Shaun Hill asks DC bar to not serve his beer

Reads 33510 • Replies 228 • Started Friday, March 21, 2014 10:31:45 PM CT

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beers 11919 º places 307 º 13:52 Mon 3/24/2014

Originally posted by ClarkVV
Originally posted by hopscotch
Dude, welcome back, but stop being a homer here.

Also, don’t disagree with me publicly because, well... I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.

Sorry, I was certainly not trying to flaunt brewing knowledge or say that it is a requisite or make a personal attack there. Though my tone was too harsh, my apologies. I do agree, if you’ve had a lot of beers, you know what you like and you know when something is lacking. That being said, it dosent hurt to have some knowledge of the brewing process. It can greatly affect the way you appreciate a beer.

As for the second paragraph, I’m not sure what you mean! I never said anything about money and I don’t know what nightmare you’re referring to or what a "people like me" is.

Sorry, Clark. I thought everyone had seen "Taken" or at least that particular excerpt. My fault. It probably seemed like a totally inappropriate comment. Just another frail attempt at humor in a long line of frail attempts at humor.

13:53 Mon 3/24/2014

Originally posted by hopscotch
Originally posted by keanex
Originally posted by hopscotch
It was me... and I’m not kidding. It’s my opinion. I’m entitled to it. I’m sticking with it. I can think of about twenty HF beers that did not have the viscosity I was looking for pertaining to the style of the beer.

Almost every single bottle and growler of HF beer I have tried has been shared with me no longer than seven days after its release; usually less than seven days.

You’re right. I have a boatload to learn about "brewing" and that’s not gonna change anytime soon. Probably never. I am, however, very well-versed in drinking. I know a lot about "taste" and "mouthfeel."

Dude, welcome back, but stop being a homer here.

Also, don’t disagree with me publicly because, well... I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.
So you’re one of those people with money to burn on beer, but no care about the actual product or how it’s made itself. Boy those people are the worst. Instead of chasing whatever FOTM beer is trending, how about you learn what actually goes into making a beer?

How about you learn to be a knowledgeable, safe, effective, responsible and insured ACE certified personal trainer, then go seek one out and pay him/her $60/hour to work with you. Makes sense, right? No? Don’t have the time? Don’t wanna learn what it takes to be a personal trainer if you’re going to pay one to work with you anyway?

I’ll leave the brewing up to the proffessionals. I’ll go ahead and just be a consumer.

At the same time, I’m pretty well-versed in the brewing process since I know at least fifty or so homebrewers AND professional brewers. That’s a conservative estimate. I’ve certainly lended a hand several times at some point in the process, in order to have something to do while visiting a home-brewing friend.

However, do I have any desire at all to brew beer myself? No. Not even a little bit... and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

The stupidity. Where did you even come up with that dumpster-fire-of-steaming-shit post?

Nevermind. I don’t wanna know.

Knowing some brewers and homebrewers does not make you well versed in how to make beer. I know a lot of musicians, that doesn’t mean I know how to make music.

That whole part of the talk came from some quoting you as saying Shaun needed to use more thickening grains or sugars to help his mouthfeel. As a brewer that is a pretty stupid sentence to read.

beers 11919 º places 307 º 13:57 Mon 3/24/2014

Originally posted by FrumptyDumpty
Originally posted by hopscotch
Originally posted by keanex
Originally posted by hopscotch
It was me... and I’m not kidding. It’s my opinion. I’m entitled to it. I’m sticking with it. I can think of about twenty HF beers that did not have the viscosity I was looking for pertaining to the style of the beer.

Almost every single bottle and growler of HF beer I have tried has been shared with me no longer than seven days after its release; usually less than seven days.

You’re right. I have a boatload to learn about "brewing" and that’s not gonna change anytime soon. Probably never. I am, however, very well-versed in drinking. I know a lot about "taste" and "mouthfeel."

Dude, welcome back, but stop being a homer here.

Also, don’t disagree with me publicly because, well... I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.
So you’re one of those people with money to burn on beer, but no care about the actual product or how it’s made itself. Boy those people are the worst. Instead of chasing whatever FOTM beer is trending, how about you learn what actually goes into making a beer?

How about you learn to be a knowledgeable, safe, effective, responsible and insured ACE certified personal trainer, then go seek one out and pay him/her $60/hour to work with you. Makes sense, right? No? Don’t have the time? Don’t wanna learn what it takes to be a personal trainer if you’re going to pay one to work with you anyway?

I’ll leave the brewing up to the proffessionals. I’ll go ahead and just be a consumer.

At the same time, I’m pretty well-versed in the brewing process since I know at least fifty or so homebrewers AND professional brewers. That’s a conservative estimate. I’ve certainly lended a hand several times at some point in the process, in order to have something to do while visiting a home-brewing friend.

However, do I have any desire at all to brew beer myself? No. Not even a little bit... and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

The stupidity. Where did you even come up with that dumpster-fire-of-steaming-shit post?

