkers know what craft beer is, because, otherwise, even them dissing it would serve as advertising to the uninitiated.

Couple of other things I noticed:

- First ad I’ve ever seen from a major brewer referring to itself as a "macro".

- Budweiser says they are beer for people who like beer. I guess that’s meant to cast craft drinkers as sort of effeminate guys who need some artificial fruit flavoring in their beer to make it palatable or something. But essentially Budweiser has spent decades catering to people who don’t like beer, watering down their product a ton, lessening their hop profile, using rice to get that beer taste out, etc.. Budweiser and especially Bud Lite and it’s off-shoots are doing the beer for beer who don’t like beer thing. Only real beer drinkers can handle a double IPA or an imperial stout. Most craft beer isn’t this fruit stuff. And even some of it that is is something like a brown ale with peaches where you’ve got much more real beer there than even an unflavored Budweiser (More heartier malted barley per ounce).

- How do you think people in AB-Inbev’s Shock Top division feel about that ad? How do you think the Goose Island people or the folks in Seattle who just sold their brewery feel?

And, believe me, every beer drinker in Seattle is watching the Seattle Seahawks kick New England’s tails in the Super Bowl. A lot of people who don’t do "beer politics" and drink crafts and macros and whatever, and don’t give a crap who owns what as long as it taste good are probably going to stop drinking Goose Island and Elysium over this. The marketing geniuses at Budweiser just shot an arrow through their big craft beer and quasi-craft beer departments, or at least made it much harder for them, and people are going to really hesitate to sell out to them in the future if the smaller brewers care about anything but money- they might sell to Miller-Coors or something, but they won’t sell to AB-Inbev.

beers 5363 º places 205 º 20:23 Sun 2/1/2015

I’m not good at posting linked. Someone will have to fix it for me.



beers 244 º 20:28 Sun 2/1/2015

Originally posted by HuskerTan
I’m not good at posting linked. Someone will have to fix it for me.


Link works for me.

This guy Perkins must think we’re idiots:

"This is not an attack on craft beer this is not an attack on competition," Mr. Perkins said. "The only other beer that we reference in the spot is a fabricated, ludicrous flavor combination of pumpkin peach ale."

I don’t see why he needs to lie to us when it’s so obviously a lie. Just say you brew a basic beer with no frills that’s a quality beer that’s consistent and you think craft beer and craft beer drinkers are foo-foo guys who don’t like beer. We saw your ad, that’s what you’re saying. You can’t back track when everyone in America just saw the commercial for themselves. If you didn’t want to send the message you sent, you shouldn’t have aired that ad, and I don’t believe for a second that they don’t know what message they really sent. I mean, you spend like 5 million dollars for 30 seconds on something the whole country is watching, even a company as big as they are thinks about it and focus groups it and has a lot of people look at it and tweak it before deciding to give it such a prominent spot.