Shaun Hill asks DC bar to not serve his beer

Reads 33505 • Replies 228 • Started Friday, March 21, 2014 10:31:45 PM CT

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beers 21480 º places 1691 º 18:11 Sun 3/23/2014

This is why we can’t have nice things.

beers 3 º 18:39 Sun 3/23/2014

No this is why we can have rare turds(things) ;) laughing pirate

beers 1592 º places 63 º 18:44 Sun 3/23/2014

Sheauwn Hill

beers 21480 º places 1691 º 18:54 Sun 3/23/2014

Originally posted by pepsican
Sheauwn Hill

DeSean Hill

beers 6372 º places 240 º 18:55 Sun 3/23/2014

Wallace Shawn Hill

beers 11069 º places 430 º 18:59 Sun 3/23/2014

wat is going on here

beers 3258 º places 138 º 19:15 Sun 3/23/2014

Originally posted by HornyDevil
Originally posted by puzzl
Strange list of people. You’ve got a pure businessman (Greg Koch), a guy who ran what was once one of the top 3 darling breweries on Ratebeer (Alesmith) that has done damn-near nothing in 5 years, and then you’ve got Vinnie, who, yeah, made some good steps at the height of his popularity, but now has become fairly ho-hum and has failed to keep beer geeks’ attention outside of a once-a-year release.

Is this SERIOUSLY what beergeekdom has become? A thing that vilifies two of the best breweries in the world in Alesmith and Russian River and minimizes the influence of the most influential brewer in the world, by far, in Vinnie Cilurzo? If that’s what it has become, I want no part of it.

Sorry, I vilified them?

We are talking about successful models of retaining desirability and demand while expanding to suitable levels. I don’t know about you, but I see Alesmith bottles rotting on the shelf here 5000 miles away from where they were brewed despite being half the price of lesser competition. I wouldn’t point to that as a successful business model; I’d point to a brewery that didn’t know how to meet the needs and expectations of a changing market. In what way does that vilify Peter? I fucking love Alesmith. But am I buying it? Do any beer geeks I know buy it? No.

Russian River does better with stock, and there aren’t many places where their sours or Pliny will sit on shelves, but at the same time I see a brewery that was once at the forefront of the microbrewing revolution, that has now felt comfortable taking a back seat, sitting on their proven beers, and for the most part not doing anything to advance their business model. Again, awesome beer, and a business model that is totally fine, but perhaps not the ideal for someone like Shaun who clearly wants to continue pushing boundaries and making smash hit after smash hit with no end in sight.

beers 11919 º places 307 º 20:20 Sun 3/23/2014

Originally posted by HonkeyBra
Originally posted by TheAlum
This is the guy who used to BM RB raters directly when he didn’t like the scores they were inputting.. not sure if he still does.

I can think of several other people affiliated with a brewery who do the same . . .

I cannot. Not once. One of the lucky ones, I guess.

beers 11919 º places 307 º 20:32 Sun 3/23/2014

Originally posted by egajdzis
Originally posted by 3fourths
Originally posted by joet
Most always, respect the brewer’s wishes.

It’s this simple. This thread is an ugliness of beer entitlement.

Yeah I’d be embarrassed if I posted the things people were saying in this thread.

I’m thinking people don’t really think before posting anymore though.

E- Other than my quirky posts, who is not riding the Shaun train here. Two people? Three? Ten? Certainly a vocal minority. Hey, sure, it’s a pointless thread, but it does serve a purpose. It offends people. Offending people forces people to discuss. Discussion is good because it forces people to think. Thinking is really, really good.

beers 11919 º places 307 º 20:46 Sun 3/23/2014

Originally posted by b3shine
Originally posted by FrumptyDumpty
I wish the majority of the people on this site would shut up but we don’t get what we want. It seems anytime Shaun has something to say someone will start on this bandwagon of shitting on him. It gets old and tiresome. Believe it or not he really truly cares about how his product is enjoyed. It causes him great stress in life. I am not saying that is how it should be but you can’t change the way you are wired. What I don’t get is why a bunch of people who do not drink his beer or even live near his market take every chance they can to shit on him in every thread that pops up like this. Jesus this site is like a cesspool sometimes.

I respect your loyalty to your friends. I really do.

The problem is it’s often at the expense of your consumers, which isn’t part of most successful business plans... If you don’t like the discussions, maybe you should avoid the site - or at least the threads.

Shaun is a lightning rod - and he has had a large part to do with that. This incident is about as unimportant as anything I’ve heard of when it comes to him. In fact, he seems to make a legitimate point.

But he doesn’t pick his battles. He fights with beer sellers. He fights with beer traders. He fights with beer raters. And now he’s fighting with bar owners.

It’s like miketd said: maybe he’s right in this case, but he’s pissed so many people off with his attitude along the way that the only people who would bother defending him are his fan boys and those who haven’t been privy to his antics in the past.

Sometimes it’s best to just keep one’s mouth shut; especially if one is a businessman. Someone in this thread said something like "trying Shaun’s beers is not a right, it’s a privilege." Please. I’ve tried like 60 HF beers. I’m pretty sure that money changed hands at the brewery for each and every one of those. "Privilege" only extends from one end to the other of a crisp $20 or $100 bill. Sales are keeping this particular brewer indoors and his heating bills paid during the winter up there in Vermont.

If not for sales, this guy would be home-brewing for himself and friends while flipping burgers somewhere to pay his bills; because, let’s face it, Hill borders on having an anti-social personality. Not a great quality to have in today’s service-oriented workplace. Just sayin’... the truth... as always.