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beers 2242 º places 53 º 10:14 Mon 8/11/2008

Originally posted by after4ever
Just because we (Seattle) couldn’t find a spot for the grand tasting this year doesn’t mean we’re dead in the water for future years. We just need to get inspired/cleverer.

Or, one of us needs to buy an enormous house.

I’d love to organize a bid for a proper do-it-up Seattle RBSG, and a couple brewers casually mentioned wanting to do something nice for the geeks on the road. Maybe not AleSmith The Shit, but something nice. Draconian liquor laws just make public venues a bitch to find up here...but we’ll get it right at some point.

Meanwhile, if a group of no more than 10-15 beer nerds comes out for a visit, the Seattle crew will treat you right. Just don’t come out for an NBA game.

I would love to have it in a place that:

(1) I’ve never been to
(2) My wife actually wants to travel to
(3) Great Brewpubs

Seattle fulfills all three of those requirements. Just my .02. Of course I’d have to extend the vacation so my wife wouldn’t think we were only going there for a beer weekend.

beers 14125 º places 277 º 10:16 Mon 8/11/2008

Various folks: Asheville sucks.
Other folks: Asheville is great.

Asheville is a great beer city, and those who feel otherwise without having experienced it are ignorant. I for one am looking forward to getting down there next month for what looks to be a fantastic festival.

The biggest argument against Asheville is convenience. The airport is small and doesn’t offer many direct flights, and because it’s small the flights are pretty expensive -- I’m flying to Charlotte and driving the two hours because it’s more convenient to not have to connect to a commuter jet, and because it’s less than half the cost.

Despite that, if folks in Asheville want to offer up a proposal to host a RBSG, by all means they should disregard the naysayers on this thread and do so. The city has a lot to offer, and if done right could be a great destination for a RBSG.

But the bottom line is that this thread is getting pretty stupid. We’re not going to decide on the destination here. Within the next few months there’s going to be an opportunity for people interested in hosting to submit proposals, and an opportunity for everyone to review those proposals and vote on them. In the meantime, folks should either linger in the memory of what was by all accounts a fantastic RBSG, simmer with regret at not being able to attend, or delight in having done something else worthwhile that weekend (BCTC!).

beers 1812 º places 15 º 10:20 Mon 8/11/2008

Originally posted by argo0

Various folks: Asheville sucks.
Other folks: Asheville is great.

The biggest argument against Asheville is convenience. The airport is small and doesn’t offer many direct flights, and because it’s small the flights are pretty expensive -- I’m flying to Charlotte and driving the two hours because it’s more convenient to not have to connect to a commuter jet, and because it’s less than half the cost.

thats a pretty big argument for me.

beers 636 º places 5 º 10:30 Mon 8/11/2008

Well it sounds like the San Diego summer gathering is the new standard of excellence, and if future sites can’t beat that gathering, then what’s the point? Might as well have it in San Diego every year.

This post is half serious.

If half the people at future gatherings are going to say "Well, it was alright, but nothing beats SD 2008" then there are only two options:

1) accept that fact, suck it up, and enjoy the current gathering


2) replicate it in San Diego again and again

beers 7122 º places 260 º 10:35 Mon 8/11/2008

Originally posted by Odeed
Originally posted by argo0

Various folks: Asheville sucks.
Other folks: Asheville is great.

The biggest argument against Asheville is convenience. The airport is small and doesn’t offer many direct flights, and because it’s small the flights are pretty expensive -- I’m flying to Charlotte and driving the two hours because it’s more convenient to not have to connect to a commuter jet, and because it’s less than half the cost.

thats a pretty big argument for me.

Yep, that seems to be the biggest issue. Ideally there’d be some way to factor in some sort of Charlotte - Asheville shuttle, but I’m guessing the logistics would be a nightmare. Other than that (rather large) issue, I think Asheville would be a fantastic host city.

beers 10877 º places 12 º 10:59 Mon 8/11/2008

I’ve seen a lot of posts here with people saying "I want you to host me next year". What it comes down to is choosing between the cities that are willing to host. Last year there were only two willing to do it, with SD getting called out and pressured into doing it. The year before the deadline for proposals kept getting extended until someone was finally willing to host. It’s not about the best place, but the best place that’s willing to do it..

As far as the whole Asheville debate goes, you can not voice an opinion on Asheville vs. other beer towns unless you have been both to Asheville and a few other great beer towns. I thought about doing an Asheville bid last year, but after researching it I realized you just can’t get there from anywhere else.

17:10 Mon 8/11/2008

I could get us a place for a Grand Tasting in Seattle!
Cheers Doc

Originally posted by Odeed
well here is what we have had so far:
2002 Toronto
2003 Chicago
2004 Portland
2005 Montreal
2006 Washington DC
2007 Minneapolis
2008 San Diego

here is what got shot down when i asked:
new york:its to spread out and expensive
seattle:no place for a grand tasting
denver:no active rate beer community

so whats left?
and yes i know,philly.(although ill base on the baseball game guys,thanks.)

17:15 Mon 8/11/2008

Don’t forget the breweries in the areas around ashville. Also barleys is on the rate beer top 10 bars if I am correct.

beers 1126 º places 59 º 17:21 Mon 8/11/2008

Not to thread jack, but has the possibility of a Ratebeer world gathering ever came up?

beers 55602 º places 43 º 17:47 Mon 8/11/2008

Originally posted by BlackDonald
Not to thread jack, but has the possibility of a Ratebeer world gathering ever came up?

Aren’t there two of those each year? RBSG and RBESG - or join the DK-RBSG in Denmark next week

Seriously the places that hosted a Summer gathering this year were stunning for both sides of the Atlantic (Plzen and San Diego) but in the end: flight prices, time of the year, travel time and whatever puts a limiting factor as to how many people from out-of-continent attend. Despite how much must-do-this-beer-pilgrimace-before-you-die these sites do offer, it’s hard to drag people over the Atlantic it seems.
