Shaun Hill asks DC bar to not serve his beer

Reads 33519 • Replies 228 • Started Friday, March 21, 2014 10:31:45 PM CT

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I can understand why a brewer would get mad at bad ratings; the beer being his "baby" and such, but I’d also think that you’d learn to cope with what people are saying about you on rating sites, which are nothing more than a collection of subjective opinions (which is even the majority sway here).

There isn’t a single beer in this site that is universally loved; virtually every beer will get some "stinker" ratings. Over a long enough time line, no beer is immune. All in all, HF seems to have done well here, despite the presence of folks who will rate it and "don’t get it." I can’t imagine that it’s much different on whatever other beer sites exist out there.

beers 5 º places 125 º 04:02 Mon 3/24/2014

All opinions are subjective. As long as the rater or poster is being honest, who cares either way? If you can not take criticism, brewing at a high profile brewery isn’t a good idea.

04:12 Mon 3/24/2014

Originally posted by puzzl
I fucking love Alesmith. But am I buying it? Do any beer geeks I know buy it? No.

And therein lies the problem. They make great beer, but you’ve already ticked it off so you won’t drink it again. Lunacy. Pure lunacy.

Originally posted by puzzl
I see a brewery that was once at the forefront of the microbrewing revolution, that has now felt comfortable taking a back seat, sitting on their proven beers, and for the most part not doing anything to advance their business model.

Russian River makes some of the most consistently great beer on the planet. I think that’s a great business model.

Originally posted by puzzl
Again, awesome beer, and a business model that is totally fine, but perhaps not the ideal for someone like Shaun who clearly wants to continue pushing boundaries and making smash hit after smash hit with no end in sight.

Easy to make "smash hit after smash hit" if all you do is make one-offs and have no standard to which you are held.

beers 3472 º places 204 º 05:00 Mon 3/24/2014

Wow, I hadn’t kept up with this thread, certainly is a hot one.
it is odd, to me, that a bar had an event, with out brewer support, and was pouring from growlers. Plenty of bars have events, with kegs, but I don’t recall a growler event, does this happen much?

beers 1802 º places 65 º 06:34 Mon 3/24/2014

Originally posted by FrumptyDumpty
If you are going to criticize how it is made and offer up suggestions on how to improve it then you should actually know what you are talking about.
Yup. It’s like telling Chevy why their new transmissions blow without knowing how a transmission operates. Yeah you could tell them their Cruze transmissions are shit, but you have no right to give any sort of advice when you have absolutely no idea how the gears are tuned and how the computer controls it.

beers 13649 º places 112 º 07:11 Mon 3/24/2014

Originally posted by hopscotch
Dude, welcome back, but stop being a homer here.

Also, don’t disagree with me publicly because, well... I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.

Sorry, I was certainly not trying to flaunt brewing knowledge or say that it is a requisite or make a personal attack there. Though my tone was too harsh, my apologies. I do agree, if you’ve had a lot of beers, you know what you like and you know when something is lacking. That being said, it dosent hurt to have some knowledge of the brewing process. It can greatly affect the way you appreciate a beer.

As for the second paragraph, I’m not sure what you mean! I never said anything about money and I don’t know what nightmare you’re referring to or what a "people like me" is.

beers 259 º places 19 º 07:28 Mon 3/24/2014

Originally posted by OldGrowth
Wow, I hadn’t kept up with this thread, certainly is a hot one.
it is odd, to me, that a bar had an event, with out brewer support, and was pouring from growlers. Plenty of bars have events, with kegs, but I don’t recall a growler event, does this happen much?

Only happens in DC due to their unique self-import laws. I don’t think any distributor would (or maybe not even be legally allowed) to send growlers to bars/pubs for selling individual pours (rather than selling entire growler).

beers 3472 º places 204 º 07:29 Mon 3/24/2014

Originally posted by ClarkVV
Originally posted by hopscotch
Dude, welcome back, but stop being a homer here.

Also, don’t disagree with me publicly because, well... I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.

Sorry, I was certainly not trying to flaunt brewing knowledge or say that it is a requisite or make a personal attack there. Though my tone was too harsh, my apologies. I do agree, if you’ve had a lot of beers, you know what you like and you know when something is lacking. That being said, it dosent hurt to have some knowledge of the brewing process. It can greatly affect the way you appreciate a beer.

As for the second paragraph, I’m not sure what you mean! I never said anything about money and I don’t know what nightmare you’re referring to or what a "people like me" is.

I assume he was being humorous
Taken movie quotes

beers 11765 º places 22 º 07:45 Mon 3/24/2014

I have to take SH’s side here. I think his words and actions have become twisted. He was not immaturely lashing out at poor ratings of his beers, although he is known to have done that in the past. He preemptively asked a bar owner not to pour his beers at an event where they would likely not be in a servable condition, in his expert opinion. There was a back and forth between he and the owner, but he remained civil. I don’t fault him too much for the "vaulted halo" remark. We have all said goofed up things when we’re upset; the interviewer must have struck a nerve. SH did not threaten litigation. He openly acknowledges the fact that he has no legal recourse in this matter. All he did was what I would hope any concerned brewer would and should do.

In defense of the bar owner, he was stuck in a dilemma and tried to rectify the situation as best he could. He didn’t find out about SH’s objections until he had the beer and tickets were sold. He was only trying to satisfy his customer’s demands. Offering to pour the beer only after trying it and verifying that it was in good condition was a reasonable solution. He was not obligated to do this.

FWIW, pouring from growlers at a ticketed event is just tacky and does a disservice to beer. Can we all just agree not to do it?

beers 13649 º places 112 º 08:07 Mon 3/24/2014

Originally posted by OldGrowth
Originally posted by ClarkVV
Originally posted by hopscotch
Dude, welcome back, but stop being a homer here.

Also, don’t disagree with me publicly because, well... I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.

Sorry, I was certainly not trying to flaunt brewing knowledge or say that it is a requisite or make a personal attack there. Though my tone was too harsh, my apologies. I do agree, if you’ve had a lot of beers, you know what you like and you know when something is lacking. That being said, it dosent hurt to have some knowledge of the brewing process. It can greatly affect the way you appreciate a beer.

As for the second paragraph, I’m not sure what you mean! I never said anything about money and I don’t know what nightmare you’re referring to or what a "people like me" is.

I assume he was being humorous
Taken movie quotes

Nice! That one went right over my head. Never heard of Taken.