Shaun Hill asks DC bar to not serve his beer

Reads 33504 • Replies 228 • Started Friday, March 21, 2014 10:31:45 PM CT

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beers 3543 º places 95 º 21:26 Sat 3/22/2014

Read the whole thread.. happy i live in prima donnas in the community.

beers 6349 º places 233 º 22:50 Sat 3/22/2014

It’d be nice if more brewers got annoyed when their products are mishandled on a commercial scale. Maybe it would force the three tier system to actually take care of the products they are delivering to the masses. Why are people upset by this?

beers 2132 º places 83 º 23:30 Sat 3/22/2014

Granted, I don’t belong in this thread. That being said: HF makes (apparently, because my run-ins in the past have been a few ounces) tasty, coveted beer. HF doesn’t distribute far and thereby restricts that access. Beer nerds want coveted beer. Both sides of this make sense (both why HF wouldn’t want this sold under given conditions, and why unrelated beer bar wants to sell it anyway).

The specifics of dc are presumably limited, so this shouldn’t happen all that often. But, if you hate this, as a brewer, you have a few options: 1. Make beer nobody cares about. 2. Distribute your beer so people who really want it can expect to get it. 3. Skip 1-2 and accept that those who want it will go to lengths to get it anyway, even though you’d prefer all of your consumers just live nearby.

There’s something surprisingly regional about the "every man’s" drink that is beer.

beers 37842 º places 457 º 00:09 Sun 3/23/2014

Originally posted by 3fourths
Originally posted by joet
Most always, respect the brewer’s wishes.

It’s this simple. This thread is an ugliness of beer entitlement.

I know of brewers who wish we didn’t rate there beers here. Should we remove those brewers?

02:57 Sun 3/23/2014

Originally posted by SamGamgee
I’m fully with Hill in this situation. Completely unacceptable for a bar to serve growlers without brewery content and supervision. They knew what they were doing was shady and tried to get away with it. That’s not the kind of trust and relationship that the industry should be built on. If a brewery doesn’t want their growlers resold, you simply don’t do it. that’s just crass opportunism.

No it isn’t. It’s business. What Bourbon did was well within the law and well within the realm of decorum. Plain and simple. After Hill Farmstead has sold their beer, they have no control over what people do with it. This is how it should be. What’s next? Every time a bar taps a keg they have to call the brewer to see if it’s OK to serve it? Ridiculous. No reason to have the brewer telling you what he or she wants you to do with his or her beer once they’ve sold it to you. It is none of their damned business, as it’s yours now and you can do with it what you will. If they want to micromanage something, micromanage their brewery. At least there they are well within their rights to rule over something and express their wanton desire to control everything. If this megalomania, however, doesn’t work with the rest of the world, don’t be surprised.

beers 2074 º places 37 º 03:58 Sun 3/23/2014

It’s like if Toyota told me when I bought the car that I can only use it in prime condition. Never resell it to anyone, especially if it has rust on it.

beers 12253 º places 373 º 05:16 Sun 3/23/2014

I would like to add that if it was freshness Shaun was worried about, I’m sure he could have arranged to trade them a fresh keg of something for the growlers (or even 2-day old growlers from HF that he sent to DC). Kind of like when he was worried Anne was falling off and traded a Millennium Geuze for one.

He certainly has the right to ask. But given that the bar followed D.C. rules, he shouldn’t be surprised when the bar ignored his request. It’s not like HF is selling their beer to the bar anyway and Shaun can threaten to pull their allocation. Asking for them not to serve his beer without offering to replace it with something fresher - since that was his complaint - is just more of the same arrogance and self-absorbtion that has gotten him in trouble all along.

05:45 Sun 3/23/2014

Originally posted by b3shine
Originally posted by FrumptyDumpty
I wish the majority of the people on this site would shut up but we don’t get what we want. It seems anytime Shaun has something to say someone will start on this bandwagon of shitting on him. It gets old and tiresome. Believe it or not he really truly cares about how his product is enjoyed. It causes him great stress in life. I am not saying that is how it should be but you can’t change the way you are wired. What I don’t get is why a bunch of people who do not drink his beer or even live near his market take every chance they can to shit on him in every thread that pops up like this. Jesus this site is like a cesspool sometimes.

I respect your loyalty to your friends. I really do.

The problem is it’s often at the expense of your consumers, which isn’t part of most successful business plans... If you don’t like the discussions, maybe you should avoid the site - or at least the threads.

Shaun is a lightning rod - and he has had a large part to do with that. This incident is about as unimportant as anything I’ve heard of when it comes to him. In fact, he seems to make a legitimate point.

But he doesn’t pick his battles. He fights with beer sellers. He fights with beer traders. He fights with beer raters. And now he’s fighting with bar owners.

It’s like miketd said: maybe he’s right in this case, but he’s pissed so many people off with his attitude along the way that the only people who would bother defending him are his fan boys and those who haven’t been privy to his antics in the past.

I am not worried in the slightest about losing consumers because what I post on this forums. People on this forum love to jump on Shaun every chance they get. They love to make fun of the way he speaks or the way he approaches his beer and his philosophy. For a site about rating beer it often turns into a site about tearing people down and shitting on them especially if it seems like the cool thing to do.

It also has nothing to do with my loyalty as you put it to Shaun. It is more the majority of people in the beer industry would not bother with posting on RB (which is crazy considering how much they use to in the past) while I am not really concerned with what people think about me so I will post when I think people are being unfair or idiotic towards professionals.

I think people forget sometimes that brewers do this because we love what we do. How would you enjoy doing something you love in life and then constantly there is this website were people take every chance to shit on you over and over. Insult you and call you names.They don’t go after your beers instead they want to focus on you yourself. If you are a sensitive person at all this would take it’s toll on you. I just think people should think a bit more before they post in these threads trying to build up their site cred with their e-bros.

05:47 Sun 3/23/2014

Originally posted by TheAlum
Ryan the new gunhaver??

We saw what happened there..

eat my unwashed asshole man.

06:00 Sun 3/23/2014

Originally posted by FrumptyDumpty
Originally posted by TheAlum
Ryan the new gunhaver??

We saw what happened there..

eat my unwashed asshole man.

FrumptyDumpty . . . King of Unintentional Irony