Nevermind. I don’t wanna know.

Knowing some brewers and homebrewers does not make you well versed in how to make beer. I know a lot of musicians, that doesn’t mean I know how to make music.

That whole part of the talk came from some quoting you as saying Shaun needed to use more thickening grains or sugars to help his mouthfeel. As a brewer that is a pretty stupid sentence to read.

Then what should he use? Please fill him in. He doesn’t listen to me.

I do understand your point though about it being a stupid sentence to read from a professional brewer’s perspective, but I don’t know why it’s stupid. Why is it stupid? I thought there were only so many ways to increase the viscocity of a beer. Another way, I suppose, would be the process used in brewing ice bocks. Freezing and skimming the ice? Sorry, I don’t know the correct terminology. Hopefully you know to what I’m referring.

14:00 Mon 3/24/2014

I did not try the beer in question so I can not speak to that. What I was speaking to was offering advice on how to fix a beer when you clearly have no clue. I see people in ratings all the time doing this and it baffles me why they try.

beers 1281 º 14:01 Mon 3/24/2014

Originally posted by FrumptyDumpty
Originally posted by hopscotch
Originally posted by keanex
Originally posted by hopscotch
It was me... and I’m not kidding. It’s my opinion. I’m entitled to it. I’m sticking with it. I can think of about twenty HF beers that did not have the viscosity I was looking for pertaining to the style of the beer.

Almost every single bottle and growler of HF beer I have tried has been shared with me no longer than seven days after its release; usually less than seven days.

You’re right. I have a boatload to learn about "brewing" and that’s not gonna change anytime soon. Probably never. I am, however, very well-versed in drinking. I know a lot about "taste" and "mouthfeel."

Dude, welcome back, but stop being a homer here.

Also, don’t disagree with me publicly because, well... I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.
So you’re one of those people with money to burn on beer, but no care about the actual product or how it’s made itself. Boy those people are the worst. Instead of chasing whatever FOTM beer is trending, how about you learn what actually goes into making a beer?

How about you learn to be a knowledgeable, safe, effective, responsible and insured ACE certified personal trainer, then go seek one out and pay him/her $60/hour to work with you. Makes sense, right? No? Don’t have the time? Don’t wanna learn what it takes to be a personal trainer if you’re going to pay one to work with you anyway?

I’ll leave the brewing up to the proffessionals. I’ll go ahead and just be a consumer.

At the same time, I’m pretty well-versed in the brewing process since I know at least fifty or so homebrewers AND professional brewers. That’s a conservative estimate. I’ve certainly lended a hand several times at some point in the process, in order to have something to do while visiting a home-brewing friend.

However, do I have any desire at all to brew beer myself? No. Not even a little bit... and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

The stupidity. Where did you even come up with that dumpster-fire-of-steaming-shit post?

Nevermind. I don’t wanna know.

Knowing some brewers and homebrewers does not make you well versed in how to make beer. I know a lot of musicians, that doesn’t mean I know how to make music.

That whole part of the talk came from some quoting you as saying Shaun needed to use more thickening grains or sugars to help his mouthfeel. As a brewer that is a pretty stupid sentence to read.


beers 13649 º places 112 º 14:13 Mon 3/24/2014

Somewhat please write a summary for what we’ve learned from this thread and then have a forum admin freeze it. I’ll start:

-Dont resell growlers
-I need to watch taken

14:15 Mon 3/24/2014

I don’t wash my ass

14:17 Mon 3/24/2014

Originally posted by hopscotch
Originally posted by FrumptyDumpty
Knowing some brewers and homebrewers does not make you well versed in how to make beer. I know a lot of musicians, that doesn’t mean I know how to make music.

That whole part of the talk came from some quoting you as saying Shaun needed to use more thickening grains or sugars to help his mouthfeel. As a brewer that is a pretty stupid sentence to read.

Then what should he use? Please fill him in. He doesn’t listen to me.

I do understand your point though about it being a stupid sentence to read from a professional brewer’s perspective, but I don’t know why it’s stupid. Why is it stupid? I thought there were only so many ways to increase the viscocity of a beer. Another way, I suppose, would be the process used in brewing ice bocks. Freezing and skimming the ice? Sorry, I don’t know the correct terminology. Hopefully you know to what I’m referring.

As a brewer that’s decidedly NOT a stupid sentence to read. If someone told me that my beers would benefit from an increased mouthfeel, I would immediately think to do one or more of the following:

1) Increase the unfermentable dextrins in my wort
2) Use a less attenuative yeast strain to ferment my wort
3) Increase the protein content of my wort
4) Decrease the carbonation of my finished beer
5) Use a yeast strain that produces more glycerol

Stop pretending that brewing beer is SUCH a mystery and answer the guy’s question.

beers 16604 º places 798 º 14:17 Mon 3/24/2014

Taken sucks. Just saying.

beers 1111 º places 27 º 14:17 Mon 3/24/2014

And if your IPA is thinner than you’d like, start making eisbocks!