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beers 1958 º places 110 º 17:48 Mon 8/11/2008

Originally posted by BlackDonald
Not to thread jack, but has the possibility of a Ratebeer world gathering ever came up?

Screw that. RBIPSG*

RateBeer Inter Planetary Summer Gathering. I vote Uranus.

beers 1812 º places 15 º 18:01 Mon 8/11/2008

Originally posted by Immy
Originally posted by BlackDonald
Not to thread jack, but has the possibility of a Ratebeer world gathering ever came up?

Screw that. RBIPSG*

RateBeer Inter Planetary Summer Gathering. I vote Uranus.

beers 1126 º places 59 º 11:45 Tue 8/12/2008

Originally posted by Immy
Originally posted by BlackDonald
Not to thread jack, but has the possibility of a Ratebeer world gathering ever came up?

Screw that. RBIPSG*

RateBeer Inter Planetary Summer Gathering. I vote Uranus.

That’s funny +1

beers 880 º places 97 º 21:08 Tue 8/12/2008

Well, this was an interesting thread...

For what its worth, I dont know that the east coast west coast thing is that big of deal for me, but I am more likely to attend a place that is cheaper to get to, cause, well, I am cheap!

I do think its cool to rotate it though...Looking over the list that was posted, its been in some really cool places I would have loved to visit!!

But I do think that the location picked should have plenty of NON beer things to do as well, for many on here have wives, families, and would be much more likely to go if they can kinda make it a family vaca of sorts...

Plus, its nice in the down hours to have other options...For those who might travel with you who arent into beer...

beers 5394 º places 74 º 08:35 Wed 8/13/2008

Originally posted by BeerVirgin72
Well, this was an interesting thread...

For what its worth, I dont know that the east coast west coast thing is that big of deal for me, but I am more likely to attend a place that is cheaper to get to, cause, well, I am cheap!

I do think its cool to rotate it though...Looking over the list that was posted, its been in some really cool places I would have loved to visit!!

But I do think that the location picked should have plenty of NON beer things to do as well, for many on here have wives, families, and would be much more likely to go if they can kinda make it a family vaca of sorts...

Plus, its nice in the down hours to have other options...For those who might travel with you who arent into beer...

Nicely put, Dawn!

beers 30719 º places 1135 º 09:09 Wed 8/13/2008

Originally posted by BeerVirgin72
Well, this was an interesting thread...

For what its worth, I dont know that the east coast west coast thing is that big of deal for me, but I am more likely to attend a place that is cheaper to get to, cause, well, I am cheap!

I do think its cool to rotate it though...Looking over the list that was posted, its been in some really cool places I would have loved to visit!!

But I do think that the location picked should have plenty of NON beer things to do as well, for many on here have wives, families, and would be much more likely to go if they can kinda make it a family vaca of sorts...

Plus, its nice in the down hours to have other options...For those who might travel with you who arent into beer...

These sorts of things have come up before but ultimately do not make the cut for RBSG criteria for a couple of reasons.

The family vacation thing because although every year a couple of people bring the family, most people don’t. And folks who plan to drag the family along are a lot less likely to attend anyway, since any number of things can scuttle their attendance, and it costs a lot more.

A lot of people are more likely to attend a place that’s closer but RBSG has always had a priority of accomodating the hardcore attendees who consistently spend the money, take the time and go, rather than those who only want to go if everything is cheap and easy, mostly because the former can be counted on, the latter not so much.

So it definitely comes down to geographic rotation and hosting abilities.

beers 30719 º places 1135 º 09:15 Wed 8/13/2008

Originally posted by beerguy101
And just to stir the Shit.

Is Ratebeer getting big enough that we would want to have two RBSG?

One on each coast? or one on a coast and one in the Middle.

I realize that members would not be able to travel to both. But this way you get to pick and choose which one you attend.

No, this is not going to happen. RBSG is an EVENT, not just an event. There can be no dilution. Plus, you’re putting a strain on people who are serious about RBSG by asking them to attend both, in order to accomodate those who are not serious about RBSG, not enough to go unless it’s in their backyard.

beers 30719 º places 1135 º 09:17 Wed 8/13/2008

Originally posted by JoeMcPhee
Originally posted by douglas88
I’ll just throw this out there; Salt Lake City. Yeah, I know it’s not gonna happen soon, but someday it will. We have close to 10 good craft brewers, and one (soon to be two) awesome beer bars. Plus it is cheap, easy to get around, and beautiful. How much of RBSG is about the local breweries? I guess a lot, so we need somewhere with a few awesome local brewers who are into beer geeks. Denver would be my vote, just because it is an great place. San Fran could be nice. And I’m from PA so...I guess I’m no help. 2014 Utah RBSG. Footbalm and I are on it.

And we can have every bottle we bring for the tasting seized... this is one that is never going to happen, and for good reason.

Yes, Utah is permanently banned from hosting official RB functions.

beers 30719 º places 1135 º 09:27 Wed 8/13/2008

On a final note, I suppose I may just have to run the competition again this year. I’ll be more proactive.

My vacation plans will set out the timetable (no point in setting a deadline for some day when I’m nowhere near a computer to check on it) so in the next couple of days I’ll lay out this timetable and we can have a vote.

Any and all are welcome to bid, btw. San Francisco and Philly have a lot going for them; Seattle would be pretty tough to turn down; Asheville has an assload of breweries with more on the way; there’s other good options too.

So whoever wants to start prepping a bid, please do so since we ideally like to have a location picked by sometime in October.

places 17 º 21:55 Thu 8/14/2008

Originally posted by aspidites
Originally posted by dkachur
Originally posted by Odeed
ok so let me get this straight,
the east coast people want it on the east coast,and the west coast people want it on the west coast?im confused.

Well, I want it on the East coast NEXT year, but I’m perfectly fine with it rotating across the country, so everyone gets a fair chance.

Back to back in California is just plain wrong, in my opinion. I mean, you guys freaking live in California! Count your blessings!

The thing is I really want to put on a great RBSG for everyone, one that will leave people happy they came for it. And this will probably be the last year I will be able to do it.

I’m with SF as well. It’s a great beer town!! In and around the city are:

Monks Kettle
La Trappe
The Bistro

Anchor Brewing
Russian River
21st Amendment
Marin Brewing

Ok there’s a lot I missed but its a great place for beer and I’ll knock it up against any beer town, any time. And I don’t even live there!

Do you want to save your nickels and drag everyone to your local joints to go out and get serious about the beer?