Shaun Hill asks DC bar to not serve his beer

Reads 33512 • Replies 228 • Started Friday, March 21, 2014 10:31:45 PM CT

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beers 13649 º places 112 º 21:05 Sun 3/23/2014

I dont think it really says much to say that "if it werent for people buying his beer, he wouldnt have any money". Shaun was always very, very critical about his beers and held himself to a high standard. I remember back even before he was brewing at The Shed, he was very, very interested in what people had to say about his homebrews. But certainly what they had to say about his homebrews that were tried under proper conditions.

That’s really what this all boils down to. You’re welcome to buy beer and do what you want with it. You can buy it under old or poorly kept conditions. You can keep it under poor conditions. You can buy it and trade it 100 times and then drink it. You can do anything you want with beer you paid for.

BUT, people that actually care about trying good beers....Trying the best beers...they dont do that. They dont drink growler resold beers. They dont drink 5 year old hop forward anniversary beers and rate them a 2.5 for being past their prime. They dont drink cloudy, shaken up beers that have been transported to a tasting all shook up and then rate them lower for being yeasty and dirty.

Some people do it. Some people go to any lengths to try and obtain sought after beers and rate them or (sadly) sell them under any conditions.

Don’t be that person. Have higher standards for the beer youre drinking. Be critical of it. Be critical of the brewer. But by all means, drink it as the brewer intended. Dont be just another asshole ticking a beer just to get another rate or tick. That’s a lot of what this site is (and always has been). Be better than that.

beers 13649 º places 112 º 21:10 Sun 3/23/2014

"He certainly needs to practice the art of using thickening grains and sugars. All the practice he can get."

I cant even tell who posted this, but whoever did has ALOT to learn about brewing beer...

beers 11919 º places 307 º 21:29 Sun 3/23/2014

Originally posted by ClarkVV

"He certainly needs to practice the art of using thickening grains and sugars. All the practice he can get."

I cant even tell who posted this, but whoever did has ALOT to learn about brewing beer...

It was me... and I’m not kidding. It’s my opinion. I’m entitled to it. I’m sticking with it. I can think of about twenty HF beers that did not have the viscosity I was looking for pertaining to the style of the beer.

Almost every single bottle and growler of HF beer I have tried has been shared with me no longer than seven days after its release; usually less than seven days.

You’re right. I have a boatload to learn about "brewing" and that’s not gonna change anytime soon. Probably never. I am, however, very well-versed in drinking. I know a lot about "taste" and "mouthfeel."

Dude, welcome back, but stop being a homer here.

Also, don’t disagree with me publicly because, well... I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.

beers 1802 º places 65 º 22:12 Sun 3/23/2014

Originally posted by hopscotch
It was me... and I’m not kidding. It’s my opinion. I’m entitled to it. I’m sticking with it. I can think of about twenty HF beers that did not have the viscosity I was looking for pertaining to the style of the beer.

Almost every single bottle and growler of HF beer I have tried has been shared with me no longer than seven days after its release; usually less than seven days.

You’re right. I have a boatload to learn about "brewing" and that’s not gonna change anytime soon. Probably never. I am, however, very well-versed in drinking. I know a lot about "taste" and "mouthfeel."

Dude, welcome back, but stop being a homer here.

Also, don’t disagree with me publicly because, well... I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.
So you’re one of those people with money to burn on beer, but no care about the actual product or how it’s made itself. Boy those people are the worst. Instead of chasing whatever FOTM beer is trending, how about you learn what actually goes into making a beer?

beers 1592 º places 63 º 22:14 Sun 3/23/2014

beers 37842 º places 457 º 23:39 Sun 3/23/2014

Originally posted by FrumptyDumpty
The thread title spells his name out for people. Why are people saying Sean and Shawn? It might just be a pet peeve of mine having to deal with misspelling of my last name my whole life.

DO many people Misspell Dumpty?

beers 37842 º places 457 º 23:45 Sun 3/23/2014

Originally posted by keanex
how about you learn what actually goes into making a beer?

WHAT, why should i HAVE to know what goes into making a beer.

Whats wrong with Just enjoying it. You dont need to know how a movie is made in order to enjoy it, why should you have to know how a beer is made

00:05 Mon 3/24/2014

If you are going to criticize how it is made and offer up suggestions on how to improve it then you should actually know what you are talking about.

beers 1111 º places 27 º 02:57 Mon 3/24/2014

I’m on Shaun’s side on the substance of things here, by the way. I was just taking the piss out of the pretentious writing.

The people who keep pointing out that the guy was *legally* allowed to do what he did should reread the original article. the distinction between legality and morality was explicitly pointed to, and Shaun said he was concerned with the latter.

beers 2074 º places 37 º 03:14 Mon 3/24/2014

Originally posted by ClarkVV
That’s really what this all boils down to. You’re welcome to buy beer and do what you want with it. You can buy it under old or poorly kept conditions. You can keep it under poor conditions. You can buy it and trade it 100 times and then drink it. You can do anything you want with beer you paid for.

This x1000