3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze Vintage (all from 2002-*)

Brewed by Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen
Style: Lambic - Gueuze
Beersel, Belgium


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RATINGS: 601   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.14/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
Mengeling van 1, 2 en 3 jaar oude lambiek, spontaan gegist en gerijpt op eiken vaten. Niet gefilterd. Spontane wilde gisting op de fles. Lambiek is gebrouwen met 60% gerstemout, 40% tarwe, overjaarse hop en water. Mélange de lambics de 1, 2 et 3 ans, fermenté et mûri en fûts de chêne. Non filtré. Refermentation spontanee en bouteille. Lambic est brassé de l'orge malté 60%, froment 40% , houblon et de l'eau. (from label) Editor’s Note: This listing is for a special edition geuze that must have a label as seen on the left: either yellow with a purple "vintage" line as shown, or a red color field. It is not for a vintage year of regular Drie Fonteinen Oude Geuze, which has its own listing. Bottles pictured are reproduced with permission courtesy of Lambic.Info. Bottles shown include the various labels and size formats used for this geuze.

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biilz (2341) - SPAIN - JUN 9, 2024
UPDATED: JUN 9, 2024 Аромат хороший, сразу весьма травянистый, очень много сена с цитрусами, немного как будто специй, типо шиповника. Цвет чуть более мутный чем обычно, пенки почти нету. Вкус хороший, сбалансированный, очень много цитрусов, прям кислинка от нее, сено и сново немного специй. Возможно намеки на крыжовник. Пил версию 2019 года. Немного перебор с цитрусами а так хорошо.

pictoman (7674) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - OCT 22, 2023
UPDATED: JUN 19, 2024 Jun 18, 2024 (9/4/8/4/17=4.2): Poured from 750mL bottle (pkg 13/04/2002). Clear gold with small white head. Funky, really nice nose, some horse blanket, enjoyable. Oct 22, 2023 (8/4/8/4/17=4.1): Poured from 375mL bottle (bottled 09/02/2016; bb 26/10/2026; 7.3% abv). Fairly hazy golden orange with small white head. Horse blanket, funk, thinking this has some nice age on it. Solid, good example of good aging.

EvNa (4935) - Ede, NETHERLANDS - MAR 21, 2023
UPDATED: MAR 21, 2023 Bottle, Oude Geuze Vintage 2019, assemblage 116 18/19, 6.8%, bottled 10 oct 2019. Color: Clear orangish golden, dense white head. Aroma: Funky, tart gooseberries, wood. Taste: Moderate to over moderate tart, very light bitterness. Old hop. Oak wood. Wet hay and straw. Fruity notes of berries and citrus. Subtle farmyard funk. Dry-ish mouthfeel. Medium body, below average carbonation. Very smooth mouthfeel. Nicely balanced, nice complexity. Very nice.

Zlotta (9106) - Hagen, GERMANY - DEC 24, 2022
UPDATED: DEC 24, 2022 0.375 l bottle from 'Etre Gourmet', 2019 vintage, n°116 • 1819, bottled in October 2019. Quite expensive but probably still reasonable for this year's Christmas Eve. Hazy, orangeish amber with a medium large, frothy, almost stable, white head. Slightly sweetish, gently sourish, quite fruity, rather funky aroma of overripe lemon, horse blanket, oak, some white pepper and a touch of gooseberry. Gently sour, quite fruity, rather funky taste of overripe lemon, white pepper, oak, grapefruit, some horse blanket and a touch of gooseberry, followed by a medium long, gently tart, fairly woody-dry finish. Medium body, gently astringent and quite effervescent mouthfeel, soft carbonation. Lovely Geuze, very well-balanced and refreshing, maybe not as complex as expected though. Proper beer for special occasions.

Marko (18479) - Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC - DEC 2, 2022
UPDATED: DEC 3, 2022 0.75l bottle, huge thanks Jonas! 2002 vintage! Murky orange-amber body, traces of an off-white head. Soft, sweetish, fruity, tart aroma, yeah, mushrooms now that they mention it but in a good way. Soft, sweetish taste, lean, bit cellary, light mushroom, some citric notes, nicely dried out, not as impressive as the aroma, but a greate geuze nonetheless.

BarleyTasty62 (891) - - DEC 2, 2022
UPDATED: DEC 2, 2022 Bottle, 2002. Cloudy amber brown. Soy sauce, leather, breadcrumbs, sweet raisins and prunes. Sparkly crisp, but the taste is a bit damp apple moldy earthen flat.

olberic (1047) - Trying to read Alengrins reviews, - AUG 13, 2022
UPDATED: AUG 13, 2022 2012 vintage Aroma is vinous, mild, and funky. Green Grapes, apples, oak, nutty, sherry, stonefruit Clear golden orange colour with small head Taste is medium acidic and mildly sweet. Apples, oak, bitter citrus fruits, funky notes, dusty cellar, grapes and wine notes Smooth mouthfeel with low carbonation Really nice beer! Acid is a bit more noticeable in the back, but still an amazing beer Tasted at 3 fonteinen

100Beier (573) - Aarhus, DENMARK - AUG 13, 2022
UPDATED: AUG 13, 2022 [Bruxelles, Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen] [Vintage 2012] Aroma: Huge stone fruits and funk, oak, vinous, nutty, sherry, cheesy and freshly squeezed green apples Appearance: Clear golden orange with a small fast disappearing white head Taste: Mildly sweet and acidic, stone fruits, green apples, oak, lemon juice and dusty cellar Mouthfeel: Smooth oily texture with mild carbonation Overall: This has aged beautifully! Such a nice complexity and balance. Awesome gueuze 🍾✌️

one51 (2151) - - OCT 22, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 2, 2022 2005 vintage bottle. Super funky nose, all kind of crazy vegetables like onions and mushrooms. Flavor is a crazy sour mixture with some lambic-y fruit notes, weird cellary flavors. Maybe a bit past its prime but still quite interesting. 7/4/7/3/16 Previously had 2005, now the 2002: reddish brown, small head. Funky mushroom hotpot nose, not as intense/overpowering as many sours. Excellent condition. Flavor is a crazy mixture: rubbery notes, onion, mushroom, quite dry sour notes. 7/4/6/3/16

Ritzn (4634) - GERMANY - OCT 22, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 2, 2022 2005. Hazy amber. Aroma is baguette leather horse blanket sour berries orange peel. Taste is sour fresh orange with some bitter dry woody juice. Very dry. Phew 2002. I guess I wouldnt write much different. Pretty well balanced. Nice.

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